Shame I wont have a 3D TV for many years. Hope they release a GOTY edition to coincide with it.
KZObsessed said:Shame I wont have a 3D TV for many years. Hope they release a GOTY edition to coincide with it. team said:Unfortunately, our feature did not make it clear that the 2D game footage was included for demonstration purposes only. We apologize for the erroneous inference that 3D versions of LBP, Wipeout HD, Killzone 2, Gran Turismo 5 or Super Stardust HD are in production.
KZObsessed said:Shame I wont have a 3D TV for many years. Hope they release a GOTY edition to coincide with it.
I did this a few days ago, $30 for the game and $8 for the DLC pack which is an awesome deal. The community is there, I just think that all of the casuals have moved on. I really like the DLC maps but the two times I played them there was only one room :lol Someone had "new maps" rotating in a loooong match, easily enough time to get my 50 kills trophy.AranhaHunter said:I hope not because I'm just about to rebuy it now that's 30 bucks.
JardeL said:QUOTE]sorry ND but KZ2 is better
I agree, uncharted 2 is a stunner but the effects in kz2 are just mindblowing. and every now and again in uncharted 2 i see the enemy AI 1) do something odd or 2) animate a little oddly... kz2 is PERFECT, all the time. wipeout HD is the closest competition IMHO and even then kz2 beats it handsomely. amazing, amazing gameplay too. As much as I love it I put it on the shelf in february... gonna make kz3 alll the sweeter.
Lince said:^^^^
haha they caught you cheating Jardel! you still have to play 150+ hours more to catch me
seriously, KZ2 only needed dedicated servers, party system and tweaking the Assault class a bit, as it is you can say it's still the best online FPS in years even with said flaws. KZ3 will be godly.
So you just want them to hire a competent script writer for KZ3 then? Yeah, me too.BRO said:i hope to God GG doesn't do something drastic with the next iteration of the franchise. i want it to basically be exactly KZ2 but better. if that makes any sense.
If you'd caught me a week ago...I was playing the game quite a lot back then. Getting my 100000 points, you see. Now I'm done with it (for a couple of months, at leastFull Recovery said:I did this a few days ago, $30 for the game and $8 for the DLC pack which is an awesome deal. The community is there, I just think that all of the casuals have moved on. I really like the DLC maps but the two times I played them there was only one room :lol Someone had "new maps" rotating in a loooong match, easily enough time to get my 50 kills trophy.
One thing that does bug me is the obsession with radec academy, yeah it's a good map but I think people are just abusing the horrible spawns and spawn-trapping noobs for cheap kills.
If any gaffers still play this regularly add me, I've jumped back into itdon't know why I quit :/ psn is Full-Recovery
any glitches/cheaters I should be aware of?
Yeah, me three! SP is amazing and all but it gets boring fast without a decent story. People that don't visit GAF or the official site don't even know that there IS a story. It's all go there, do this, kill that many people, have Rico kill Visari annnd you're done, bye bye.mclaren777 said:So you just want them to hire a competent script writer for KZ3 then? Yeah, me too.
Inanna said:I sucked bad at KZ2 MP
I did suck! And also, that title belongs to FFObsessed. True to his name, he truly was obsessed with sniping.Lince said:come on you won the official KZ2 tournament, that assassination defend will always be remembered though :lol
Foxgirl, GAFe KZ2 elite sniper <3 <3
Inanna said:I did suck! And also, that title belongs to FFObsessed. True to his name, he truly was obsessed with sniping.
Yeah.. when people talk about the tournament they usually think about me freaking out during that assassination defence match.*sigh* Should've just muted my mic instead.
alr1ghtstart said:fuck yeah, won some of the signed concept art from Sony's twitter.
hope I get this one:
for the most part, yeah. there's such an incredible atmosphere and such intense ambience in the game that the campaign could have been sooo good, but instead it was a mediocre experience with like super sick visual treats.mclaren777 said:So you just want them to hire a competent script writer for KZ3 then? Yeah, me too.
