You shouldn't be able to pick what maps you want to play when you create a ranked lobby. As it is now, 70% or so of the rooms are radec academy only. It's so boring. If someone wants to play radec academy all day long they can make an unranked room and spawn kill people all day if they like.
We don't need the 'vote for any map in the creators rotation' either.
All we need is for killzone to go right down the list from map to map so you don't play the same map every other time. Give the players the option to 'vote to skip' and show what the optional map will be without having to vote. This way you don't get into the situation where the game picked an okay map, but you'd rather not play it so you vote without knowing the next potential map. Then the new map ends up being one of the worst and people quit out. (happens all of the time in cod:mw2).
Show pings on the server list, put the best pings at the top of the list and let us filter to show only games that are less than 100ms ping (or whatever the user sets).
Also to clarify, if a map is skipped..
Pyrhuss Rise
Salamun Market
Helghan Industries
Visari Hammer
Radec Academy
Tharsis Depot
Blood Gracht
Corinth Crossing
Visari Hammer

Pyrhuss Rise
Salamun Market
Helghan Industries
Since Visari was skipped it would put Visari to be played after Corinth, if Visari got skipped again it would reset and be put back in its original spot after industries and before Radec. The order of the maps should also be randomized each time a lobby is created so you don't always play x map after x map.
The only problem with this 'loop' is if you skipped Pyrhuss Rise then it would be put at the end of the list and if it was skipped a second time (when it is at the end of the list) the new map chosen would be Pyruhuss rise. But it could be coded so that the first/last map is randomly picked if a map in the first/last slot had been skipped.