It was scheduled for July - but they pushed it back to work on some of the criticism they received, but I'd imagine August is the plan.
:\ too bad GW2 will be taking all of my time...
It was scheduled for July - but they pushed it back to work on some of the criticism they received, but I'd imagine August is the plan.
Is 15 the level cap?
:\ too bad GW2 will be taking all of my time...
Apparently we only like Krater because we didn't like Diablo 3...even though I liked Diablo 3.
I hated that people compared the two - not because I dislike D3, but because they have nothing in common. It's not a good point of reference.And D3 is shit....
I really think that FatShark needs to put a demo out.
The GiantBomb guys did a great and lengthy Quicklook on this game a while back. If anyone is in doubt about what this game is all about I'd highly recommend checking out the Quicklook. It explains pretty much everything the game has to offer.
I hate to let you guys down but I just can't do it with the controls be constant clicking. I'm pickier than I thought when it comes to games I guess.
Have you tried it yet? Because it's MUCH less clicking than something like Diablo - you only click to engage, rather than for every attack.
Can I walk around using the keyboard? That's all I want
Just grabbed it and put about an hour in - seems like a neat little game; can't wait to try it a bit more and play around with the team selection
So just picked it up and headed to my first there a way to speed up the scrolling on the side of the map? I checked the options and didn't see anything. I also didn't see a way to save. Hopefully when I come back from dinner I'm still in the same place. Other than that looks and sounds amazing.
Wonderful news. Hope folks are getting stuck into it!
Is the collector's edition worth getting?
If you already know the blueprint then you don't need to overwrite it - they all get stored once you learn them. You can sell repeat blueprints.
I was waiting for this game to go on sale, I was interested in it, it sounded awesome, but when it released I didn't really hear anything that great about it. Now that its on sale I picked it up, played through the first dungeon and got all my guys to rank 5. Seems cool, I was expecting more from the music though, does it stand out more later? Also, I'm guessing I'm supposed to just sell my rank 5 guys now and start again, so soon?
So what's the itemization like in this game. Diablo/torchlight etc levels of random item stats or is most of it predetermined?
The problem is the other blueprint is different. Since it adds also a random stat + the set stat. The one I know now only has a set stat.
Grabbed the CE.
Couldn't really find much or any info in regards to deaths but is there anything carried over between deaths?
Just picked it up, together with soundtrack and DLC. Since it's the daily it goes for 6.99 (CE 9.something), no reason not to!
I see the dilemma - in that case... no I don't think you can.
Thats a damned shame. Hopefully it will be addressed as development moves along.
On another note I was hoping that there would be things like armor and such also, but was a little let down to find out that the game is only about weapons, enhancements and upgrades. Since thought it was going to be cool seeing all sorts of different post apoc sort of armor sets for the crazy characters.
Still love the game and it is something unique to the isometric ARPG family.
Yeah I know what you mean - it'd be nice, at least, if there were cosmetic changes you could pick up to change the look of your crew.
ye got me gaf
One thing though is that this game gets intense at times with trying to make sure your guy doesnt get knocked out adding another notch to the wound meter. Esp if the guy is on his last legs with not being able to take another wounding. Man for some reason the enemies really HATE the regulator and thats with me trying to pull the hate off with the tank and all the hate generating skills hes got.
Hot damn, you need to watch that Regulator. Poor bastard. Still, my current Reg is so chocked up on Focus implants, coupled with a lovely little custom-made Duck Zapper, that when a slow-field gets thrown down, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
I think I wrote it earlier, but my Regulator has health boosters on his slow-field, so he's kind of a secondary Medikus.
Yep, I'm getting a database error.I'm getting a 500 error at Moobabe's review. Anyone else?
I'm getting a 500 error at Moobabe's review. Anyone else?
With a mob that includes a few ranged enemies, I usually shock one of them, and just have my Reg cop the shots from the remaining shooter. Otherwise, when in doubt - stasis + health combo! Some really awesome implant combos, too.