Oh, EnjoyUp is not going to release the missing secret zone for Wiiware owners? That's pretty bad.I'm so disappointed that this didn't get the DLC. :/
Well, I've killed two mini bosses(one at the Sun Temple and one at the Water Temple) and I have a glyph, but I'm still randomly running all over the place.
Yet I kind of like it.
I wish we'd gotten more WW games like this, I think it's a great platform that went woefully underutilized. Also, the speaker remote notifications are always nice.
Wii Ware DOES seem to be the best fit for deliberately retro-style games though, or at least it comes far closer to feeling like the real deal (when they don't unnecessarily fuck it up like TAY anyway), but the problems are as you outlined. Stifling storage space, no account system (though I'm thinking/hoping coverting to Wii U fixes this), and bullshit terms for profit. And no serious attempt at building awareness while letting all sorts of crap in before a positive impression could be built, cutting out bullshit bogging it down then establishing a great start probably would've made it hold its own against XBLA and PSN rather than mainly being good for getting MegaMan, Cave Story, World of Goo, and this, all of which (along with a few other games that only became temporary exclusives) can be found elsewhere. The only ones that are worthwhile and stayed exclusive, I believe, were Nintendo's own games.Respectfully disagree. A file size limitation that effectively cuts content from the game, no permanent account system in place and zero awareness of new releases marred with a sales threshold for developers to get profits? Terrible.
Now... back to La-Mulana, yes?![]()
Looking forward to newcomers getting to theand realizing the wiki is down. Haha.Gate of Illusion
Full heal every time it's maxed. Pick up EXP drops (green spheres) to fill it.(I have yet to figure out the health system, i.e. what is that blue bar for)
Just fought the first boss and won. What's the difference from the pc version???do we lose muchin the wiiware version?
Also hit #1 in basically every Euro market. Really glad, this game more than most really deserves the success. Eat it Nicalis.
When you pause the game, what's the character is doing after eating, just before sleeping?
Indeed. I am very glad they stepped up to grab this.Well deserved. Thanks. EnjoyUp!
They are indeed based in Spain.(Are they a Hispanic company? I noticed the 'jeje'.)
I don't think it's a matter of changing their minds, the way it was being implemented was one of the key points which kept getting the game rejected from submission and causing Nicalis to drop out of publishing it. My assumption is that when EnjoyUp contacted NIGORO, it was probably figured that since the game was otherwise finished, they should focus on getting the game out at all then waste more (very valuable) time trying to fix whatever was causing the rejected submissions.I hope EnjoyUp/NIGORO change their minds about the DLC dungeon.
I don't think it's a matter of changing their minds, the way it was being implemented was one of the key points which kept getting the game rejected from submission and causing Nicalis to drop out of publishing it. My assumption is that when EnjoyUp contacted NIGORO, it was probably figured that since the game was otherwise finished, they should focus on getting the game out at all then waste more (very valuable) time trying to fix whatever was causing the rejected submissions.
I would like to see them get it working now that the game is out and selling though, if they can manage it.
Oh, I thought the DLC came out for the Japanese version.
Didn't realize there were cert issues involved.![]()
It did come out in Japan.Oh, I thought the DLC came out for the Japanese version.
Didn't realize there were cert issues involved.![]()
- Scan everything. Stone tablets, skeletons, background items, etc. That's how you'll get clues and solutions to puzzles. It helps to take notes. Room names (displayed on the map) are important too.
*Exception: the one tablet that says you'll get cursed if you scan it a second time - this one triggers hard mode on and you do not want hard mode on.
I'm wondering if I somehow triggered hard mode and didn't realize it (there's more enemies that didn't exist before and the existing ones have more attacks). Is that scan somewhere in the(those are the locations I have been to so far, but didn't notice anything potentially "cursing" me. If so, is there a way to turn it off?Gate of Guidance, Mausoleum of Giants, Endless Corridor, Twin Labyrinth, Temple of the Sun or Moonlit Temple?
I'm loving this game BTW - just hope I didn't somehow do more harm then good.
Maybe they can get a deluxe version on the Wii U eShop? That way we can get the DLC on consoles, and possibly even go crazy and fit in some graphic filters and a mode for the MSX-style graphicsand audio (as is possible anyway).
Still, better to get it than not.
I'm wondering if I somehow triggered hard mode and didn't realize it (there's more enemies that didn't exist before and the existing ones have more attacks). Is that scan somewhere in the(those are the locations I have been to so far, but didn't notice anything potentially "cursing" me. If so, is there a way to turn it off?Gate of Guidance, Mausoleum of Giants, Endless Corridor, Twin Labyrinth, Temple of the Sun or Moonlit Temple?
I'm loving this game BTW - just hope I didn't somehow do more harm then good.
Yes, it's in theMausoleum of Giants, in the upper-right corner of the map. The room is called "Room of Redemption", you can check the name if you found the map of that area.
AFAIK there's no way to turn of Hard mode once it's activated.
Is there any reason that I can't use the holy grail to add the save point at the Temple of the Moon to my warp points? I spent ten minutes trying to activate it, but no go.
Is there any reason that I can't use the holy grail to add the save point at the Temple of the Moon to my warp points? I spent ten minutes trying to activate it, but no go.
- Additionally, some checkpoints won't appear on the grail teleport menu because of reasons. You need a special software for that to happen - it's. I don't think they ever tell you what it does ingame but spoilered just in case.mirai.exe
I know this is the Wiiware thread, but how does this play with a keyboard? I was thinking about installing it on my MBA's Windows 7 partition.
Can someone explain me how works the holy grail? Do I need more than 1 save file?