I really hope in the fully finished version they will have actual skill trees and such. Would be cool to see a bunch of different skills and what not. Am guessing I need to find a new town to raise my guys level caps? Currently everyone is stuck at 5.
I'm getting a 500 error at Moobabe's review. Anyone else?
Yep, I'm getting a database error.
So whats it mean when a new hire is green instead of grey? I assume its like getting a green item, and that soldier has better stats?
Two questions.
1. Is it possible to rename your dudes? If so, how?
2. I'm considering changing one of my healer's skills into a buff that increases defense and stamina and leaving the other skill for pure healing. Which skill should I use for the buff?
Two questions.
1. Is it possible to rename your dudes? If so, how?
2. I'm considering changing one of my healer's skills into a buff that increases defense and stamina and leaving the other skill for pure healing. Which skill should I use for the buff?
So I'm really enjoying this game, and disappointed that it's not higher in steam sales chart. Outside of the fact that the mouse scroll is slow, and the fact that there is the pay to level thing, this game has drawn me in more than the other 20 games I got thus far during the sale. A few questions though. Should I be buying other guys outside of the 4 I start with in case one dies? Is there anyway to get from the bottom of a dungeon to the world map without walking all the way back through? ... And seeing how I am already level 8 and the level cap is 15 and only in threat level 2, is there a reason the level cap is set so low?
Ok, now this is getting interesting... I'm reading a lot of positive comments here, but the fact is: I *hated* this game in beta. It was one of the most dull and boring hack'n slash I ever had the misfortune to try.
And it wasn't just me, a lot of well argued reviews stomped this game for the unsatisfying experience it was, which would suggest me I'm not just a lone lunatic.
Sooo... What's improved so much since the beta that you guys are loving so passionately?
Cause I would love to give it a second chance and change my opinion about it if there are valid reasons for it.
If you are talking about skill order you can just drag and drop.also is there any way to change the order of the crew? Having healing in the middle is kinda annoying
I just got the game and I am wondering if I need to have a slayer in my team? Or can i live with regulator/medic/bruiser? I feel like I don't do enough damage =/ But I need regular for the stun..lol
and also should i keep using the people I started with or should I constantly replace them?
also is there any way to change the order of the crew? Having healing in the middle is kinda annoying
I missed a Steam sale on this didn't I?![]()
I'm currently using a party of bruiser/slayer/m.medikus and I'm doing alright.
Well, shit.
I thought I had bought this during the sale, but apparently not. I guess I added funds to my wallet but then forgot.
Well, shit.
I thought I had bought this during the sale, but apparently not. I guess I added funds to my wallet but then forgot.
Nah, it was "just" a month-long ban.Welcome back, Tuco! Thought we'd lost you there.
Played about an hour so far and not getting into it. Hopefully it gets much more difficult at the very least.
This game looks so awesome but runs like fucking garbage in my PC...
and I'm sure it shouldn't.
The sound keeps stuttering, framerate goes down below all the time. I even put all the video settings on low and, even though it got playable, from time to time the framerate still sucks and the sound stutters like hell.
My PC has an Intel Core i5-650, 6Gb RAM and AMD Radeon HD 5450 with 1GB. Also have this with DirectX11. What is wrong? Am I missing something here?
BTW, not expecting to play this maxed, but to know why does it stutters and runs so damn slow even on low settings?
I'm on my phone at the moment, but google "Krater custom config", and you'll find some Steam and Krater forum threads. Long story short, once accessed, you can tweak and squeeze good performance out of it if you're needing it.
I shrank the shadow texture maps down to 256x256 on my beleaguered mid-range laptop and it's smooth as silk now.
This game is amazing. I love the art and the music is amazing. Seriously, one of the greatest world map themes ever made, beautiful.
And all the swedishness just makes me warm and fuzzy inside being a swede myself
Anyway, tips for me please? I'm finding that the game's difficulty got ramped up quite a bit all of a sudden.
Experiment with your team setup - 4 classes and 2 variations of each - use gadgets and don't stray too far from the start until you're more comfortable (or you can afford to get someone to rank 10)
Right, so hiring new people is recommended then? I'll go check out that recruiting officer then and see what he has to offer![]()
I'm loving this game...blowing through it. I just got one of my guys to level 15, but he has fallen twice now. If I bring him to a healer in town does that reset it?
recruiting a 'green' person (max rank of lvl 10) is way cheaper than promoting =/
this stage is so hard.. I ran out of money to heal my crew. lol
random question: Do different people of the same class and same rank have the same stats? or should i shop around for specific stats?
edit: lol i am abusing gadget. use it, wait 2 minute for cd. and keep going =_=
so what stats should I like for for
medic and regular: focus and int?
bruiser: stamina and defense?
Rocking a full mutant group. Love using the Regulator's Tag skill, then Bruiser leaping into the group before it explodes![]()
My brain isn't functioning properly tonight - but if you put your cursor over each stat it tells you what it affects - STR, STA and DEF are excellent choices for the bruiser, and FOC and INT are good picks for the other two as well.
Also for the kind folks who wanted to read my review the other day - the site is now semi LIVE!
Thanks for the heads up...maybe I can get some tips from it cause holy crap did the difficulty ramp up in chapter 3
My brain isn't functioning properly tonight - but if you put your cursor over each stat it tells you what it affects - STR, STA and DEF are excellent choices for the bruiser, and FOC and INT are good picks for the other two as well.
Also for the kind folks who wanted to read my review the other day - the site is now semi LIVE!