So they're not fixing the sprinting speed?Taken from the "PlayerVoice update: response to the top 15 feedback items" over at
Display K/D ratio for everyone [not at the moment]
We do not think worrying about your deaths is the way to play Shadow Fall, and a lot of the community members actually enjoy our renewed focus on objectives and team based gameplay. That being said, all players have the ability to create Warzones with Kills and Deaths as Primary and Secondary sorting on the leaderboards.
THANK GOD! Less focus on K/D Ratio is fantastic. Personally I feel it should only count at all during bodycount. People seem to concerned with their ratio to push and get objectives. They rather stand back and shoot enemies at a distance hoping they will disarm/arm bombs or whatever themselves.
Too slow or what? Not seen any complaints about it.So they're not fixing the sprinting speed?
Too slow or what? Not seen any complaints about it.
I want to add being able to permanently kill downed enemies and downed enemies should be "no clipped" as soon as they go down.
Someone on twitter pointed out that it's slower than it is in the SP, I don't know how true this is.Too slow or what? Not seen any complaints about it.
I want to add being able to permanently kill downed enemies and downed enemies should be "no clipped" as soon as they go down.
That's not possible? Oh the wasted ammo...
Stun drone is a great way to defend an objective without being there as a scout, and it lets you know of an enemy's that you in your avatar?
That is true, I have seen quite a bit of Stun Drones in the area around an objective. Does it just stun 1 person or does it stun in an area of effect?
And yeah, that's me!
Been playing this lately, it has its pros and cons and is generally pretty fun. But anybody else getting bothered by the amount of motion blur? It's starting to get really distracting to me.
Someone on twitter pointed out that it's slower than it is in the SP, I don't know how true this is.
Taken from the "PlayerVoice update: response to the top 15 feedback items" over at
Display K/D ratio for everyone [not at the moment]
We do not think worrying about your deaths is the way to play Shadow Fall, and a lot of the community members actually enjoy our renewed focus on objectives and team based gameplay. That being said, all players have the ability to create Warzones with Kills and Deaths as Primary and Secondary sorting on the leaderboards.
THANK GOD! Less focus on K/D Ratio is fantastic. Personally I feel it should only count at all during bodycount. People seem to concerned with their ratio to push and get objectives. They rather stand back and shoot enemies at a distance hoping they will disarm/arm bombs or whatever themselves.
This is all sorts of wrong.. I WANT to see my kills AND my deaths at the end of each round.. gives me an indication of how I did.
Your objectives score gives you an indication of how you did, not your k/d.
It seems to be an area of effect because I've gotten 3 stuns with one drone before. I like the stun drone quite a bit, actually.
Your objectives score gives you an indication of how you did, not your k/d.
What about in team death match? Besides.. telling us our kills vs deaths wouldn't hurt.. it's just more information.
I like this game, but I'd like to see more info than just how many kills I racked up.
I agree that GG have handled this in a smart way. I'm a fairly crappy marksman, but I like to revive people and lay down spawnpoints tactically (which almost no one else seems to do) - so it's nice to see myself in the spotlight every now and then, even though I'm always getting executed.Yeah in TDM sure they could have that set. Showing deaths is not just "more information". though, it influences the way people play games. People don't like to see more deaths than kills and will change their gameplay style to get more kills than deaths which is not what count in objective modes.
What GG have done with the scoreboards is great especially with the addition of the end cutscene with the 3 top players. Keeps the guys who play for objectives in the limelight and K/D whores that sit back get nothing.
Yeah in TDM sure they could have that set. Showing deaths is not just "more information". though, it influences the way people play games. People don't like to see more deaths than kills and will change their gameplay style to get more kills than deaths which is not what count in objective modes.
What GG have done with the scoreboards is great especially with the addition of the end cutscene with the 3 top players. Keeps the guys who play for objectives in the limelight and K/D whores that sit back get nothing.
What about in team death match? Besides.. telling us our kills vs deaths wouldn't hurt.. it's just more information.
I like this game, but I'd like to see more info than just how many kills I racked up.
I agree with you.. it does influence play.. but can we PLEASE get Guerilla to add deaths to TDM tallies.
