Imp the Dimp
Surprised to see so many people on here pleased with it. The beta sucked ass in all honesty.
What are you my editor?
I find one of my only major gripes with the game is its seeming randomness at unselecting party members - most annoying when my medikus gets unselected...
What else would you guys like to see? I might start compiling some questions for the guys.
Fake Edit
I may be going to Rezzed this weekend and the Fat Shark guys will be there - let me know your burning questions.
still interested in this game but holding off mainly because it's got ABYSMAL reviews all over the place (got a 56% average at Gamerankings wtf)
Shame the opinions on this one are so divided, some say it's awesome while others hate it, confused what to think![]()
Surprised to see so many people on here pleased with it. The beta sucked ass in all honesty.
still interested in this game but holding off mainly because it's got ABYSMAL reviews all over the place (got a 56% average at Gamerankings wtf)
Shame the opinions on this one are so divided, some say it's awesome while others hate it, confused what to think![]()
I won't say it's a perfect game, but I do honestly think being rather misconstrued as a Diablo-style ARPG in the wake of said title didn't help it much. More like an Infinity Engine game than a straight-up click-n-slash.
Surprised to see so many people on here pleased with it. The beta sucked ass in all honesty.
still interested in this game but holding off mainly because it's got ABYSMAL reviews all over the place (got a 56% average at Gamerankings wtf)
Shame the opinions on this one are so divided, some say it's awesome while others hate it, confused what to think![]()
@Moobabe: alright i will wait for your review then, make sure you're not gonna be biased though cos you obviously seem to like the game ;P
I get that it's not perfect, what game is? The thing is though that most reviews i have seen seem to say the game is COMPLETE TRASH not just alright or mediocre or whatever... i mean reviews like IGN's 5 out of 10 ??
I know IGNlulz and all that but still...
Version 1.0.8
- Made deep cave truly deep and crazy hard. Try and reach the bottom and say hello to Sluggo. We couldn't.
- Added health bar to the Team Management screen.
- Decreased weapon damage on all weapons found in areas above threat level 7.
- Increased health on all enemies above threat level 7.
- Changed the drop rate of loot to better reflect the threat level it was dropped in.
- Fixed the timing on the Mutant Bruisers chop ability to better match the animation.
- Increased the radius of the Mutant Medikus's healing orb ability to better match the designated area.
- Increased the width of the Mutant Slayers Strike ability to better fit the effect.
- Decreased the duration and increased the cooldown on the Human Regulators Slow Field.
- Fixed some localization errors.
- Decreased the cool down on the Mutant Slayers open wound ability.
- Increased healing done by healing Gadgets.
I too might have missed the point. I mean, I really enjoyed Jagged Alliance: Back in Action - and that was pre-LoS enemy position patch!
You simply cannot trust my words or perspective.
Shagg and Artist say they love it, would love some updated impressions if they're around.
Go get those answers, man!
The game has a lot of charm I think. It has it's fair share of flaws sure, but there is a lot to like about it. I especially liked the soundtrack, which is probably my favorite so far this year.
The game has a lot of charm I think. It has it's fair share of flaws sure, but there is a lot to like about it. I especially liked the soundtrack, which is probably my favorite so far this year.
Agreed. Between this OST and that of Endless Space, it's been a good year for the soundtrack. Heavy rotation of both on my pod.
I'm so tempted to get that soundtrack - the box is wonderful as well.
That strange set of concept artworks is really what pushed me over the edge. Totally intrigued to pour over them when I get my mitts on it. Plus, a physical copy of Krater never goes astray.
Ah, the hardcore mode will be the, ahem, death of me!
I did go back and do a 10 level dungeon run in Normallm, at the Free Digger Site 01. Some total gelatine enemies to begin with, but I went down there with - hilariously - two back-up slayers and a regulator. Ended up doing a nice bit of levelling before bugging out from the depths. Found some nice implants and boosters, made do without a medikus by slotting a health buff into my regulator's AoE slowdown field. Worked well enough, kited with the shock and drew enemies into a front row of spinning axes and blades.
Having too much fun.
I've purchased it and have been playing it inbetween replaying Borderlands on the PC and Warcraft 3I am only 2hrs in and enjoying it.
I took the opportunity to keybind my Characters and Skills to the following:
Select Character 1: A (Bruiser right now)
Skill 1: Q
Skil 2: W
Select Character 2: S (Slayer)
Skill 1: E
Skill 2: R
Select Character 3: D (Medicus)
Skill 1: F
Skill 2: G
Character Secondary Skills (Like grenades, etc)
Bound to 1 2 3
I really can select each character so quickly and spam AoE attacks to keep things off my Medicus in the back. Works well so far.
