I remember Retardera up in arms cancelling this game because of those tweets. I never heard of the game before. SO i have to thank Retardera for making me aware of a gem of a game that now im a fan of. Still needs a better combat system though, but everthing else is probably the most imersive medieval experience i had in a RPG.
The best part is I think i remember it was a digital foundry member who got butthurt about it and linked some historical article in German talking about how since there where records of a black king going on tour to France in the 11th century from what would be Egypt today (but no records in any countries supposedly of him arriving) that the fact their where no records specifically stating black people didn't exist at the time then they should be all over Europe because of the records saying the king would be going on tour (which was southern Europe as well across the coast, so not even close to where KCD takes place)
And Digital Foundry man was upset that this master class evidence proved that the founder of Warhorse was a racist bigot for believing the lack of any evidence saying "black people 100% did not live here" in historical documents proves that they must have been there and therefore should be in the game, stating that the founders only credentials was that he currently lived there and therefore should know shit about history, failing to mention that KCD used historians... you know because that would get in the way of his rant.
I believe they highlighted that if the king has passed through Greece, which had excellent record keeping at the time, then the king should have been mentioned if he made it though. He wasn't, so the conclusion was that since black people must have been so common in Europe at the time then a black king arriving would not even be worth a mention and therefore no historical documents mentioning him was proof that the whole of Europe was full of free Africans just wandering about by the 11th century, that a black king showing up wasn't even worth documenting.
Yes that's the level of mental gymnastics that was on show.