Nomura is a good director. He just needs to stop being shuffled to other projects and have someone keep him on track.
papa noruma just needs someone to keep him on track, he is fine.........most of the times,
He seems to put a lot of effort into his projects and he makes pretty great action RPG combat systems, I'll give him that.
But I can't say I'm a fan of his work. Outside of the combat I don't really like the Kingdom Hearts games (empty worlds with a very "gamey" level design and several boring ass moments like the whole intro of 2). Mainly though it's that everything he directs has abysmal writing even for videogame standards, if David Cage is a Hollywood reject then Nomura seems like a Shonen jump reject.
It's obviously down to taste and preferences but personally I need to feel at least a bit invested in the story to enjoy these lengthy and cutscene heavy games and if Nomura is involved that's out of the question. It's the main reason I have zero hype for the VII remake, even if combat and graphics are going to be better you just need to watch Advent Children to know he is going to murder the plot.
But that's just me, nothing wrong with enjoying his stuff. At least he seems to take long to finish each game so there's plenty of games left for other people to direct