Feel guilty for not joining since a bunch of neogaffers added me to their lists. I've been too addicted to AC4 to get back in. I should be finished with it by the weekend and then I'll join in with some heals and spawn points for those of you who can actually kill the baddies.
Feel guilty for not joining since a bunch of neogaffers added me to their lists. I've been too addicted to AC4 to get back in. I should be finished with it by the weekend and then I'll join in with some heals and spawn points for those of you who can actually kill the baddies.
I usually only have 30-45 min a night to play. When I join a gaf party it seems like I can't enter a game.
I assume a new person who joins a party that's already up has to wait for a round to end or get invited right?
I wish you could just slip into an ongoing games open slot.
°°ToMmY°°;92484076 said:I created a warzone: hunters
It's a one life match, no turrets, no drones, only level is forest.
Try it and tell me how it is.
As dumb as it sounds, simply play more. You'll learn the maps and get better at navigating them. I also suggest playing a little with each class -- you may find a certain class really resonates with you.Holy shit I am terrible at multiplayer in this game. Any tips for the noobiest noob?
Holy shit I am terrible at multiplayer in this game. Any tips for the noobiest noob?
I'm experiencing the same problem, I'm decent in other online games. Support class with a shotgun is the easiest way to get into the game, you'll he spamming turrets and revive all the time and the shotgun is a one shot kill.Holy shit I am terrible at multiplayer in this game. Any tips for the noobiest noob?
I'm experiencing the same problem, I'm decent in other online games. Support class with a shotgun is the easiest way to get into the game, you'll he spamming turrets and revive all the time and the shotgun is a one shot kill.
It depends, if there's room on the team you should be able to connect to the game right away by joining off someone via. the KZ menus. If the team is full, it will put you in a queue to join as soon as a spot opens up on the team.
In all the GAF games I've played in, we usually will back out to pick up people most of the time anyways unless we're on the last round (5 mins).
Bc it's not 60fps at all. There are some moments when it is, but anyone who plays 24 player rooms can see the framerate can get pretty poor. I still like 24 player warzone but I wish it didn't perform so poorly.You know...
I want GG to make this game more stable and less boring.
Also why 60fps isnt noticeable like in BF4?
I tried to jump in your game and party last night prior to the invite but it was full. I'll be hitting again tonight!
Holy shit I am terrible at multiplayer in this game. Any tips for the noobiest noob
Holy shit I am terrible at multiplayer in this game. Any tips for the noobiest noob?
Holy shit I am terrible at multiplayer in this game. Any tips for the noobiest noob?
Here is a little Support guide, which I think is a great class to get accustomed to if you're new and still want to be a GREAT help to your team. Hopefully the formatting doesn't get messed up.
Revive Drone
· Can use it to revive players at long distances, so long as you have line of sight to your downed teammate.
· Always be on the lookout for downed teammates, especially during times when there isnt a Spawn Beacon active. Reviving these downed teammates will be the only way to maintain presence in areas of the map. If everyone always has to respawn at homebase, your team will quickly lose territory.
· However, dont rush to revive a downed teammate who lays in the middle of a frantic firefight, or if you have to expose yourself and risk your own death to revive them. If youre in a party and can chat, alert them that you are on the way or if its hopeless to get to them.
· Reviving via the Revive Drone grants the player not only with fully restocked ammo and grenades, but also reloads their gun!
· You CAN destroy an enemy Revive Drone while it is above an enemy player, so long as you destroy it before they get the chance to revive themselves.
· The more you revive downed teammates and level up your Revive Drone ability, the shorter your revive cooldown becomes. At high levels, it is only seconds before you can rapidly revive downed teammates.
Spawn Beacon
· Portable spawn points for your team to spawn at, allowing a player with this ability to give the team another option of where to spawn.
· It is still unknown how many Spawn Beacons can be active on the map at any one time, but so far it seems to be at least 4-5 (compared to simply 2 in KZ2).
· When you place a Spawn Beacon, note that the direction you are facing. Everyone will spawn facing the SAME direction that you are facing when you place the Spawn Beacon, so make sure to be facing in an advantageous position when you deploy it that will allow spawning teammates to be immediately aware of their surroundings, and not facing a wall.
· The more teammates spawn at your Spawn Beacon and level it up, the longer your Spawn Beacon lasts before it auto-disappears, as well as reducing its cooldown before you can redeploy another one.
