Yeah if they did that before steam users could play EA games, Blizzard games and many other games.
No sane publisher would want to run their own store if margins were small.
This is the same reason why almost every industry doesn't sell their stuff directly. Because cost of running shop when you only want to sell your own stuff makes it uncometetive with other shops. It is the high throughput that is allowed by selling all kind of things that allows you to operate at low margins.
For example food shops operate on about 1-2% margins and that margins are still going down. This is a reason why mom's and pops shops are closing because they have to charge more as they don't have high throughput of customers to live from 1-2% margins unless they rise price and lose even more customers.
I repeat, physical food shop stores operate on 1-2% margins. And they have to hire workers, physical spaces so on and so forth, nothing like Velve which hires few 100s of people for worldwide market and rents servers with bandwidth.
This is why Epic starting fire under Steam ass is good. Margins already went down and rest of the shops are now considering going down with them. If there would be 5 more big contenders it would be down even more. Steam itself tries to stop big publishers leaving by reducing for them cut to 20% but 20% is still more than those publishers will receive in their own shops.
With more competitors game developers would have to work on cross shop api rather than use exclusive shop apis which would be real stake at the heart of Steam and anyone who tries to marry social platform and shop.
I just hope there are more players that could create their own big shops and start to contend.
aside from you.
You are a bit harsh, I mean they have to sell their bread somehow and if you see well x amount of people have our game on their wish list on Steam (which we don't know if they already bought the game on Epic or some other store) it may convince them to pay, especially if the number is bigger on Steam.That was not an “old clause” it was created to try counter Epic game store.
Valve wants this to try convince publishers why their games should be on steam.. its not a good will gesture its not a “help” page.. its a page to encourage steam fanboys to harass game developers to pay the steam tax. Its not about bringing non windows games to windows .. its about making sure windows games pay %30 to valve.
At this point for EA/Activision and al. there should be no feeling, they are just predatory to their audience, 18% more or less on the unit sale is not what they are aiming for, they want that sweet in game transactions recurring income... however, they will take whatever money comes their way.Dude, who cares if game makers can become 15% richer?. Do you think that if Ford increases their margins by 15% they are gonna use it to make better cars?. Your argument is emotional and relies on wishful thinking, I can make the same, tax game makers a bit more so we can get better services and they stop flooding the market with too much games.
I like how Valve is just putting their fingers in their ears going, "LA LA LA There's no competition. We can charge whatever we want. We are a monopoly. Publishers have to give us however big of a cut we say."
They're trying to ignore Epic out of existence and its biting them in the ass.![]()
What are you on about? Indie Devs make 200% profit on Epic, because they got paid the entirety of expected profits in advance. The only reason you refuse to put that down in your list, is because you know that is not sustainable.Origin - EA Makes 100% Profit
uPlay - Ubisoft Makes 100% Profit
Social Club - Take 2 Makes 100% Profit - Activision Makes 100% Profit
Bethesda - Bethesda Makes 100% Profit
Epic - 3rd Party Publishers / Devs make 88% Profit
Steam - 3rd Party Publishers / Devs make 70% Profit
Gog - 3rd Party Publishers / Devs make 70% Profit
Where would you go?
However, smaller (indie) devs may feel the difference, those who sell their games for 10 - 20$, and end up selling 20 000 copies - if they are lucky - after years of work. For a 20$ game this is a difference of 72 000$ IN YOUR POCKET, that will most likely be used to pay others who took part in the project, maybe office space, PR, etc.
What is life without emotions, wanting to keep a bigger share of the revenue you generate with your work is pretty rational as far as I am concerned. Making a good living is a pretty strong argument too, it's not like I argued for the gvt. to give them money simply to develop their games, I just think that there is no reason for a digital store front to charge a 30% fee on transactions (if it's worth it is another issue, it was worth it as long as there was no meaningful competition, competition happens when a market is bloated in some way and the prices get out of control, a business minded person is bound to come in and try to get some of that sweet money while re-balancing prices and service quality).That´s still an emotional argument. Make all games cheaper so I can pay my rent.
I also did not know that.What are you on about? Indie Devs make 200% profit on Epic, because they got paid the entirety of expected profits in advance. The only reason you refuse to put that down in your list, is because you know that is not sustainable.
Desperate times for valve.
They already did.
It goes down to 25 and then 20 as sales grow, not to mention they are the only service around that allows devs and publishers to generate an unlimited number of free serial keys to sell elsewhere. That ALSO goes to erode from that "notorious" 30% in case people don't realize it.
And that's while offering the largest user base AND the best package of services and tools to both developers and customers.
I'm honestly not sure how some people fail to realize that has to count for something.
This argument over and over... it's really ridiculous, you people really don't want to see anything other than this "30%" thing, Tim really managed his marketing stunt with this, it's the only thing people swear by, no matter the truth behind each plateform and the service.Right. Good guy Valve.... 30%
I like how Valve is just putting their fingers in their ears going, "LA LA LA There's no competition. We can charge whatever we want. We are a monopoly. Publishers have to give us however big of a cut we say."
