Have a killzone party going on for now. Let me know if you'd like an invite!
I'd like one.
Have a killzone party going on for now. Let me know if you'd like an invite!
UPDATE on the Multiplayer In-Game chat.
I asked the killzone twitter and they said it is under consideration for a future update!
I really like the maps. Should play this for a long time.
Has anyone unlocked the Mobile Mine yet for the Support Class?
I have it, and equip it, but have no idea how to use it. It should be Down on the D-Pad, but when I have it equipped, I don't see anything on my HUD showing that it should be there or how to activate it.
I haven't unlocked the Missile Launcher yet, but I am assuming that will also be Down on the D-Pad.
What am I doing wrong?
Guerrilla lied about the frame rate. This is most janky "60"fps game I've ever played. it feels so slow at times and the animations are embarrassing. Looks exactly like Killzone 3's.
24 player matches are not 60 fps and are more 30-35ish, pretty disappointing
Ok, this is concerning. Guys, we need proper affirmation about this!
I cannot understand how that would be under consideration. How do you make a multiplayer game without voice chat. It should be yes its coming.
No kidding.
On one hand, I'm glad to realize it's not just that people are choosing not to talk, like on the PS3. But on the other... really... no voice chat?! In 2013? On a brand new console?
Can't add myself to the spreadsheet, but I play a mean Support class. Add me!
PSN: earvcunanan
Let's group up and kick ass on some of my live streams and captures.
Wanted to say great vids was watching your YT vids that you had shared in another thread. Cant wait to see more footage! Converted some folks I know to the game.
Though would you mind doing a vid with a shotgun and "doin the dance" up and close with i t? Since would like to see how that thing is. Know you had another vid with the title, but another would be appreciated if you have the time.![]()
Is Classic Warzone capped at 14 players or something? The Menu UI is pretty atrocious.
Is Classic Warzone capped at 14 players or something? The Menu UI is pretty atrocious.
Yes, and there's a reason why GG hides the 24 Player Warzone from the main menu... because with 24 players the FPS drops anywhere between 30-60FPS. It's smooth at 14, though. I hope optimizations are coming soon.
No problem! I was actually prepping up a shotgun montage (no music added, just straight up in-game sound and no commentary) as I type this =p
Chirps. Chirps everywhere.
I try out the Incendiary Rounds on the shotgun too, it's awesome burning people with shotgun shells and watching them squirm around is hilarious. I wonder when players are on fire the vision on their screen turns weird? I noticed players shot with Incendiary Rounds who turn aflame start acting crazy. You'll see what I mean.
Yes, and there's a reason why GG hides the 24 Player Warzone from the main menu... because with 24 players the FPS drops anywhere between 30-60FPS. It's smooth at 14, though. I hope optimizations are coming soon.
Guerilla seriously shipped this without voice chat? What the fuck?
So the multiplayer is awesome but I was wondering if there is any way to see your K-D during the match? At the end of a match it only shows how many kills I had.
Took me a while to figure that out as well. L1 is your answer. Its weird that some secondary fire is down, and some are L1.
For one reason or another every match I've played has been one-sided. I'm not sure if that has more to do with people joining as parties or what.
A lot of it seems to be due to people ignoring the support class, and things snowball.
They said its going to take some time before they know about public voice in mp. Tweet at them guys. They are listening.
Yea it's boring.I was really disappointed by the MP. I was on the verge of falling asleep while playing it this weekend. Not a fan of the player movement mechanics. They still feel clunky to me. Game looks great though....