So has there been a noticeable increase in players for Christmas? I didn't get to play today.
Yes, there's still >400 in classic and 24 warzone, over 1k in TDM, it's usually sub 300 for warzone by now. Seeing tons of people with sub 50 challenges
So has there been a noticeable increase in players for Christmas? I didn't get to play today.
Got a 20 Killstreak a few minutes ago! Thought I'd never get it that high.
God damn. I think my highest is like 12. I prefer to be constantly moving and running though haha. Stupid strategy. Come that free weekend though, those killstreaks will be mine.Got a 20 Killstreak a few minutes ago! Thought I'd never get it that high.
Any games going on?
Yeah, there's a GAF party still playing. I just left it.
henhowc, I sent you a friend request. Hopefully we can play some games together sometime!
cool. will party up if i see ya playing next time. going to call it a night. tired of losing lol
Good games tonight! Sorry if it seemed like I ignored you on chat. Your voice sounded really low on the mic, it was kinda hard to hear you
God, the map design has taken such a backward step from KZ2 it's worrying. what happened?
They are basically like cod maps. ie. small and congested
I wish the text above your teammates was larger. I don't think my eyes are that bad but sometimes I really have a hard time identifying teammates. heh
I could have sworn that they said that the latest patch updated the game to show your teammates in blue on the mini-map. Or was it only on the scoreboard?
It's funny to get shot at by teammates thinking you'e the enemy.
It has happened to me as well -_-
You'd think we all know what a Helghast and a Wektan looks like by now right?
I do also have difficulty seeing the text that shows who killed who. Man this 1080p...maybe I just need to sit closer to the TV.
It sounds like you need a bigger TV my good sir.
Yes, there's still >400 in classic and 24 warzone, over 1k in TDM, it's usually sub 300 for warzone by now. Seeing tons of people with sub 50 challenges
Playing on a 50inch. Sitting about 8ft away. That' about normal right?
I don't have 20/20 vision. Might just need to inch closer or wear the glasses I only wear to drive at night but I hate wearing them when using my gaming headset haha
I find it nigh impossible to play this game without my glasses. You're not alone, the text in this game is all extremely small and thin; nothing is bolded or outlined so it's extremely hard to see most things on the UI.
ugh...after playing with gaf-ers jumping in with randoms was super annoying. as everyone else has observed now one puts down spawn beacons and everyone plays it like tdm.
Getting a party started.
Add me if you wanna play. Got room for a few.
PSN id: kilgoreisdead
Playing on a 50inch. Sitting about 8ft away. That' about normal right?
I don't have 20/20 vision. Might just need to inch closer or wear the glasses I only wear to drive at night but I hate wearing them when using my gaming headset haha
Getting a party started.
Add me if you wanna play. Got room for a few.
PSN id: kilgoreisdead
Anyone want to join us? Party is up. PSN ID is Starfleets
That was the exact feeling I left the game with yesterday.Holy fuck is it frustrating when no one puts down spawn beacons. Those are pretty fucking essential in potentially winning a match and it annoys me to no end that I always gotta be that one beacon guy. I mean i'd like to use the other classes and abilities too.
Holy fuck is it frustrating when no one puts down spawn beacons. Those are pretty fucking essential in potentially winning a match and it annoys me to no end that I always gotta be that one beacon guy. I mean i'd like to use the other classes and abilities too.
Holy fuck is it frustrating when no one puts down spawn beacons. Those are pretty fucking essential in potentially winning a match and it annoys me to no end that I always gotta be that one beacon guy. I mean i'd like to use the other classes and abilities too.
Oh so that's why you backed out. That last match though FUUUUUUU. The other team seemed very coordinated. Me and Rube tried to pick up the slack but to no avail. :[Tell me about it. I decided to spice things up by switching against the GAF group earlier. I was the only on putting beacons down, and doing objectives.
I accidentally backed out of the party, and now PSN is so hosed that I can't rejoin.
Holy fuck is it frustrating when no one puts down spawn beacons. Those are pretty fucking essential in potentially winning a match and it annoys me to no end that I always gotta be that one beacon guy. I mean i'd like to use the other classes and abilities too.
I can see myself
But seriously though, it was utter pwnage. It's surprising what a little communication can do. Plus the fact the opposing team seems to be full of idiots
Holy fuck is it frustrating when no one puts down spawn beacons. Those are pretty fucking essential in potentially winning a match and it annoys me to no end that I always gotta be that one beacon guy. I mean i'd like to use the other classes and abilities too.
My god. Planting a turret in the middle of a 24 player firefight is probably the most stressful thing you can do in this game. The placement parameters are pretty sketchy, so I just end up spamming R2 and screaming, "PLANT, DAMN YOU!"
Personally, the game is just becoming increasingly addictive and enjoyable the more I play. The KZ formula is truly magical. Buying BF4 on the cheap recently has only served to highlight this further. Sure, BF4 is totally decent, but the netcode and hit detection is utterly spasmodic. That's one thing that SF does very well, in my opinion. Hit detection on bodies is deliciously spot-on. I wish the same could be said for geometry, which still boils my blood every now and then...
AND THAT LACK OF AUTO-AIM! It's amazing. Why it isn't standard now with such accurate and dextrous controllers is beyond me. All of your kills feel well-earned. I think we all know the feel of duking it out one on one with the enemy and expending a whole clip because in the panic, you've neglected to tilt the stick one iota to the left or right. And it's not because you're both shit; it's because it's REAL. It makes the moments where you bring up your reticle, track perfectly and hear that chirp all the more rewarding.
All in all, good going, GG. This is a Killzone game through and through. It's unique and it's great.
Yep. I really want to play other stuff or even just use other Support abilities but no one else can be trusted to put down spawns. That's why I love playing with GAF, I can actually switch it up since someone else will be able to keep us well placed.
My god. Planting a turret in the middle of a 24 player firefight is probably the most stressful thing you can do in this game. The placement parameters are pretty sketchy, so I just end up spamming R2 and screaming, "PLANT, DAMN YOU!"
Personally, the game is just becoming increasingly addictive and enjoyable the more I play. The KZ formula is truly magical. Buying BF4 on the cheap recently has only served to highlight this further. Sure, BF4 is totally decent, but the netcode and hit detection is utterly spasmodic. That's one thing that SF does very well, in my opinion. Hit detection on bodies is deliciously spot-on. I wish the same could be said for geometry, which still boils my blood every now and then...
AND THAT LACK OF AUTO-AIM! It's amazing. Why it isn't standard now with such accurate and dextrous controllers is beyond me. All of your kills feel well-earned. I think we all know the feel of duking it out one on one with the enemy and expending a whole clip because in the panic, you've neglected to tilt the stick one iota to the left or right. And it's not because you're both shit; it's because it's REAL. It makes the moments where you bring up your reticle, track perfectly and hear that chirp all the more rewarding.
All in all, good going, GG. This is a Killzone game through and through. It's unique and it's great.