· Always be mindful of where you are placing the Spawn Beacon, attempt to have it in a safe, not frequently travelled part of the map and one with restricted lines of sight so enemies cannot come across it easily as they move or shoot at it from a distance. Some place where your teammates will spawn with their back against a wall, or in a corner, or hidden in bushes would be a great spot.
· Ideally, you dont want the enemy team to know where your teammates are spawning. If you can help it, dont place the Spawn Beacon in the same room as an objective, but instead in an adjacent room or close by, or else teammates will be spawning on top of grenades or in the amid gunfire.
· Elevated areas work great to, allowing your team to spawn in an advantageous position with the higher ground relative to the rest of the map, with the ability to fire downwards at enemies.
· Can be deconstructed by walking up to an enemy Spawn Beacon and holding TRIANGLE. Can also be shot at and meleed in order to simply destroy it, and it doesnt take much.
Ground Turrets
· Stationary yet quite annoying and can not only provide excellent cover fire, distraction, but they also have no issue getting you multiple kills, especially if the enemy is already weakened from gunfire.
· Only have a field of view of roughly 30 degrees in front of them, as well as up and down. Note this when you place it.
· Enemies can deconstruct these, easily from behind where they will be safe from the turrets field of view, so attempt to place them back against a wall making it harder for enemies to get behind it.
· You can also simply shoot at the ground turret to destroy it, and it requires a moderate amount of bullets to do so.
· The Missile attachment is also extremely effective at destroying enemy ground turrets (as well as Air Sentries and enemy Nano Shields).
· These are wonderfully effective when defending an area, such as an objective sight, and will quickly spring into action when an enemy passes its field of view, alerting you of enemy presence and softening them up for your gun.
· The higher you place them, the more effective they will be. Areas overlooking an objective sight, or a frequently travelled area will provide the ground turret with ample targets and the enemy will have a harder time hiding from the turret when they have the high ground.
· The more kills your ground turret gets and levels up, the longer its duration lasts and the shorter your cooldown to redeploy it.
Air Sentries
· Hovering air support that will defend an area around where you threw the little box down. You need to make sure that the trajectory line is green when you attempt to deploy one.
· The box that you throw to summon the air sentry can stick to its surroundings, therefore you can throw it against a wall or object if you need to.
· Its radius of movement is roughly 10-15 meters or so, yet can fire upon targets much farther away.
· Being that it is above the players line of sight, it is easy to lose track of an Air Sentry, allowing it to be deployed above intense action to score a few kills before being noticed.
· They do excellent damage, requiring a few bursts of its machine gun to completely kill an enemy, but even 1 burst will be enough to significantly wound an enemy and force them to hide. Therefore, these are very effective at territory control provided that they are not easily spotted from long distances where enemies can safely shoot at it.
· While deploying them right in the heat of the action can get you some kills, the Air Sentry will last noticeably longer if you do not deploy it directly over action, but instead off to a side, or in an area where enemies wouldnt expect one to be. On the outskirts of the map are also great choices, as it will be engaging enemies from outside of the map.
· Can be destroyed by gunfire as well as the Missile attachment.
· The more kills it receives, the longer its duration is and the quicker its cooldown to redeploy.
Ammo Crate
· Fully restocks weapon ammo, alternative firing ammo, grenades, as well as restoring your health.
· Does not show up on the mini-map and is quite tiny so could be easily missed, yet there is an in-game icon.
· Is more appropriate for defending missions, where you may run out of ammo quickly, or when you may greatly benefit from having your ammo be constantly topped off, such as being able to consistently throw explosives or lay down suppressing fire.
Support Teleport
· Picks a random teammate to instantly teleport alongside of, it does not matter if theyre currently engaged in a firefight or if theyre simply running around the map.
· Can be a great way to easily group up with a teammate, especially if there are no Spawn Beacons active.
· Use the VC30 Sickle Shotgun to be able to immediately appear and blast surprised enemies in the face!
I don't see a stat counter for abilities and weapons. Unless I'm missing something...I was just checking out and notice you can view your challenge progress now in addition to your stats overview. Has that always been there and I just never saw it or is it a new addition. Looks like you can also see your abilities progress and how close to unlocking weapons attachments. I like it.