Dear Killzone Players,
There are maps in this game that aren't called "The Forest" or "The Remains." I don't think you're aware of this yet, but it's true. You're even allowed to vote for them at the end of a round.
Fuck You
I keep going back and forth with this game but it's clicking again lately. It's so awesome when you have a good team. I just wish other people played support more so I don't have to do all the reviving and spawn placing all the time and could try out other classes :lol
Dear Killzone Players,
There are maps in this game that aren't called "The Forest" or "The Remains." I don't think you're aware of this yet, but it's true. You're even allowed to vote for them at the end of a round.
Fuck You
Dear Killzone Players,
There are maps in this game that aren't called "The Forest" or "The Remains." I don't think you're aware of this yet, but it's true. You're even allowed to vote for them at the end of a round.
Fuck You
I don't think people choose "The Remains" that often in my experience.
I am very much a noob as well and think I am starting to get a grip with things, some pointers:
- Shoot high and in bursts. Body shots seem to do feck all and you really need to go for the headshots and get that skill down. Firing everything you got just reduces accuracy way too much so do 'finger pumping' hehehe of the trigger. Seems to work better for me, although my accuracy is still pants I hopefully will improve if I keep at it.
- Stick to the crowd or outer edges of them, or use them as your buffer. If you know 5 guys are behind you, you have less to worry about someone coming behind you for the melee. Not always true though, found a lot of team mates couldn't give a fuck and worry more about their own kill/death ratio.
- Try the different classes to see if one works better for you. I vary depending on the map, although I am staying away from scout. It appeals to me the most but I just got steamrolled every time I tried it. I am using the support class more often as you can influence the overall battle more than most. For instance I stick down air support behind some cover close to their base which helps pin them down and then revive teammates to keep the territory with hopefully another support class putting down some spawn beacons. The abilities you choose help a lot. IF you are an assault class, I find the drone is wonderful to get that first shot and pick out a player. I use them to 'see' around corners.
- Take it slow, running in the game means you can't shoot really so run in bursts when you know nothing is coming like down corridors then ease off. The only time to rush in my opinion is when you first start the level to try and get 'the high ground' or territory advantage.
- Get used to the maps and work out choke points with good cover, check the mini-map often to work out where people are. You will see the enemy as well and can get in behind them.
What the hell is Supply King?
Only the greatest game type ever. Gotta have GAF Gold to play.What the hell is Supply King?
To All the COD Players,
Please dont go all COD in warzone, this game as in whole is a Team Play kind of multiplayer and KDR here doesn't mean anything. Even a good team even with full of noobs can win warzone match if they work as a team and plan their attack.
As a massive kz2 fan i couldnt wait.
But for me i cant get into it
Fame rate is jarring
Blur fx make my eyes hurt
environments are uninspiring, and just dont pop for some reason
Grantd i dont have a 1080p tv, only 720p so ill hold my final judgement, but either way the frame rate is annoying
To All the COD Players,
Please dont go all COD in warzone, this game as in whole is a Team Play kind of multiplayer and KDR here doesn't mean anything. Even a good team even with full of noobs can win warzone match if they work as a team and plan their attack.
Anyone else killing themselves while trying to shoot with the grenade launcher attachment?
It's like there's invisible walls in my way, fucking infuriating.
Anyone else killing themselves while trying to shoot with the grenade launcher attachment?
It's like there's invisible walls in my way, fucking infuriating.
I like the game a lot, but I'm saddened by the teeny size of the MP population. Game deserves better, IMO.
Anyone else killing themselves while trying to shoot with the grenade launcher attachment?
It's like there's invisible walls in my way, fucking infuriating.
Also the PS4 is still supply constrained, which limits sales growth, and there is going to be many more Killzone bundle sales to come too, so there will be more players at least still to come.
Sounds like fun. I hope I can join.You can't shoot behind cover, in close corridors, or when there are dying people (down but not respawned or revived) in front of you.
If it's like previous killzones, it will always have an active fanbase playing it. It doesn't need tons of players to be active and have games to play. People still play KZ2 and 3 and neither of those games had massive player counts either.
Also the PS4 is still supply constrained, which limits sales growth, and there is going to be many more Killzone bundle sales to come too, so there will be more players at least still to come.
I understand all that, but barely a thousand people during peak hours? I just think the game deserves better.
Let's get a GAF squad going in 30mins. Who is in?!
They must have consulted with Infinity Ward when creating The Forest. That is one terrible map. People vote for it like it's the best map ever though. I haven't even gotten to play all the maps yet![]()