Yeah, in public matches I always pray that assassination defend has already gone in a close match. If it's the deciding round, I'll just take it as a loss.Cornbread78 said:No worries, I think we've all shouted obusive things while playing this game.
*Example we can all realate to*
Assaination defend, S. Market, 3-3 score
Some random NOOB get's chosen as the target The idiot decides that he doesn't need to hide, so he walks straight up the road in between two buildings. The timers starts, and he get's sniped with 10 guys all standing around him trying to block his path and yelling at him. What an idiot. Too bad you can't report stupid in that game.
There goes the 1.5X boost in the 150 pt game ya NOOB!
Dibbz said:Blood Gracth... Worst map ever. Who though it would be a good idea to allow ISA to snipe Helghast from their own spawn? Can't even defend our spawn because I'm getting shot from the other side of the map. :|
Yeah HGH can do the same but when ISA are rushing the HGH spawn and I can't stay on the left side of our spawn to pick the off from running up because the snipers keep killing me from the other side of the map something is off. There is no way to stop ISA rushing up the spawn because of this.the_prime_mover said:HGH can snipe the ISA spawn as well. I love the look and feel of the map, but I wish it was bigger. In fact, for KZ3 I really hope that there are size variations for each map. I would gladly accept 5 or 6 locations if each map had a some small, medium and large variations (like Warhawk, or even R:FoM). The market is a great map that seems to work for all player counts, but the smaller sized maps are great for the 16 player games.
the_prime_mover said:HGH can snipe the ISA spawn as well. I love the look and feel of the map, but I wish it was bigger. In fact, for KZ3 I really hope that there are size variations for each map. I would gladly accept 5 or 6 locations if each map had a some small, medium and large variations (like Warhawk, or even R:FoM). The market is a great map that seems to work for all player counts, but the smaller sized maps are great for the 16 player games.
dslgunstar said:Finally picked up Killzone 2.
Are people still playing this online? Is there a matchmaking system in place to ensure I dont get completely dominated out of the starting gate? If not, Ill live, but its a nice feature
Anyone here up for showing a KZ2 newbie the ropes online?
dslgunstar said:Anyone here up for showing a KZ2 newbie the ropes online?
PedroLumpy said:PAnd no one better say I'm gonna get donged on because of some fucking weapon I don't have unlocked.
PedroLumpy said:Picked this up and just finished the single player. Can someone give me the quick and dirty on the multiplayer? And no one better say I'm gonna get donged on because of some fucking weapon I don't have unlocked.
PedroLumpy said:Picked this up and just finished the single player. Can someone give me the quick and dirty on the multiplayer? And no one better say I'm gonna get donged on because of some fucking weapon I don't have unlocked.
Mikey Jr. said:Fuck, I want KZ3 so badly you have no idea.
I mean, I have a 360 and its great, but fuck, Sony franchises get me pumped for some reason. Gears 3 for me was like "Ohh cool!". KZ3 announcement has me pumped to high heaven. That and Infamous 2. God damn E3, so fucking close.
PedroLumpy said:So uh .... that didn't go so well. How do you check your ping/lag when you're selecting a match?
the_prime_mover said:lol. That isn't going to happen. Welcome to Lagzone. Lag was a major issue when the game first released and the community was in full force. However, now there are only a few servers up and they are accessed by anyone in the world so you can expect to play against people with 3-4 hundred ping in any given match.
Hopefully KZ2 was enough of a success to warrant dedicated servers and a better server summary (like Warhawk's) in KZ3.
the_prime_mover said:lol. That isn't going to happen. Welcome to Lagzone. Lag was a major issue when the game first released and the community was in full force. However, now there are only a few servers up and they are accessed by anyone in the world so you can expect to play against people with 3-4 hundred ping in any given match.
Hopefully KZ2 was enough of a success to warrant dedicated servers and a better server summary (like Warhawk's) in KZ3.
Teknoman said:Only a few? Isnt KZ2 PS3's main first person shooter at this point? What else could people have moved on to?