This game is dark.D=
Timu add me BlackStatus Red. Did you let the xbox calibrate your tv?
This game is dark.D=
It's on a PC monitor, I have it on RGB Full.Timu add me BlackStatus Red. Did you let the xbox calibrate your tv?
So, where is Killer Instinct Classic...can't find it anywhere?
Separate game
This game is dark.D=
AcidGlow vs Dios X Reloaded (marvel player) you guys might know him.
Looks like I have to use RGB Limited from now on.You really do have a black crush problem, saw it on the Dead Rising shots as well, check your settings
May not want to use full RGB.
AcidGlow vs Dios X Reloaded (marvel player) you guys might know him.
Yeah, but where it to download and install?
Does the Pin Ultimate edition not come with two pins - Jago and KI logo? I got my Pin Ultimate edition yesterday and saw that the two pins weren't in the package. I thought they came with it. Anyone know?
Yeah, but where it to download and install?
try restarting the game/console thats how I got it.
Hope you didn't throw out the packaging. They should be in there.Does the Pin Ultimate edition not come with two pins - Jago and KI logo? I got my Pin Ultimate edition yesterday and saw that the two pins weren't in the package. I thought they came with it. Anyone know?
Does the Pin Ultimate edition not come with two pins - Jago and KI logo? I got my Pin Ultimate edition yesterday and saw that the two pins weren't in the package. I thought they came with it. Anyone know?
So do I have to pay 40 dollars to the Ultimate / Ultra pack even though I got the 20 dollars version as a gift from Microsoft?
There's no way to pay 20 bucks to upgrade?
It should be only $20 to upgrade.
So do I have to pay 40 dollars to the Ultimate / Ultra pack even though I got the 20 dollars version as a gift from Microsoft?
There's no way to pay 20 bucks to upgrade?
So this is probably a question for MarkMan, but are you basically S.O.L. if you didn't preorder the KI stick? Like not just now, but in the foreseeable future?
I would buy a $130 stick.Hey how is that fightpad bussines going
I would glady buy a sick Sabrewulf pad.
I would buy a $130 stick.
I just beat the 16 basic Dojo challenges. I hope I'm not the only one that found that pretty hard at times.
This game is honestly probably the best fighter I've played in a while. It really does teach the player how to do things rather than button mash. Even though I normally have a tendency to button mash, I actually have a pretty good grasp on a lot of different moves!
It was honestly much easier than I thought, you just have to work you way through the larger things, at least that's how I did it. get the first 3 steps right, then add another one, than get that right, then add another one and so on.
Now to transfer that into a real match is something different because my brain throws away pretty much everything if I fight a human person.
You sure? Cuz when I go it says its going to charge 39.99. Has anybody upgraded successfully for 20 bucks?
We are looking to fulfill remaining orders by early to mid. December. You might be able to find a stick at a GameStop retailer, otherwise.
If you're in Canada, Best Buy Canada and Futureshop will be getting some too.
what do the numbers on the player card mean?
Just saw this on SRK:
Just saw this on SRK:
I have heard people's mics when I play online, does Kinect pick up my voice automatically and send it to them or would I have to have my headset connected for that?
I'd be careful of having kinect pick up your voice. Should be an option to mute your mic and kinect.
Friend of mine was talking about how he was watching a stream, and a kid didn't know he was being heard, and was talking so much shit without realizing it.
He got destroyed.
Pretty sure Kinect voice chat is disabled by default, unless KI has its own setting