Yep, that rocket launcher attachment takes on nano shields and those pesky drones/turrets in one shot.
Yep, that rocket launcher attachment takes on nano shields and those pesky drones/turrets in one shot.
Unlocking all attachments for all weapons is messing up my k/d![]()
Do the drones get upgraded as the player uses them more? I have had to use two shots to take them out very often.
Ilúvatar;92410834 said:They have shorter cooldowns and stay deployed longer, but they don't get damage buffs or anything like that.
Yep, that rocket launcher attachment takes on nano shields and those pesky drones/turrets in one shot.
I stop playing for a hot minute and all of a sudden TDM is the new hotness. Such conflicted feelings, more people but shittier mode.
The TDM mode is horrible too. It always ends up being a clusterfuck at one base or the other with the team that is camped refusing to use an alternate exit and break out.
The TDM mode is horrible too
I agree since I'm talking about TDM being bad in the first place. It really is a shame thats where most of the population splintered off to. I guess either because of a sense of familiarity or because people can't be arsed to play an objective and would rather mindlessly kill.
It's like how the vast majority of KZ2 players sat in a 32 player Radec Academy clusterfuck. I will never understand how people enjoyed that.
I agree since I'm talking about TDM being bad in the first place. It really is a shame thats where most of the population splintered off to. I guess either because of a sense of familiarity or because people can't be arsed to play an objective and would rather mindlessly kill.
I wish GG would make some smaller official TDMs with interesting restrictions on weapons, abilities or something. The multiplayer is so versatile it is a shame most people don't stray from the official playsets.
One of my favorite matches was TDM (buddy drone, stun drone and melee only). There were some really interesting strategies people used.
Is the number of players playing a bug? seems very low...
I wish GG would make some smaller official TDMs with interesting restrictions on weapons, abilities or something. The multiplayer is so versatile it is a shame most people don't stray from the official playsets.
One of my favorite matches was TDM (buddy drone, stun drone and melee only). There were some really interesting strategies people used.
It's like how the vast majority of KZ2 players sat in a 32 player Radec Academy clusterfuck. I will never understand how people enjoyed that.
The nice thing about forcing people to play shit they think they don't want to play is that they find out that they do want to play something other than TDM.
Does anyone know the particulars that trigger the animated vs. non-animated melee kill? About 90% of the time if I melee kill from front or back, I get the full animation neck snap, back stab, etc. About 10% of the time I throw out a very quick gunsmack melee kill that has no animation delay.
Obvioulsy the latter is preferred since it is quick and doesn't make you vulnerable during kill animations...anyone know if there is a "trick" to always doing the gun-butt? Is it proximity?
I played in the new players area for a while until it said I do not have the correct challenge requirements. I'm new to KZ, and what mode is the best to get familiar with everything else, and not get rocked every game.
Sometimes I can't tell how I died. If I'm not near a sniper and get headshot from a distance, will I hear anything? (sort of frustrating to not know why I died)
How come no one uses the dang stun drone?! I want my rocket launcher attachment
How come no one uses the dang stun drone?! I want my rocket launcher attachment
How come no one uses the dang stun drone?! I want my rocket launcher attachment
I'm probably wrong, but I think it might be based on the enemy's health. If they are almost dead you get the gun-butt. I've used the melee in heavy fire fights where my team is shooting a guy, and I just smacked him with my rifle. Conversely, whenever I melee someone from any direction, I get the brutal melee animation when they are alone/not getting hit by bullets.
Hmmm not sure that's it. I just played a WZ game in the divide and caught a bad guy crouching, trying catch my team coming out of our base. I melee'd him from behind and I'm certain he had full health...he caught the back end of my rifle.
I barely have used the Scout, but isn't the Stun Drone completely irrelevant seeing as how the Scout can put a taser on his gun as an attachment?
Emergency Teleport seems much more useful, even though I am not the biggest fan of it outside of TDM. I'd much rather use Cloak, since you can run with a beacon invisible, or plant the bomb invisible, or just maneuver around the field invisible, plus get sweet knife kills.
How come no one uses the dang stun drone?! I want my rocket launcher attachment
How come no one uses the dang stun drone?! I want my rocket launcher attachment
What's the button for secondary fire?
What do you mean?
You don't need the stun drone for the rocket attachment unlock
What's the button for secondary fire?
I had the grenade launcher? I pressed L1, loaded it up, but I couldn't shoot it despite there being ammo. What am I doing wrong
Are you sure it was a grenade launcher and not a missile launcher? Missiles need to lock on and can only be used against the robots, I think.
THANK GOD! Less focus on K/D Ratio is fantastic. Personally I feel it should only count at all during bodycount. People seem to concerned with their ratio to push and get objectives. They rather stand back and shoot enemies at a distance hoping they will disarm/arm bombs or whatever themselves.
I was Support class, so not sure. Will check later. Thanks
Probably going to pick up a PS4 sometime early next year. Is this a good online shooter for someone who was really into COD last gen? I really loved MW2 and even BO2 was decent, but Ghosts just looks like the laziest effort yet. And Battlefield 4 doesn't excite me, especially with all the problems. Really want a shooter when I get the system and don't really care about single player campaign.
Finally unlocked all my weapon attatchments for Support. Doing the pistols is rough. Time to use Assault and do it all over again!![]()
Love the emphasis on teamwork, even seeing this in practice everyday, fewer lone wolves the better.Taken from the "PlayerVoice update: response to the top 15 feedback items" over at
Display K/D ratio for everyone [not at the moment]
We do not think worrying about your deaths is the way to play Shadow Fall, and a lot of the community members actually enjoy our renewed focus on objectives and team based gameplay. That being said, all players have the ability to create Warzones with Kills and Deaths as Primary and Secondary sorting on the leaderboards.
THANK GOD! Less focus on K/D Ratio is fantastic. Personally I feel it should only count at all during bodycount. People seem to concerned with their ratio to push and get objectives. They rather stand back and shoot enemies at a distance hoping they will disarm/arm bombs or whatever themselves.
agreed. I've allways been one to rush on trying to capture the flag paying no attention to K/D.![]()
You can tell when your abilities expire or get destroyed by looking at it's icon on your HUD. If it's got a white overlay filling up it means it's been destroyed or expired and is cooling down. If the grey overlay is emptying it means it's still up but when the grey hit the bottom of the icon it's gone.
It's very easy to keep track of everything this way, if you know what you are looking at.
Streaming some Warzone, hopefully my connection is up to the task today
Taken from the "PlayerVoice update: response to the top 15 feedback items" over at
Display K/D ratio for everyone [not at the moment]
We do not think worrying about your deaths is the way to play Shadow Fall, and a lot of the community members actually enjoy our renewed focus on objectives and team based gameplay. That being said, all players have the ability to create Warzones with Kills and Deaths as Primary and Secondary sorting on the leaderboards.
THANK GOD! Less focus on K/D Ratio is fantastic. Personally I feel it should only count at all during bodycount. People seem to concerned with their ratio to push and get objectives. They rather stand back and shoot enemies at a distance hoping they will disarm/arm bombs or whatever themselves.