I am pleasantly surprised that this turned out to be great. King's Quest is one of my earliest gaming memories.
RPS Review
John Walker gonna John Walker.
(I have no opinions about the game so far myself, havent' played it, haven't had any expectations at all).
I answered this a bit better in the spoiler thread, but no, not really. The story is self-contained, but the framing story has a tiny cliffhanger to lead into the next episode.
Whew, this whole review screams, "I don't get it, so it must be awful."
I am pleasantly surprised that this turned out to be great. King's Quest is one of my earliest gaming memories.
What a terribly unfair review.
Sad thing is, look at the responses and people are actually listening to him and refraining from buying it. This game was a breath of fresh air to me, its been a long time since I have played something like this.
Sad thing is, look at the responses and people are actually listening to him and refraining from buying it. This game was a breath of fresh air to me, its been a long time since I have played something like this.
people like negative reviews of games they dont play.
Also theres a group of people that just hate on the adventure genre and sees the characteristics of the genre as being flaws.
The game downloaded fine and I'm able to play but it shows me that the Epilogue is there to download also but I keep getting an error message when trying to download it. Am I correct in thinking that the Epilogue shouldn't be there to download yet and it will presumably be available sometime after the standard 5 chapters?
Well, this is a good start for the whole series, but I played Life is Strange ep 4 before this and LiS is the God of this genre. Unfortunately King's Quest felt quite boring and unispired after that.
I hope KQ ep 2 will blow my mind after LiS gets its conclusion.
Anyone that could steer me in the right direction, as I am lost on what to do.
I've been wandering around for the last hour, to no avail. What am I missing!
I will try to give hints out, if you need anything in more depth I can make a separate post.
Is there any way to make more money after spending it all?
you do find money as you walk around. you will find some in the same area as below.
I bought piefor the troll, and did the eye thing
you got the pie for the troll right? so you should be able to cross the bridge... there are things you can do there now.
Now I still need? to buy theCandle and gardening tool
you will find money as you travel to new areas
I need to movethe large rock for the bakers ingredients
once you get the candle this will open up
I also need to catchand I have no clue how.a frog
won't get this until later
Oh lol, I completely forgot that I opened up the path where thewas. Thanks!Troll
Is there any way to make more money after spending it all?
and then you have to pick between two identical wooden wheels to open a door. By pressing A. Pick the wrong one and you instantly die.
This might've been discussed already, but is there any word on how the last-gen versions are? Specifically PS3?
John Walker's review is excellent, really excellent:
1. "The game is a Telltale-alike"
2. "Deaths are cheap!"
There's a skeleton sitting right next to the wheel on the left. The wheel on the left kills you. Insert DSP "THERE'S NOTHING I COULD DO" soundbyte here.
And the death takes 5 whole seconds before it reloads you to exactly where you were before. What a fucking chore, might as well stop playing right then, right?
There was a reason why incorrect solutions to puzzles became met with jokes, rather than random and unfair death. In 1992. 23 years ago. That reason was because it’s hideously boring to play. What could possibly have possessed anyone involved in this peculiarity to think that this was the nostalgic kick everyone was after once more? King’s Quest has a surprise way of killing you every other minute.
There was a reason why adventure games stopped trying to have action sequences. In 1995. Because they were utterly incongruous to the tone of the genre, put off people who were playing for narrative, and were invariably extremely poorly made. King’s Quest has you hammering at quick-time-event keys from the start, firing arrows at ropes on the fly, and kills you if you don’t react within the first second of its latest interrupting cutscene ending. And then makes you watch the cutscene again.
What we have, for the first hour, and then permeating throughout, is the worst platform game ever made, trying to exist inside a deeply clumsy and inferior copy of Telltale’s already ungainly adventure engine. It’s embarrassingly obvious how desperately the game wants to both look and behave like Telltale’s recent successes, right down to the rotoscoped look of the art, and the tedious over-reliance on QTEs instead of wit.
Adventure games can't have action sequences! Then they'd be too exciting!
The opening seemed to ruin the game for him and he even admits that the rest of the game was much better, but he couldn't give it a fair chance at that point. He clearly just didn't get it, but that's not necessarily the game's fault.
John Walker said:People can like shitty games, clearly. But it makes me genuinely cross when reviewers ignore or dismiss horrendous design issues.
Well, that's vintage John Walker that.
I haven't played the game, and I have no real affection for either that or the old games (I only playe bits of KQ1 and KQ5), so I have no interest in defending this game at all, but it kinda funny to see how this is Broken Age all over again for him. When he gets annoyed at something, the game cannot recover for him after that, and he not only slaughters the game in his review, but also goes on twitter and makes snide remarks about the reviewers who did like the game.
I'm still not sure if or when I will buy this game, but one things that's sure, is that I will not let John Walker have any influence over which adventure games I buy.
"People can have wrong opinions if they like, but only if they acknowledge my opinions first".
For the first time, I am stuck. Can someone give me a vague hint?
I am looking for, and also trying to snatchraisinsfrom thea golden hornfemale bridge troll while she is attempting to light a fire.
your two problems are veeeery much related.
Is that enough of a hint ?![]()
Which of the two items will I get my hands on first?
Thanks, I'll see what I can do with that!
This is such a joy to play. Very refreshing.
another vague hint if you need it:sometimes what youre looking for, was right in front of you
Ok decided to get this, like it a lot so far. One thing i am unsure about though -
Is there multiple ways to go about this game or do I have to do everything? I've spent all my gold coins on a tip for the wheel i stole, the tournament ticket and the pie, but other people want gold to. Just curious
the answer to your question is... yes
your choices on spending gold influences how you advance through the puzzles... and also you can find more gold.
Alright, thanks. Another question -
I forgot to close the door for the blacksmith and she didn't give me the patch what did the patch do
How long is the first chapter?
How long is the first chapter?
All you have to do is read John's stupid tweets on the subject. Once I did I knew I could safely disregard his opinion since he obviously has nothing in common with my tastes.RPS Review
John Walker gonna John Walker.
(I have no opinions about the game so far myself, havent' played it, haven't had any expectations at all).
I think all you need to know about the positive reviews of King's Quest is that ALL of them say the old series was great. Um, oh dear.
These reviews are the equivalent of a film review that begins, "Finally, a film to match the neglected classic Battlefield Earth."
People can like shitty games, clearly. But it makes me genuinely cross when reviewers ignore or dismiss horrendous design issues.
So far as I can tell, from this and the odd adulation Telltale's mostly decent recent games get, people just don't want to *play* games.
They want to watch them, occasionally reaching over to a controller to press X or Y to temporarily pick a slightly different story.
Uh huh John. jenniferlawrenceok.gif. He's certainly welcome to his opinion, but I'm self-aware enough to know that I never need to read another review of his if his tastes are so difference compared to mine. We obviously live on different sides of the gaming world.Although this does seem similar to when the very mediocre Sam & Max games came out, and nearly every site reviewed their memory of the original game rather than the ones in front of them.