Internet Celebrity
5 hours ahead. It's BST at the moment over here.10dollas said:Any time after 3 p.m. EST. GMT is what 6 hours ahead of of EST?
5 hours ahead. It's BST at the moment over here.10dollas said:Any time after 3 p.m. EST. GMT is what 6 hours ahead of of EST?
FFObsessed said:GG Lince, Rick, Dave, Seph, Live, Kitton![]()
Let's win 2moro's final as well!
Lince said:Awesome games yesterday guys !!!! GAFe won everything, we should play more challenges as they're way more fun than just random lagging around.
Don't forget we have the Radec 4v4 final @ 22:00 GMT so I hope to see you heroes there, also we could look for more tourneys if we have enough clan members willing to play today. I feel like playing KZ2 today.
Lince said:Awesome games yesterday guys !!!! GAFe won everything, we should play more challenges as they're way more fun than just random lagging around.
Don't forget we have the Radec 4v4 final @ 22:00 GMT so I hope to see you heroes there, also we could look for more tourneys if we have enough clan members willing to play today. I feel like playing KZ2 today.
Thrakier said:Yeah, I had awesome 3 minutes before ther d/c!!! :lol
FFObsessed said:3 epic rememberable minutes!!
3 hours in Elephant time!
Lince said:I'm subscribing GAFe for more 4v4 tonight, stay tuned.
Facism said:yes baby, yes
test_account said:Maybe this has been said before, but i noticed that x_KILL1ONAIRE_x has over 1 million points now. That is quite amazing i must say. I still havnt reached 100,000 points yet hehe :\ Congratulations to x_KILL1ONAIRE_x for reaching 1 million points!![]()
Clearly not.Thrakier said:That's sick. Does he have anything else to do?
test_account said:Maybe this has been said before, but i noticed that x_KILL1ONAIRE_x has over 1 million points now. That is quite amazing i must say. I still havnt reached 100,000 points yet hehe :\ Congratulations to x_KILL1ONAIRE_x for reaching 1 million points!![]()
FFObsessed said:The guys a joke. I watched some of his battle replays to see how he played and he just finds games where there are only first time players, stacks one team with his high ranked friends and slaughters all the new players. They certainly wouldn't play again after getting killed 30 times and only getting one kill. He's probably done more damage to KZ2 online than anything else. It's a massive failing of Guerrilla Games to even allow bullshit like that to occur.
commedieu said:That guy is funny... cheating aside. I caught him in the Uncharted Beta when he was relatively new... lol... Can't say i let that get in the way of snapping his neck and getting some killzone2 anger out on him
Everyone immediately noticed his name and went after him. Gamers united that day for sure:lol
He has played a lot at least. Looking at his stats right now, x_KILL1ONAIRE_x has played a total of about 1341 hours. Assuming that he got the game on launch (25th of February (at least in Europe)), which is 221 days ago, that is about 6 hours of gameplay in average every day.Thrakier said:That's sick. Does he have anything else to do?
Really? That is a pity to hearFFObsessed said:The guys a joke. I watched some of his battle replays to see how he played and he just finds games where there are only first time players, stacks one team with his high ranked friends and slaughters all the new players. They certainly wouldn't play again after getting killed 30 times and only getting one kill. He's probably done more damage to KZ2 online than anything else. It's a massive failing of Guerrilla Games to even allow bullshit like that to occur.
SonOfABeep said:So, I finished this game with my new PS3 slim and it's the first PS3 game i've traded in. I enjoyed it okay but I think Resistance 2 is such better multiplayer that it's not really worth keeping.. oh well. Good single, meh multiplayer. I'd rather be playing Halo 3 or CoD4/MW2.
......:lolSonOfABeep said:So, I finished this game with my new PS3 slim and it's the first PS3 game i've traded in. I enjoyed it okay but I think Resistance 2 is such better multiplayer that it's not really worth keeping.. oh well. Good single, meh multiplayer. I'd rather be playing Halo 3 or CoD4/MW2.
test_account said:Really? That is a pity to hearI thought that he was a really good player and only played against people with higher ranks (not first time players).
Unfortunately i dont think that there is much Guerilla Games can do about it. I dont think that there is any rules that high ranked players cant play against low ranked players, so i dont know how much Guerilla Games can do about this. But at least there is a server options that allows only people with the same rank range to join. This way it isnt possible for high ranked players to join servers with low ranked players (and maybe vice versa as well? That low ranked players cant join servers that has high ranked players). And if i am not mistaken, this setting is by default set to "yes", at least when you select "empty slot" when creating a server. Unfortunately i am not sure if this setting is set to "yes" if you select one of the pre-made server settings though.
There is also possible to kick and ban people from the servers, but i think that this goes through voting if i am not mistaken? So it relies on several of people to vote. I dont think that i have ever seen a kick and/or ban vote.
But ye, it definitly sucks for new players that get butchered like this the first time the play Killzone 2. I can see that some people dont "dare" (or what i shall say) to play more Killzone 2 online after getting killed a lot of times in one round. So in this way some damage to the Killzone 2 online community can be done indeed like you say, i agree.
Has anyone posted this thing about x_KILL1ONAIRE_x at the forum by the way? If yes, did Guerilla Games reply?
