Has anyone gotten this on PS4, and if so are you able to download the epilogue addon? I keep getting an error when doing so (CE-37700-7) and nothing seems to help :/
I want to get this game but I hate waiting for episodes so I'll just wait till the entire thing releases. However, the thread brought back fond memories of when I used to play King's Quest 7 with my mom.
Good times.
Wait....is there a retail version coming?
just making an guess. sorry to get your hopes up!
for some reason i feel like this will get a retail release when all eps. have come out. same with Life is Strange.
if nothing gets announced i'll buy the complete edition digitally down the road
Been playing it on ps4 and it's perfectly fine. Framerate seems pretty steady and load times are infrequent and quite brief (3-5 seconds). If you'd rather play it on console I'd say go for the ps4 version
The protagonists of KQ were always the foil to the events happening around them. Graham and especially Alexander were not goofy, and considering anything and everything was out to kill you, so the more bizarre or fairy-tale like your environment, the more you had to be wary.
The comparison to Guybrush is pretty apt, he didn't use to be that way. They were silly games, but staying alive was serious business.
There's a 10GB update for the XB1 version. Anyone know what that's about?
Wait...the XB1 version has performance issues? Damnit. Any XB1 owners of this game care to chime in with impressions?
I mentioned it earlier in the thread. It's nothing game breaking, but there are some long load times after a death or when walking into a new area. It's annoying, especially if you started out on something like Steam that doesn't have the issue.. (That was my experience.)
So I'm way too young to have played a King's Quest game when it came out but I love the genre and am pretty sick of Telltale-style games which focus heavily on choices and characters.
This is more puzzle/humor focused right? Is it worth buying?
Load times are about a second long on the PC, wonderful. And 4K, 60 FPS was pretty nice!
Don't think it looks as good as others do overall. There's certainly some stunning backgrounds but the general texture quality is abysmal and some of the building's don't have the same cartoon artstyle so they stick out like a sore thumb.
What are the odds there's a physical version of this?
The game has the same humor and charm as the originals, but plays and watches more like Dragon's Lair. So far, an hour in, it's more action game than adventure. I'm digging it but not what I was expecting. Solid game though. Wicked animation and voice acting.
Anyone finished this yet? Was wondering how long it is! I really want to play it, but I'm considering waiting till everything has been released.
Keep going. There's a specific moment where it'll open up and start feeling like King's Quest.
Is there any reason to buy the full game yet instead of just buying the episode?
On Steam, the first episode is $10, and the season pass for the other episodes is $30. Total of $40.
If I buy the full game now instead of buying the first episode for $10 and the season pass for $30, it's $40.
Am I missing something here?
Is there any reason to buy the full game yet instead of just buying the episode?
On Steam, the first episode is $10, and the season pass for the other episodes is $30. Total of $40.
If I buy the full game now instead of buying the first episode for $10 and the season pass for $30, it's $40.
Am I missing something here?
You get the bonus Epilogue chapter for going with The Complete Collection. But that might get sold on its own at some point.
I think the season pass availability is just for those who wanted to try one or two episodes before getting the whole game, so that you won't have to pay more just because you got one game separate first.
Thanks guys. Are we super sure that epilogue isn't contained in the season pass? I guess that'd make sense, but damn. I'll probably definitely have to wait a bit to plop 40 down then.
Had that $10 decision been easy, I'd be playing right now! Curses.
I was put off by the first hour / intro, but it's great after that.
Voice acting is great, characters are charming and it's actually quite funny.
roughly 5 hours. It feels loooong, especially compared to other episodic games.
The first 1-2 hours feel kind of QTE driven and like a "modern game".
The next few are full of exploration and moments where its like "yeah, im playing KQ again".
RPS Review
John Walker gonna John Walker.
(I have no opinions about the game so far myself, havent' played it, haven't had any expectations at all).
Ouch. I actually thought the beginning was charming. And I don't agree with the comments about the animation being "embarrassingly" like Telltale's, considering the game runs smoothly (I'm on PC) and looks the way it does because of the designers' vision and not because of the limits of the Telltale Tool.
RPS Review
John Walker gonna John Walker.
(I have no opinions about the game so far myself, havent' played it, haven't had any expectations at all).
To see all the humor you must try actions multiple times. Graham's puns and jokes had me in stitches. Seriously, don't quit after 1-2 tries, or you're missing out.
My wife ended up talking me into buying this. I played about the first ten minutes last night. It's gorgeous. Can anyone who's played through episode 1 tell me if it ends in a cliff hanger? I'm curious if these are more self-contained chapters than the average telltale adventure. I know it sounds like it's about 3-4 times longer than that so I may decide to play through then as they come out instead of waiting til the end like I usually do.
RPS Review
John Walker gonna John Walker.
(I have no opinions about the game so far myself, havent' played it, haven't had any expectations at all).