sorry for the no-voice communication, i threw the PS4 box away and i'm starting to wonder if the mic went with it cause i can't find it anywhere,
lol, its all good
sorry for the no-voice communication, i threw the PS4 box away and i'm starting to wonder if the mic went with it cause i can't find it anywhere,
God, I hate people who camp in that ceiling alcove in the Station. Why the fuck did GG put that there? Every other map's design profile is very much "anti-camping", so it's pretty damn disappointing that it's there.
Ah, well. Where there's a dickhead's will, there's a dickhead's way.
only if you truly die and can't be revived anymore. Then it disappears
I was thinking yesterday. About Air Drones. You guys like to play with them. Have yo tried using them alla at once? Like maybe one guy has Spawn Beacon. The other 6 guys (or 11) equip Air Drones and just spam the shit out of them.
I'm thinking like The Park when you are supposed to destroy generators. The one outside. All spam Air Drones. One or two are bothersome. 6 or 11 should be a pain.
Sure you can take them out quickly with rocket launcher but from experience few scrubs know that.
In other news!
Clan created!Now I just have to get the band back together. Any Swedes here are welcome to join.
I was thinking yesterday. About Air Drones. You guys like to play with them. Have yo tried using them alla at once? Like maybe one guy has Spawn Beacon. The other 6 guys (or 11) equip Air Drones and just spam the shit out of them.
I'm thinking like The Park when you are supposed to destroy generators. The one outside. All spam Air Drones. One or two are bothersome. 6 or 11 should be a pain.
Sure you can take them out quickly with rocket launcher but from experience few scrubs know that.
In other news!
Clan created!Now I just have to get the band back together. Any Swedes here are welcome to join.
You can do it, but it's mostly just annoying as hell.
I think we did all Air Drones and all Turrets on the Divide in early December. And of course, Drone Rodeo on the Spire!
"just". You say that like it's a bad thing. After a game is 3-0 and there are two missions left. Then it is just two missions of messing about. Earlier if you at 2-0 feel you can steamroll, or you don't have a chance.
It is a bad thing though at least to me. When teams do stuff like that it just makes me want to get off for a bit, I wouldn't want to subject any one to that.
Not that the crazy spawn camps we do are really any better.
Already sent it to the people I play with. We play competitively but since you can have 127 members anyone can join. We are on almost everyday and we don't lose either. : )
Since NeoGAF and the clan tag GAF were taken I crated another one called NeoGAF_Gold. Clan tag NGAF.
Already sent it to the people I play with. We play competitively but since you can have 127 members anyone can join. We are on almost everyday and we don't lose either. : )
Wait... Who took the GAF tag?
Since NeoGAF and the clan tag GAF were taken I crated another one called NeoGAF_Gold. Clan tag NGAF.
Already sent it to the people I play with. We play competitively but since you can have 127 members anyone can join. We are on almost everyday and we don't lose either. : )
It is blocked at work so I cannot update until me me.
please add me, thanks, or can I apply through the system?
Found this on Twitch. This is why playing with randoms is so bad.
He is terrible! I couldn't watch it. I will have nightmares from this.
Found this on Twitch. This is why playing with randoms is so bad.
I am not able to add everyone ATM. For some reason the KZ site will only show 73 friends but I have 122. Some people may have to wait for the patch. Or I can make other people officers and they can add people.add me son
I am not able to add everyone ATM. For some reason the KZ site will only show 73 friends but I have 122. Some people may have to wait for the patch. Or I can make other people officers and they can add people.
Found this on Twitch. This is why playing with randoms is so bad.
That sucks but it is buggy. Try from your PS4.I cannot join the GAF clan via the website. Tried Opera and Chrome. Can't be bother to get Firefox so I'll wait until the clan stuff is in game. Won't be able to take part in clan matches the next few weeks, might be a bit busy.
That sucks but it is buggy. Try from your PS4.
Login and you should see the message to accept clan invite.
We will miss you for the matches but send me a msg on PS4 when ur back.
We actually did not play but we might tomorrow.I'm sure you guys will do well. How did the rematch go? Did you guys play? Was the lag still there?
LOOK AT THOSE SPAWNS!!!! LOOK AT THEM!!!! so beautiful.
Had some great games with NGAF this morning. Shame I had work otherwiss I would have stayed.
In the beginning there were only 3 of us and this happened:
(Brings a tear to my eye)
LOOK AT THOSE SPAWNS!!!! LOOK AT THEM!!!! so beautiful.
I don't know why, but I felt totally badass with this kill
nice, you should GIF it, if you know how to, I dont
Also, I never knew that path existed, amazing.
I don't know why, but I felt totally badass with this kill
Love it when shit like this happens...
Or this;
I always play bacon retrieval.
"The enemy has picked up our bacon!"
99% of GAF's tactical chat is about surfing and bacon.