EDIT: I just remembered that i was wondering how x_KILL1ONAIRE_x had won so many games/matches. I checked his stats earlier some day and i saw that he had won a lot of games. Checking his stats again now, i see that he have won 6070 games and lost 809 games. If he plays many time against first time/new players, then i understand why he has won so many games. I thought at first that maybe he was a really good player and played with his clan or something, that also were/are really good players, and that this was the reason for why he had won so many games.
Again, pity to hear that x_KILL1ONAIRE_x does join servers with first time/new players :\ It is probably not against the rules to do this, but it doesnt seem too fair, at least in my opinion. I thought that x_KILL1ONAIRE_x was a really good player that played fair and square, i respected him for this, but after hearing what he does, i lost a bit of respect for him to be honest
EDIT 2: How do you check other people's battle replay(s) by the way?
EDIT 3: Many edits here, i am sorry, but how does he find the servers with new players? Not that i am going to do this myself, but i mentioned this to my sister (she also plays Killzone 2 sometimes) and she wondered how he found these servers (she isnt going to join these servers herself, but she just wondered), so i just got curious.
EDIT 4: Come to think of it, i guess that it is possible to choose "my rank only" (or something like that) while searching for servers and then later on search for every server and then filter out manually which servers that didnt show up when the first search was done with "my rank only". I guess that it is possible to find server with new players doing it like this.
Kittonwy said:WTF R2 multi is crap compared to this.
srsly, and I played R2's MP like shit for a while.Kittonwy said:WTF R2 multi is crap compared to this.
Kittonwy said:WTF R2 multi is crap compared to this.
Facism said:how did the tourney go last night?
My internet went kaputt![]()
Lince said:we won the final and then subscribed to a 5v5 tourney just to get disqualified in the first round :lol
horrible netcode/lag ruined this game much more than x_SUCKONAIRE_x ever did
FFObsessed said:If KZ3 doesn't have dedicated servers they can kiss my ass.
Steroyd said:TEMPLAR NOOOOOOOOOO!!! :'(
The second FPS sequel to do this to me.
FFObsessed said:True, that 5v5 was a fucking disgrace. Let's not let it put us off tho, moar tournaments plz.
If KZ3 doesn't have dedicated servers they can kiss my ass.
Killzone ©Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
Hehehe, after reading my post again, i see that i write Kill1ionaire quite a few times indeed and that my post had some length to it. But i was just curious about those things, so i thought that i'd askFFObsessed said:I think this fixation of yours with Kill1ionaire is bordering on unhealthy! Just kidding.![]()
Hehe, poor guy indeed who had 30 deaths and only 1 kill :\ Ok, i see. But after seeing his winning games statistics (6000 wins and 800 loses or something), i wouldnt be too surprised if he plays against new players many times. If he mostly played against more experienced players, then i would be surprised if he had won so many games. Unless he actually is a really good player and play with his clan a lot, and if they also are really good players.FFObsessed said:Yeah I was disappointed when I found out he didn't really play properly. I just watched some of his battle replays one day and they were all him and his high ranked friends slaughtering new players. One poor guy had 30 deaths and only 1 kill lol, I doubt they even got out of their spawn. Tho that's not to say he doesn't play in normal games sometimes, he might do, just the first page of his most recent battle replays which I saw were all playing against brand new players. Someone also mentioned on the board that that's all he does.
Ye, playing against new players (at least those who doesnt play too good) isnt that cool, i agree. I prefer when there is some challenge to the gameplay. Playing on a team that is winning a lot can be cool at first, since then you might get more points, but after playing for a while, and if there isnt too much challenge, then this might become a bit boring, at least in my opinion.FFObsessed said:In the case of how you find these games, well you can find them by random. I've found a game or two now and again where it's just new players playing. I don't stay because it's too frustrating when you have new players on your team.There is a my rank only option but it's understandable that a new player when creating a game unchecks the my rank only box by accident or just doesn't mind, not knowing of the horrors that are about to befall them! :O
Ah yes, this is one way to do it indeed.FFObsessed said:Or I guess if you really wanted to be lame, you could get a friend who's at the bottom level or simply create a new account yourself, and create your own game with my rank only purposefully left unchecked. Then when it fills up, you could join the game with your main account and bring in your high ranked friends too and slaughter them. It'd be like setting a trap.![]()
Ye, this sounds like a good way to do it, i agreeFFObsessed said:I think Guerrilla could make it so if you're on one of the hardcore ranks (10,000+) you're not allowed to join games with people on the first rank no matter what. Or better yet they could have some dedicated rooms for new players only like warhawk does and not let anyone over the first few ranks play. That would make things a lot more welcoming for newer players.
Hopefully not that many, but it might thousands indeed as you say :\FFObsessed said:I wonder how many new players Kill1onaire and friends have put off the game. Probably thousands by now!
Internet Celebrity said:Killionaire's clan is shit. Their WL record is horrible, because none of them know how to play a full warzone match properly after playing BC 24/7.
FFObsessed said:Sev 4 lyfe!
Totobeni said:hope you sweet butt is clean for SCEE's mouth
so I guess we will see you online in Resistance 3..
Thrakier nice, thank you.It's called "Seph" though, with a "ph" and not with a "v".
AgentOtaku said:As a Resistance fanboy, I have to agree =/
Man, EVERY FUCKING TIME I put Killzone2 in after not having played it in like a week I'm still blown away. Everything from it's visuals to it's feel and gameplay
Honestly one of my favorite games this gen and probably one of my all time favorite shooters period!
FFObsessed said:I think MAG's a safer bet.![]()
Internet Celebrity said: