I wish they'd get rid of spawn invincibility on spawn beacons. So ridiculous getting killed by someone after you shoot them 10 times. At least make it so you can't spawn on a beacon if there's an enemy within a 5m radius of it.
I wish they'd get rid of spawn invincibility on spawn beacons. So ridiculous getting killed by someone after you shoot them 10 times. At least make it so you can't spawn on a beacon if there's an enemy within a 5m radius of it.
Okay just tried to play some multi and I got zero bars on my connection signal.
I normally get 4, what do you guys get?
Guerrilla, put this gun back in the game, and I will buy a season pass. That is all.
Anyone know where the fist fight spotlight move comes from? I don't see it on the store
Are you srs GG? Fucking wank. They'e going to PAXand taking some swag and the fucking shirts are better than the shite that we were given for competing in an official GG KZ tournament. Cunts.
Shirt isn't even that good but fuck it's like a million times better than plain olive green. Bet it comes in sizes other than XXL to.
Are you srs GG? Fucking wank. They'e going to PAX and taking some swag and the fucking shirts are better than the shite that we were given for competing in an official GG KZ tournament. Cunts.
Shirt isn't even that good but fuck it's like a million times better than plain olive green. Bet it comes in sizes other than XXL to.
Nothing surprises me anymore xD I´m guessing some people thnk those handy spawn points that pop up are randomly generated or something.Got accused of wall hacking yesterday. Guess people still don't realise echo tagging is a thing.
Only thing in between me and platinum is the damn air drone. I'm about ready to boost. 180/400.
Do a lot of people still play this game? I've played a couple of matches here and there but am looking for some people to play with.
feel free to add me. PSN - cloud945076
If 800-1000 people constitutes "a lot of people" then yep! A lot of people still play!
I still like it a lot. I don't understand the low playercount at all.
Ilúvatar;109346785 said:Platinum... get! That took longer than expected. Got sidetracked with other games multiple times.
I flirted with the idea of getting the Insurgent pack but then saw there were less than 1k people online and said "hell no"
So looks like a new map is coming, The Canyon? See it in the map list when joining a game.
Finally just finished my Cloak kills tonight. I'm really glad they reduced it to 300 kills, but I actually started liking it toward the end. I was getting 10-20 cloak kills per round.
I just started my cloaked kills this weekend. I'm hating it. I, unluckily, finished grinding drone buddy right before the requirement was reduced. It bugs the hell out of me that I have to force so many kills with things I don't control (air drone/turrets).
I maxed out my buddy drone a while ago and it didn't feel that tedious. I don't really understand all the complaints about it.
I maxed out my buddy drone a while ago and it didn't feel that tedious. I don't really understand all the complaints about it. Yes it's damage output is relatively low but do you realise how OP it would be if it was any better? It's there to give you a slight edge in DPS and it often saves you from rear enders and cloaked enemies. Seems perfectly useful to me.
I don't want them to make it more powerful, I just wanted them to reduce the number of kills needed on it, which they did.
But let me ask you this, ever since you finished grinding out the kills with it, have you used it again? You say you think it seems perfectly useful, but I doubt you've even used it. Stun blast and sprint are infinitely more useful than it is. It's one of the most useless abilities in the game.
I use it on the forest and on games where the other team has a ridiculous amount of cloaked scouts. The biggest issue I have with it is that it actively gets in the way of your bullets/grenades at times. I rarely use stun blast because I find the fact that you have to take your hand off the stick to press it clunky as hell. If I could remap it and use it on the move it would be far more useful. Speed Dash is my default.
new Map yesterday anyone try it out
Only one? Didn't even know.
Been a long time since I posted in this thread, but I've been really busy recently. I moved back to California from Japan, so if any NA GAFfers still play, I'd be down to party up.
I really don't like jetpacks though.
Just send me a message when you want to play. I am usually playing other stuff since it's no fun doing MP solo.