They're trying to ignore Epic out of existence and its biting them in the ass.![]()
Dude, who cares if game makers can become 15% richer?.
Do you think that if Ford increases their margins by 15% they are gonna use it to make better cars?. Your argument is emotional and relies on wishful thinking,
I can make the same, tax game makers a bit more so we can get better services and they stop flooding the market with too much games.
Valve collects data about gamer preferences and the industry. This allows them to continue to do so.
People who play games ? 15% is difference between Dragon's Dogma 2 and no game.
Which would mean game prices would rise. Secondly it is hard to complain about to much of anything from consumer perspective.
No, it would not be. It would be more money going to the suits in the top chair.
What is life without emotions, wanting to keep a bigger share of the revenue you generate with your work is pretty rational as far as I am concerned. Making a good living is a pretty strong argument too, it's not like I argued for the gvt. to give them money simply to develop their games, I just think that there is no reason for a digital store front to charge a 30% fee on transactions (if it's worth it is another issue, it was worth it as long as there was no meaningful competition, competition happens when a market is bloated in some way and the prices get out of control, a business minded person is bound to come in and try to get some of that sweet money while re-balancing prices and service quality).
You still (assuming you take sides) prefer Steam, probably because you don't want to have two or more games libraries - the whole exclusives are evil argument - and it has a few features you like (I think they are bloat).
People who play games ? 15% is difference between Dragon's Dogma 2 and no game.
Competition makes better products not margins. Margins are only side effect of competition and only tool in which badly managed entities go out of business. If Steam can't survive without 30% cut and rest of industry can it only means Steam is badly run business.
Steam provided features and sales because they were competing with physical stores not because they wanted to make better service for sake of it. Thanks to it price of games went down a lot where now you can easily buy huge games for 5$.
Which would mean game prices would rise. Secondly it is hard to complain about to much of anything from consumer perspective.
I'm not sure the guy is trying to have a genuine discussion about the topic.Really? What's biting them in the ass exactly?
Certainly Gabe would agree that 30% is fair game then?Epic CEO?. So manipulative.
It seem we are talking about different things, I'm only interested in the factual side since it was brought up that valve was a sole proprietorship (whcih it is not).Since the shares are not sold, and Gabe own 50% minimum, it is basically his company. Basically he got his fortune from working at Microsoft, so he never had to sell shares to keep Valve going.
Valve doesn't exist to make money, Gabe was already rich. Gabe is running Valve because he cares about PC gaming. He was the first person to port Doom into the Windows environment, so modern PC gaming, al that came after MS-DOS was basically built from what Gabe coded.
WinDoom (Microsoft)
For the port by Bruce Lewis, see WinDoom. WinDoom was a preliminary port of Doom v1.8 to Microsoft Windows 3.11 by Gabe Newell using the newly developed Win32s and WinG technologies. This port never made it past beta testing due to the impending release of Windows 95. Two beta versions
You do realize this applies to everything not just games ? Including steam ?
Why steam needs 30% if they can survive on 5% ? 25% goes to suits at the top.
Why 30% Let steam tax 90%.
This is retarded argument on so many levels.
Certainly Gabe would agree that 30% is fair game then?
Everything else being equal 30% is a waste, if you are to sell the same or a little less on the platform that only takes 12%... And my guess is that most people who want to play game x they will get it on the platform where it is.That´s why nobody here would dare to say that 15% is the difference between Steam, or no Steam. It´s presumptuous.
Do you Epic mouthbreathers have any decent argument or do you just keep spouting the same bullshit over and over![]()
That was not an “old clause” it was created to try counter Epic game store.
Valve wants this to try convince publishers why their games should be on steam.. its not a good will guesture its not a “help” page.. its a page to encourage steam fanboys to harass game developers to pay the steam tax. Its not about bringing non windows games to windows .. its about making sure windows games pay %30 to valve.
Oh i know fanboys are so deluded they close there eyes stick their heads in the sand and still yell lalalalal. Thats not in question theres plenty of people like that .. if you dont wish to be one let me google that for you...
Date september 19th 2019.
General royalty rate for steam 30% as per less than a year ago.
Yikes.You EGS shills are all the same, bullshit lies just like grandpa Timmy, ERA is full of shills like you, it reads like a paid advertisement 90% of the time because you never have any logical evidence based arguments, it's always lies and dishonesty.
All sucking from the same cheese infested tip, salivating over the downfall of freedom of choice with PC gaming like a good little rent boy to Mr Billionaire Tim who himself was only saying a short while ago how much he hated PC gaming, that was until the disco dancing fortnite started bringing him the big money and he saw an opportunity to pull the wool over the eyes of the moronic imbeciles who have hate boners for steam because cucktaku and Era think Valve are hate peddlers.
