The medals for the prize winners in the 1st Invitational #Killzone Shadow Fall tournament are in!
Limited edition prints for the 1st Invitational #Killzone tournament, signed by #Guerrilla head honcho
my chat cable came and finally worked. now I wont complain about hearing people anymore yay!
Holy shit the matchmaking did a number on me tonight. I should report it for assault or something. The teammates I had to play with. Three guys standing next to a generator not knowing that they are suppose to arm it. One guy with the beacon. Running back to our base with it.
I feel violated.
Holy shit the matchmaking did a number on me tonight. I should report it for assault or something. The teammates I had to play with. Three guys standing next to a generator not knowing that they are suppose to arm it. One guy with the beacon. Running back to our base with it.
I feel violated.
There's not much they can do with the matchmaking when the total number of people playing could fit in a high school![]()
my math tells me one team only needs 5 competent player to win a match. if you have a group of 5 guys that know what they're doing, even without voice communication, you win.
My gut tells me that a team of mediocre support players can destroy a pretty good team. A full team of support players is so insanely overpowered.
Assault with Stun Blast does short work of Support.
Stun Blast destroys beacons and supply boxes instantly, Turrets affected by Stun Blast can be destroyed with a single melee attack, plus the effects on other opposing team player.
nowadays i play as Support to place a spawn beacon then suicide and back up as Assault.
Yeah and then one of the other 6-13 teammates presses left on the Dpad and the assault's efforts are worthless. Then of course he gets killed in one shot by the overpowered shotgun or spammed to death by the ridiculous voltage.
If you are on a good, balanced team and you play against a mediocre group of support players, you'll lose just about every time IMO. A support team is just stupidly powerful because no one ever stays dead and they all use the cheapest weapons the game has to offer.
I cannot wait to finally roll with NGAF, make it happen based time difference!
Yeah if you put together a team of people who are actually good, no one stands a chance except another good team.
I changed your quote to what i think works.
When this game started at lot people complained no one plays support, now its that everyone does?
I changed your quote to what i think works.
When this game started at lot people complained no one plays support, now its that everyone does?
I love going up against a good team, so long as my team isn't pure shite. The constant back and forth is too good. Played a game against what seemed like all supports but it was so fucking fun. Voltage, Turrets, Air Bots the whole shit. So glorious when your screen is full of blood, metal and explosions and the game feels like it's going at 100mph because it is that intense.
Competitive is fun and all but to me Killzone is at its best with all abilities on and in your face chaos.
Lambda, where are you? Still chewing on my bullets?![]()
Slums match is the perfect example of how 2 good players (that Tau_86 guy is pretty good) + randoms beat 1 good player + randoms. i carried my damn team to a semi competitive in the Slums (we got 100 more points overall than you) but couldn't be arsed to do it 2 times in a row.
i stayed back for 30 seconds to see if anyone would place a spawn beacon and nada, fuck it.
For some reason I have had problems adding people. I click the invite button on the website and nothing happens. I have been trying on multiple computers and browsers and the button does not work?Nice.... If anyone wants to be included in this fantastic roster just send a PSN message to either kingdoug87 or johntown. leaving your PSN here and not returning wont get an invite, as it is against the law... apparently, i don't make the law.
Also looking forward to the maps, coming soon.
For some reason I have had problems adding people. I click the invite button on the website and nothing happens. I have been trying on multiple computers and browsers and the button does not work?
No seriously,
What the piss has happened to the community!?
Last night I was joining nothing but games with people who had no idea what to do and did not give any F's anyways.
I feel like I'm on the verge of outright quitting all together out of frustration.
it's been that way since i started playing over a month ago and arguably been that way since launch.
i don't plan on playing it once inFamous and Driveclub and other heavy hitters come out.
I feel like it got worse when the number of people playing started to drop drastically
I mean shit, last night, I think classic Warzone was only sitting at like 159 active players.
i also expected that only people left would be the good players but it seems like the good players are the ones who left. clans should've been in since day one, might've kept some people around.
wanna see population go up? have GG release some new grindy trophies with the new maps and there would be a number of trophies whores coming back.
wanna see population go up? have GG release some new grindy trophies with the new maps and there would be a number of trophies whores coming back.
I'll try to jump on tonight Lambda, might be later though.
kingdoug, I was wondering. Those videos you make, do you have a capture device or are you just using the PS4 share feature?
For some reason I have had problems adding people. I click the invite button on the website and nothing happens. I have been trying on multiple computers and browsers and the button does not work?
Trophie "Get 10 000 spawn assists on map X" on all new maps is a trophy I would like to see.
to try and squeeze some fun out of this game i do "pistol whipping run only" now. got Dibbz a couple of times, but sometimes the full melee animation triggers i get pissed.
no objectives, no spawn, nothing. just running around, stun blasting and slapping people with a pistol.