Has the lag been any better lately? I stopped playing for a few days because of it. Hoping it clears up soon.
I dont blame people for not picking the Spawn Beacon, its just not a fun mechanic. The only enjoyment you get from it is knowing youre helping the team in a big way. The ability in and of itself is not fun to use.
I dont blame people for not picking the Spawn Beacon, its just not a fun mechanic. The only enjoyment you get from it is knowing youre helping the team in a big way. The ability in and of itself is not fun to use.
Surely people know that you can suck ass but place hella spawn beacons and still do really well, right? You could be killing it on assault and still get beat by someone on support dropping spawn beacons. 75pts each time someone spawns really adds up.
I believe this is why I usually vastly outscore my team and sometimes everyone else, but I'm also near or at the top in mission points and kills. Reviving also helps a lot, that 100 points per revive adds up a lot when you are one of the few doing it.Surely people know that you can suck ass but place hella spawn beacons and still do really well, right? You could be killing it on assault and still get beat by someone on support dropping spawn beacons. 75pts each time someone spawns really adds up.
I believe this is why I usually vastly outscore my team and sometimes everyone else, but I'm also near or at the top in mission points and kills. Reviving also helps a lot, that 100 points per revive adds up a lot when you are one of the few doing it.
Being the only user of the Spawn Beacon on a bad team has netted me my highest score on multiple ocassions simply due to what you mentioned.
BUT I just hate the weapon selection for the class. The guns are just... boring and shitty, which is kinda funny since it contains a minigun, 3 burst power weapon and LMGs but they just are not fun to use at all, feel generic ( and the minigun and the burst one take a bit too long to shoot)
It's not that they're shitty, it's that the two rifles have a stupid amount of muzzle flash and recoil and like others said, shooting them becomes confusing as fuck. I almost always pick up a stray Rumbler or whatever else is around because of it.
GG said they are going to release a "classic weapon pack". I never played previous killzones what were the tactician, field medic, engineer weapons like? Were any popular enough they might introduce them?
GG said they are going to release a "classic weapon pack". I never played previous killzones what were the tactician, field medic, engineer weapons like? Were any popular enough they might introduce them?
The M82 for the ISA is probably one of the best weapons created in an FPS for me, it was just SO GOOD to use. The way it looked, reloaded, felt and sounded was awesome, as well as the impact it gives.
SMG was great too as well as the semi auto rifle in it. LMGs were very fun to use as well.
KZ 2 weapons >> KZ SF, even if there are less.
The M82 for the ISA is probably one of the best weapons created in an FPS for me, it was just SO GOOD to use. The way it looked, reloaded, felt and sounded was awesome, as well as the impact it gives.
SMG was great too as well as the semi auto rifle in it. LMGs were very fun to use as well.
KZ 2 weapons >> KZ SF, even if there are less.
While I put SF ahead of KZ2 in terms of SP campaign, indeed KZ2 still reigns supreme with weapons and MP in general.
As I said in the other thread, I hate how GG finally gave in and made ADS the primary firing method (thank god for the Sickle in SF).
Hip firing was wonderful in KZ2 (almost as if GG expected you to play it primarily that way) and i'm still upset that it's no longer a standard that both them and other developers in general, go with T___T
Yep, I still have that hip fire mentality when I play KZ SF since I used it SO much in KZ2 since it was effective and awesome to use, since you weren't zooming in ( ADS) it made the battles feel more intense for me.
Hate how it is almost pointless in KZ SF, probably my number 1 dislike of the game and even why I find the general gun combat boring, especially since i never felt that with KZ2 ( and I do still play from time to time)
Hip fire is fine at close range with the appropriate weapons. Do people really expect to be killing people at mid range all the time running around with hip fire?
Hip fire is fine at close range with the appropriate weapons. Do people really expect to be killing people at mid range all the time running around with hip fire?
In Killzone 2, hipfire was quite effective, even at medium/longer range. Aiming down sight wasnt really needed in that game. They changed this in Killzone 3 and Shadow Fall, where ADS is pretty much necessary (except at very close range as you mention). I guess its a bit similar to how Motorstorm was changed in Apocalypse, where the driving physics were changed (i mention this since we talked a bit about that yesterdayYeah, that's one complaint I will just never understand. The gunplay in this game is arguably one of its greatest strengths. Hip fire works exactly how I thought it should.
Hate how it is almost pointless in KZ SF, probably my number 1 dislike of the game and even why I find the general gun combat boring, especially since i never felt that with KZ2 ( and I do still play from time to time)
I dont blame people for not picking the Spawn Beacon, its just not a fun mechanic. The only enjoyment you get from it is knowing youre helping the team in a big way. The ability in and of itself is not fun to use.
That is trueYeah, this game makes me rage sometimes as well. I think it's indicative of a good game. Mediocre games elicit no response from me.
I cant say 100% for sure if Killzone 2 had any auto aim, but if it had, it was very subtle. Using ADS in Killzone 2 was also effective indeed, especially on longer ranges.I can't remember KZ2 that well but I do remember using the sights pretty often. Did KZ2 have auto aim? How can you find the gun fights in this game boring? I don't understand how constant hip firing on a gamepad would be satisfying - it would just come across as spammy.
This is actually more or less why I use it more than any other ability. If we win, I can rightfully say, "I was fucking instrumental to that victory".
And while this may be extremely idealist, I feel as if my teammates that actually went for the win and pulled their weight - the GOOD ones - recognize your impact and appreciate your efforts.
Anyone who is half-decent at this game knows that spawn beacons are imperative to win. It's just a shame that they don't suck it up and do it themselves more often, but I'm happy to be that guy; the selfless hero with the most points at the end of the day *kicks loser in the balls*.
Hell yeah
Haha welcome back!Awwwww yeah I'm back motherfuckers. What's going on in the world where Shadows Fall? Prizes announced yet for top 20?
*kick you in the balls out of utmost respect*
Dumb question: how do you get the avatars on your player card? Tell you what, I don't appreciate all the non-downloadable downloadable content, GG!
Go to My Career from main menu and press R1 to cycle to 'Playercard Icons'
I've switched to Battlefield recently because its been playing better (Rush mode), and thats kindof nuts.
I've seen 99 kills per match few days ago. What was the highest kill count that you guys seen so far?