Only issue I have with the game is that I cannot bind the Rotate Screen option to other keys. It is stuck on the Middle Mouse Button and I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it! That is all![]()
Holy hell, they ARE nice bindings. I might have to experiment...but I've managed so far, the muscle memory is being forged with every session.
Mubly, I think you're dead-on with that observation. Can't wait to read the full run-down.
Version 1.0.9
- Added option to sell soldiers at the bar.
- Compass added to world map.
- Quick selection using q,w,e now handles multiple selection.
- When pressing ALT you can now see what's in the loot piles on ground, and right click to pick it up.
- When pressing ALT in world mini-map the names of all locations are shown.
- When too far away from loot you will now walk up to it.
- Inventory now remembers item placements.
- The list of blueprints at the crafting table is now sorted and have a new font.
- Gadgets are now removable.
- Camera now remembers rotation when switching team.
- Tweaked soldier prices at the bar.
- Added a friendly level at deep cave level 45.
- Added mini-map icon for boot camp's.
- Fixed respawn at last friendly location bug
- Fixed so that mouse over locations in world mini map works correctly.
- Fixed annoying bug where shift-looting miss click on ground would start queue up move commands.
- Fixed bug where camera could sometimes get locked to your soldiers when swapping team members.
- Fixed bug where camera sometimes would fly away when pressing space.
- Fixed annoying bug where hud clicks sometimes didn't register.
- Fixed a bug when rearranging abilities did not work properly in some resolutions.
- Revive icon no longer shown when whole team dies.
- Shift loot now shows correct text, and is shown a bit longer.
- Fixed mouse over on buffs and stats.
- Fixed random crash when using mutant regulator tag ability on freak bombers.
- New deployment system for builds and patches (smaller and faster patching).
Seems like they're pretty quickly patching stuff that people had issues with to begin with.
... pity they decided not to participate in the Steam summer sale.
I was just going to ask about this, but now it seems it's discounted at 25%. I could swear it was full price yesterday. Did they specifically say no daily or flash deal somewhere?
Seems like they're pretty quickly patching stuff that people had issues with to begin with.
... pity they decided not to participate in the Steam summer sale.
Goddamn! When I read they were pushing back the co-op/PvP patch in favour of adding/patching more fundamental elements...I didn't expect such an overhaul!
What a great patch. Tonight is Krater night.
Will add the patch notes to the OP when I'm not on my phone.
And yes, people, buy it! It's cheap as chips and totally not your average ARPG. So much character and wry writing atop the adventuring.
I literally had this one in my cart, but removed it because I saw some negative reviews...the main thing that concerned me was one of the reviews said it was too difficult or unbalanced (bad AI?) - is it like Diablo meets Fallout what I am imagining? That would be pretty cool with me...
I literally had this one in my cart, but removed it because I saw some negative reviews...the main thing that concerned me was one of the reviews said it was too difficult or unbalanced (bad AI?) - is it like Diablo meets Fallout what I am imagining? That would be pretty cool with me...
*standing ovation*
I expect a golden statue to be erected in Sweden over the course of the week. Pylon - any chance your leaving the confines of the convict lands to hit up Gamescom this year? (Pipe dream)
Heh, a man can dream...but chances are akin to a snowball in Beezlebub's glovebox.
Hope a few more folks jump on the Krater train. Any word on the pushed-back co-op patch?
Patch 1.0.10 (19/7)
Increased droprate for purple items
Most Ranged enemies will now attempt to move away from player Soldiers
Added navigation functionality to the world minimap
Changed tooltip for Intelligence on Character Screen
Fixed a bug where ALT loot was allowed in combat
Weapon DPS is now properly calculated and damage numbers will be colored green if the weapon has bonus damage
Fixed issue with some mission items that would stay in inventory after completing quests
Added recipes for threat level 10+
Added crafting material for threat level 10+
Fixed a bug in the crafting system generating low level random properties
Human Bruiser
Now deals 150% weapon damage (up from 120%)
Cooldown changed to 5 (up from 3)
Now generates threat equal to damage dealt x 2.5 (up from 1.5)
Mutant Bruiser
Ground Pound
Cooldown changed to 3.5 (up from 2.5)
Mutant Regulator
Now deals 175% weapon damage (down from 200%)
Cooldown changed to 8 (up from 5)
Explosion delay changed to 1.5 (down from 2 seconds)
Human Slayer
Now deals 180% weapon damage (up from 130%)
Mutant Slayer
Hitbox range is now 8 (up from 6)
Now deals 50% weapon damage every 0.5 seconds (up from 20%)
Is co op in yet? Voted for this.
Seems like they're pretty quickly patching stuff that people had issues with to begin with.
... pity they decided not to participate in the Steam summer sale.