Those were all spread out over 3 days I think
Didn't you lose three ranked games in a row with Naota yesterday? Or was it only 2.
Edit: Support fiddlesticks alert in EULCS.
Those were all spread out over 3 days I think
Don't worry, I'll be back to carry u laterWell at least 5 of those games were with you when I was actually playing well and then of course once I go solo I start playing like crap((((
But yes that very last game that actually pushed me back into g5 was a terrible idea lol
Pls I'd be challenger by now if I didn't have to carry you kicking and screaming up the ladder :^^^^^)Don't worry, I'll be back to carry u later
All I have to do is play Ekko again :^))))
xcuse mePls I'd be challenger by now if I didn't have to carry you kicking and screaming up the ladder :^^^^^)
Just stick to ekko and ban anivia and we got this :^))))xcuse me
similar to how overwatch has algorithms that figure out play of the game, you can do like "heatmap checks" for dmg on the timeline to figure out when a teamfight happened, assign a starting and ending time to the teamfight and just show individual players' damageI wonder how hard it would be to have the option to see 'Damage Dealt in last team fight' in the spectator client. It probably depends on if production for the LCS has a program that just gets like 'damage done by champion from X to Y' or if it tries to automatically determine whether a team fight happened.
Just stick to ekko and ban anivia and we got this :^))))
Renektoy skin finally out
God bless
time for plat
Smashed this test, finally have time to grind tonight.
So somebody made a few league champs into thinking emojis. I think these could get a lot of use around here.
that's disappointing to hear but i checked out dks3 really quick after beating itDark Souls 3 last DLC have many gimmicks they forgot to add an actual challenge without them
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
You are now in a chat room with your full champion select team.
Envelaap joined the room.
A player did not lock in their pick or ban. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
You are now back in a chat room with just your premade.
A player didn't accept the AFK check. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
You are now in a chat room with your full champion select team.
Envelaap joined the room.
A player left champ select. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
You are now back in a chat room with just your premade.
You are now in a chat room with your full champion select team.
Envelaap joined the room.
A player did not lock in their pick or ban. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
You are now back in a chat room with just your premade.
Wait for me Enve I'm omw
envelaap tried his hardest not to win, but not today. not today.
natoto i just have to screencap any of our previous 8 games together to show what trying hard not to win looks like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Eh, if you get banned in a regular thread on gaming side, likely you said something stupid.
At least Renekton is cute, Kennen's skin on the other hand is trash. I swear I've seen many custom skins of much better quality than that sub-product.
Wait, wtf. I'm listening to the new podcast The Dive and apparently the BBQ in BBQ Olivers doesn't stand for barbecue?? Riot Korea sent Riot NA an email saying that it stands for 'Best Best Quality' or something. Even though that company makes fried chicken.
Edit: Kobe saying that using your first dodge of the day to avoid autofilled people, especially at higher ranks. Nice
yea lol, it's Best of the Best Quality Chicken not Barbecue
I'm pretty sure that's not a thing lolWait we get one free dodge of the day? Because that would be amazing
Like that game where my Diana top went 0/8/2 . In a gold elo game :/