Good job! Also on the lamest map.![]()
How can a multiplayer game in fucking 2013 not support voice chat? HOW?
Haha seriously, hopfully it gets patched in soon.How can a multiplayer game in fucking 2013 not support voice chat? HOW?
Really? Thats one of my favorite maps..
Anyhoo.... Spawn camping in TDM is pretty bad.
I totally agree... It sucks not being able to chat with your teammates. Again, I barely have any friends on PSN and none of them play Killzone.
If anybody wants to know TDM is where you see the KDR whores curb stomping the noobs with their 3 KDRs. It gets really bad and REALLY boring. I could easily have a 3 KDR or near that if I played it all day but Warzone craps on that mode in the face despite the lack of spawn beacon players like myself.
Also, people, KZ games have legs. They are not as front loaded as the other FPSs. Let the sales happen, new maps, new modes, chat, etc. The people will come. The game is too good this time. A diamond in the mud atm. SO much better than 3 in every single way.
On the Saturday after PS4 released I got a 15 kill streak and I was completely baffled as to when that happened. I remembered killing a lot of people defending S&D, but not that much.
It unlocked a Tier 3 Reaper challenge from that game, and so far I haven't seen anyone else with that playercard in-game. The Tier 4 Reaper requires a 20 kill streak, that will be tough! Maybe a Scout + Emergency Teleport for that one.
So are there any European Killzone players in the house?
GAF night tonight?! Let's welcome our European brethren.
This game needs a better party system and voice chat and soon.
Did they say anything about improving framerate in MP on the Q&A? That and the blur are my biggest complaints with multiplayer.
It's amazing how so much stuff from KZ2 is missing in KZ3 and KZSF.
Seriously, fuck KDR. Its there in the career stats anyway.I am slightly disappointed in the community at this point. People are very unwilling to sac KDR for the team.
So, they couldn't get everything they wanted into the game, but just to be sure they never wanted team chat. What an answer ;PQ: "Is in game voice chat coming and when?"
A: We couldn't get everything we wanted in right away. Originally we were only going to allow people to chat with your group but the community pointed out it make team work difficult. We're going to add that and we're going to have an update soon..
Holy crap this is some good multiplayer. Feels like Killzone 2 with less input lag. I will play this for a very long time. Now give me clan support!
I am mostly playing Support with Spawning beacon. Mostly because NO ONE ELSE places spawning beacons.
Getting a party going.
kilgoreisdead is my PSN I'd if you wanna add me, and join.
1 spot left.
Been saying it since launch week. Spawn camping sucks. And having no mics only makes it worse.Really? Thats one of my favorite maps..
Anyhoo.... Spawn camping in TDM is pretty bad.
I totally agree... It sucks not being able to chat with your teammates. Again, I barely have any friends on PSN and none of them play Killzone.
I'm on the officials talking with a lot of people trying to sort out the hipfire/point shooting debate. Most of us do NOT want KZ2s crazy ass point shooting headshot stuff from 60 feet away happening ever again lol. Translating a super laggy game that ran at 20-30FPS is just not possible anymore but people seem to think it is. And really it is a very small minority tbh. Those few KZ2 diehards who just won't let it go. I can see that perhaps some things could be changed as the more neutral of posters have suggested. In the 10ft range. But nothing past that. It would make things utter havoc in Warzone if people could just aim without sights beyond 10ft IMHO.
Pointshooting itself is also a very advanced tactic. It is often confused with videogame lingo like hipfire, which is almost non-existent in real life. People don't fire from their hip very often or at all unless they have no choice. They point shoot. Big difference. And that is what KZ2 amounts to: point shooting. It's like everyone being a trained marksman who barely needs the scope. Slight crouching is often involved. And we know KZ has a crouch mechanic as it did in KZ2, it is just that the reticule is a little crazy when trying to use it even at very close ranges. BUT at this point in time I am not ready to change anything either. There is nothing worse than changing major mechanics in games before people know what is what. The weird thing is most of these guys who want longer range point shooting mechanics like KZ2 are the ones with the highest KDRs who run in groups baseraping all day!
