Some unlocked by 25 kills, kill 1 turret + 1 support drone + stun drone, etc. Stuff like that.
Is there a place in the menus to see what each unlock needs? The menu system is so convoluted I really have not messed around with it.
Some unlocked by 25 kills, kill 1 turret + 1 support drone + stun drone, etc. Stuff like that.
Yeah, bring up your career in the multiplayer menu and you can go into your class loadouts and select any of the locked items to see the challenges needed to unlock it.Is there a place in the menus to see what each unlock needs? The menu system is so convoluted I really have not messed around with it.
Just a little friendly reminder to all those that place Spawn Beacons, the direction that you are facing when you place the Beacon is the same direction that you and teammates will spawn facing. At first, I thought it would be to the left, since that is where the antenna's are facing, but it's actually the same direction.
So if you face a wall when you place the beacon, you'll face that same wall when you spawn.
Yeah, bring up your career in the multiplayer menu and you can go into your class loadouts and select any of the locked items to see the challenges needed to unlock it.
Duh that makes sense. Thanks
Good to know! The spawn grenade in KZ2 was the same, right? Been a while since I played it.
ETA: 2 hours for the GAF party. I'm excite.
It's time to rise against the VSA scum!
You make the poster? It's awesome!
I don't need background music.
I wish melee would get nerfed a bit. Starting to feel like CoD where CQC is completely about melee.
I'm about to head on, would love an invite if anyone has a party running.
PSN: TJ-ramirez
Did anyone else just get an 85mb update? Taking the longest time to download for some reason.
Did anyone else just get an 85mb update? Taking the longest time to download for some reason.
Did anyone else just get an 85mb update? Taking the longest time to download for some reason.
Yep. It says it'll take 4 hours to download, so I guess no Killzone Multiplayer for me tonight.
I'm probably going to try this again tonight or tomorrow. My couple of rounds didn't go well over the weekend. Can anyone explain to me the revive system? It seems like after I down a guy, filling him with more and more rounds just gives me hitmarkers. Do you need to do a Gears of War style execution move or something?
Does anyone else think the support turrets that hover in the air are too powerful or am I just being a pansy? I feel like they shouldn't be in there at all. Any thoughts?
I like it but I find I can't play how I want a lot, nobody seems to put down spawns, so that tends to be what I play as most just so our team has a fighting chance.
Time to party up!
Sending 6 invites to GAF members right now. Respond if you want me to add you to the group.
Does anyone else think the support turrets that hover in the air are too powerful or am I just being a pansy? I feel like they shouldn't be in there at all. Any thoughts?
Time to party up!
Sending 6 invites to GAF members right now. Respond if you want me to add you to the group.
Good games tonight, GAF. We played some against other GAF members and they were damn good!
Dat GAF 7v7.
I got booted at the last minute but that was good stuff.