You continue on deluding yourself that EGS is a good thing for consumers, I am sure their closed market, higher prices and trickle down economics will really benefit you as a consumer in the long run because nothing says "pro-consumer" like giving less choice to buyers, trying to consume the market and monopolize it whilst complaining about companies being monopolies who really aren't.
Steam isn't perfect by a long shot but I would take Gabens fat sweaty tits and half life lies anyday over Tim "the good guy" Sweeney and his mission to fuck PC gaming up forever.
We all know what the "good guys" turn out like, the ones who have to advertise themselves as saviours are more often than not, the biggest bullshit artists going.
Male feminist 101 right there.
Yeah. The Epic Store is murdering them.Desperate times for valve.
You EGS shills are all the same, bullshit lies just like grandpa Timmy, ERA is full of shills like you, it reads like a paid advertisement 90% of the time because you never have any logical evidence based arguments, it's always lies and dishonesty.
All sucking from the same cheese infested tip, salivating over the downfall of freedom of choice with PC gaming like a good little rent boy to Mr Billionaire Tim who himself was only saying a short while ago how much he hated PC gaming, that was until the disco dancing fortnite started bringing him the big money and he saw an opportunity to pull the wool over the eyes of the moronic imbeciles who have hate boners for steam because cucktaku and Era think Valve are hate peddlers.
You continue on deluding yourself that EGS is a good thing for consumers, I am sure their closed market, higher prices and trickle down economics will really benefit you as a consumer in the long run because nothing says "pro-consumer" like giving less choice to buyers, trying to consume the market and monopolize it whilst complaining about companies being monopolies who really aren't.
Steam isn't perfect by a long shot but I would take Gabens fat sweaty tits and half life lies anyday over Tim "the good guy" Sweeney and his mission to fuck PC gaming up forever.
We all know what the "good guys" turn out like, the ones who have to advertise themselves as saviours are more often than not, the biggest bullshit artists going.
Male feminist 101 right there.
Yeah. The Epic Store is murdering them.
Next month or so the Epic game store will have more active users than Steam .. so if your being sarcastic your very our of touch with reality.
That was not an “old clause” it was created to try counter Epic game store.
Valve wants this to try convince publishers why their games should be on steam.. its not a good will guesture its not a “help” page.. its a page to encourage steam fanboys to harass game developers to pay the steam tax. Its not about bringing non windows games to windows .. its about making sure windows games pay %30 to valve.
Oh i know fanboys are so deluded they close there eyes stick their heads in the sand and still yell lalalalal. Thats not in question theres plenty of people like that .. if you dont wish to be one let me google that for you...
Date september 19th 2019.
General royalty rate for steam 30% as per less than a year ago.
Wow overreact much ... btw i dont use Epic Game Store .. so why dont you go suck some “cheese infested tip” or get banned for saying that.
Your gross and pathetic and should be banned.
"You should be banned because you offended me and words hurt my feelings."
Yeah, you're definitely an era poster and I am not buying for one second that you don't use EGS because you're spewing fanboy drivel in your posts, if you don't like being called out for having a stupid fucking opinion then don't post a stupid fucking opinion, pretty simple, people like you are contributing to helping Epic with their shitty tactics that have so far done nothing but harm to PC gaming so don't expect to be met with open arms when your idiocy is allowing a company to take away from the freedom of the platform.
Also, if you don't use the store, why are you shilling so hard for it and shitting on Steam? Let me guess, you don't even game on PC do you?
Steam isn't perfect by a long shot but I would take Gabens fat sweaty tits and half life lies anyday over Tim "the good guy" Sweeney and his mission to fuck PC gaming up forever.
"You should be banned because you offended me and words hurt my feelings."
Yeah, you're definitely an era poster and I am not buying for one second that you don't use EGS because you're spewing fanboy drivel in your posts, if you don't like being called out for having a stupid fucking opinion then don't post a stupid fucking opinion, pretty simple, people like you are contributing to helping Epic with their shitty tactics that have so far done nothing but harm to PC gaming so don't expect to be met with open arms when your idiocy is allowing a company to take away from the freedom of the platform.
Also, if you don't use the store, why are you shilling so hard for it and shitting on Steam? Let me guess, you don't even game on PC do you?
The horror of launching games via other shortcut and launching some app for 5 seconds.
Imho Steam destroyed PC gaming. They were the ones who ensued that no game will be playable without launcher.
Previously it was perfectly normal to buy game and play it without any kind of launcher. And now thanks to Steam every game requires it.
So go off with your bullshit.
Im not offended by your gross pathetic insults .. its behaviour thats usually bannable but thats up to the mods if they want to give you a free pass or not.
I am enjoying this thread immensely and your admission of defeat on every single point i made is almost as hilarious as your childish name calling.
I have Steam but i dont have Epic game store but none of that matters .. to you the endless defense of gabe .. which in your terms would be described as a childish homosexual reference .. is more important than anything anyway. A criticism of Stream does not mean an endorsement of Epic Game store except in your punitive fanboy cheerleading worldview.
Edit: removed reference to demigod as id accidentally posted his quote in.