Fact is point shooting if done wrong would ruin the whole game. Not only would noobs cannibalize noobs the vets would go back to their nutty tap tap headshots without aiming and it would more than likely kill the game as the vets dominate even more. GG is very smart to lay low on this for a while. Some people though man.... Possibly near illiterate based on their names and sentence structure. Kind of like the Uncharted forums when that was going strong.
Anyway, if you are playing single and trying to lead your team there is nothing worse than not being able to talk to noobs. You have to. I mean, think of a game like Warhawk. If I could have never talked/yelled in that game I would have slit my wrists. Same thing here. We absolutely need to be able to suggest loadouts to people spawning in when you are dying or in trouble or simply cannot switch classes.
Beyond that the core game is really great. It needs more maps, players, and modes and maybe one performance patch. What I want to reiterate to people is don't be afraid to lead your team if you are a decent player. KDR in Warzone is never going to be like KDR in TDM and this is amplified when you run in groups in this game because some of the newer players are really bad.
You can easily have a 2-3 KDR in TDM if you are good. In Warzone hell no. I am tethered to spawns for half the match every single game bar none. It's fine I am used to it but would like some extra help now and then. Just please peoples don't focus on KDR when you play Warzone as long as you are around 1 or better. If you are .5 KDR I would advice going to TDM to practice or playing campaign on hard. Here is hoping this game finds its audience. It deserves it. Best MP FPS this gen so far by a mile.
Calm down? I'm not uncalm, good sir. I am explaining to you what the forums are like. And yes certain KZ2 vets are annoying as hell. I am a KZ2 vet myself. When you can't spell, create constructive opinions, or be decent to people you don't belong on a message board telling mp designers what they should and should not be doing. End of story.
As for your debacle. I am part of the faction that does not think you should be able to aim at people and point shoot to kill them 10 feet away unless you are crouched or some other mechanism is in place to prevent you from going rambo on and just straight shotting the whole room which is in that range at various points in warzones. You don't seem to understand, or maybe you do idk, that when you make point shooting viable from 10 or so feet you are also going to be getting a lot more spray and pray on objectives. This is a huge downside to tweaking this mechanism in what is OBVIOUSLY an ADS designed game.
KZ2 is its own game. People that think they are suddenly going to have KZ2 back are kidding themselves. Less input lag will also enable the hipfire dudes to be more deadly than in KZ2. A lot of things still need to be discussed.
The idea is that we want point shooting tuned but we don't need people who can't aim using this mechanic to kill people unjustly. It's just a fact of life that military shooters rely on real world tactics. Sorry to say but people do ADS from 10 feet away. I don't see the problem. I can do it both ways. I prefer ADS.
You do realize that in the military, when they are clearing rooms with m4a1s equipped with acog sights they do not have the time to aim down their sight. They are taught to point and shoot.
Why are people saying hip fire is nerfed?
It's not. For short to mid range distances it will easily beat anyone bringing up ADS if you are skilled.
I hope GG doesn't fucking mess with it.
In fact one of the attachments makes hip fire significantly better on the submachine guns.
I'm tired of the game crashing every time I back out of multiplayer to the main menu. I deleted my gamesave, game data, and update data and I'm reinstalling now to see if I can get that bug to go away.
which attachment is that?
You do realize that in the military, when they are clearing rooms with m4a1s equipped with acog sights they do not have the time to aim down their sight. They are taught to point and shoot.
A team of Seals will generally point and shoot to my knowledge only when necessary. They are ADS'ing as they come into a room depending on size. Guns are always up on shoulders depending on member of squad.
Please take a look at this video:
Notice the ACOG and notice the frequent use of eye to ACOG. It appears you are not in the military?
Those are Aimpoints, (red dots). They have no magnification and are used differently than ACOGS. It appears you are not in the military?