FFObsessed said:4v4 Tournament 9:45 UK Time (20:45 GMT) - Tharsis Refinery
FFO, Lince, ???, ???
Gonna need two more for this.
FFObsessed said:4v4 Tournament 9:45 UK Time (20:45 GMT) - Tharsis Refinery
FFO, Lince, ???, ???
Lince said:GAFe challenge in 30 minutes, 4v4 Tharsis/no assault, we need 2 more guys...
no one? : (
FFObsessed said:This 2.6GB MAG update is gonna cut it pretty close!
4v2 Lince... let's make history! :lol
Lince said:you know, get the lead in BC and suicide, get the speaker in S&R to base...
polyh3dron said:OK I'm in if you need another now, my updates finished...
EDIT: oh crap never mind it's full![]()
acevans2 said:God DAMNIT. I am trying to play the Elite campaign, but I go back to it every week and try to get past this Salamun District ambush section. No go. I can barely kill 2 Helghast before I die! I never know where I'm getting shot from, and they never seem to do the same things. So frustrating.
And I have all the DLC maps now, so if anyone wants to add me on PSN to play I'd be more than happy t
polyh3dron said:VICTOLYYYYYYYY
oh hey FFObsessed, can you send me a GAFe Chat Room invite too?
Facism said:win it like motherfuckers.
Facism said:win it like motherfuckers.
clearly you guys couldn't do it without me.Dave1988 said:We lost like girls1 to 6. The other team wiped the floor with us.
Thrakier said:Mag sucks, it's pure chaos. Even more than a 32p KZ2 clusterfuck on Tharsis with rockets and boost.
Lince said:obviously you need to play with me, it's the perfect multiplayer gaming bliss when your team is organised.
UnluckyKate said:Gosh, I got my honnor ranking in the night, and I was THAT close to get the first honor ranking... I was 1800 and all I needed was to be under 1050... on 105000 players or something. Probably the first time in my life that I'm saying to myself " you should have played more " I'm one gold trophy away from Plat, but I guess KZ2 and me is just over now: back to school and Uncharted 2 next week. Meh... That was a great trip but... Bye bye Helgan![]()
You said the same about KZ2 during the beta :/Lince said:obviously you need to play with me, it's the perfect multiplayer gaming bliss when your team is organised.
Facism said:unlucky, Kate.
Thrakier said:Mag sucks, it's pure chaos. Even more than a 32p KZ2 clusterfuck on Tharsis with rockets and boost.
acevans2 said:So... I'm in the Radec fight on my Elite run.
I got to the second checkpoint. Tried that part for like an hour and got nowhere. Any tips? So brutal...
alr1ghtstart said:So I was thinking about how they can improve the spawns with KZ3. Simply eliminate the spawn grenades, and treat spawns more like capture and hold posts for all modes. Hold a spot for awhile, and then your team can spawn on it as long as your team controls it. I know the spawn grenades "work" as they are, but when they don't, they pretty much ruin the game. It makes playing with randoms impossible.
What type of pussy, says he's going to deal with me himself, then sends waves of his goons on me, the fucker.
Doing Radec on Elite is a piss take, the lack of reticule (which I hadn't noticed was gone till level 3 lol), lowers my kill efficientcy, and I need it when about 4 shock troopers are charging at me on the balcony.
It never helps that they're completely random how many and where they'll attack in Elite unlike Veteran where there is some degree of knowing exactly who's going to attack me where and when.
Rico needs to grow some balls, he just stands there and takes getting assraped.
"Help me mutha' fucka'!"Steroyd said:I dunno, I'm waiting by one of the stairs expecting 2-3 shock troopers to come say hi, and about 4 end up on the other side giving Rico the ass raping of his life.
Steroyd said:I dunno, I'm waiting by one of the stairs expecting 2-3 shock troopers to come say hi, and about 4 end up on the other side giving Rico the ass raping of his life.
Yep. I would whine about what's difficult about this part, but someone else just did.Steroyd said:Damn, I've yet to get upto that part and it was hard enough on Veteran (Hard).
Is that the part where you secure the balcony?
FFObsessed said:We lost.
I was getting killed in one shot, before they'd even fired their shotguns, before they'd even come around the fucking corner. To be fair to them I think they would have won anyway, they were good, so I'm not saying we were robbed or anything or they didn't deserve it, just that it was a completely bullshit laggy frustrating game. Complete garbage.
I think I'm done with tournaments :lol Remembered why I stopped in the first place, we won two tournies, came runner up in that one, had some fun but that's it for me. If I didn't love the game so much I'd tell Guerrilla to shove their laggy piece of shit game up their ass completely but I'll still play random games now and again, that part is still fun when you find a great game.
Tomorrow I'm gonna play the MAG and U2 Betas properly for the first time and hopefully they'll grab me. We will be together again Cagen!
As I said before, dedicated servers in KILLZONE 3 or bust.
pixelbox said:I was thinking on what GG could do to improve on Killzone 3 also. Basically limit the amount of users per class. GG gave the freedom and it was abused. Two Assult, two tacs(that'll be assigned their own spawn), four engineers(that'll be assigned their own turrent), four medics and sabs. The timers for the "perks" should continue after death to prevent bot spamming also. And, like someone stated earlier, tac should repair a spawn point first, earning the ablity to use their deployable spawn. Spawns points should receive damage too. GG should keep class specific weapons but offer variant weapons to other classes obviously giving to better one to the class. Yeah, it's rough but it's a start imo that'll make killzone a better experience.
Thrakier said:That's the problem. How could two people (or let's say even 8) organise 128 people? You know, even if you play very good and do a lot of stuff to win the match, most of the people don't. 50% will always just go for kills. And in the end alone you can do almost nothing. I don't know. To me it sounded like a great idea at first but after playing it I was bored pretty fast. I will play again this evening though, I'll still give it a chance till retail.
And how stupid is it that there is no tutorial at all available? What exactly do they beta test if just a small percentage of the testes know what to do?