Forgive me for I have sinned .....
I used the "Ability boost" Warzone to get the Supply Drop and Drone buddy maxed out (everything else legit).
Didn't see any other way to do these, Drone Buddy doesn't last 2 seconds in normal warzones, and nobody gives a shiet about a Supply Drop.
Drone buddy became quite fun in Ability boost however, funny have people chasing you while your drone fires back at them. Getting in the right positions allowing an almost entire team to be wiped out as they didn't expect it. Still seemed quite competitive as everyone was still fighting to get their abilities up, until everyone left and it was me and 1 guy, and we both agreed to let each others drones kill each other (I was about 57 kills away from 300 kills).
Air Support next, will try for legit, and then I will be done (why did i put myself through this, blergh, first PS4 game i guess, first platinum !).
@KingDoug, that's awesome, always like Guerrilla, ever since the original network tests for K1 on the PS1. Always seemed to engage with the community, and also tech banter. Gotta love em