Ghost is Bad
so how exactly was that the adc's fault?
or you could have not run at our team 1v5 ulting nothing.
:^)fuk u ghost just bc u never let me listen to music on discord
In carnage I bloom like a flower in the dawn
Also Ghost is the type of guy that compares me to fucking Meteos while I pop off
I hate 131s so muchWew lads, game 2 was something to remember. even if it was kind of clowny, it was probably the highest level coordination we've had in any inhouse game I've played.
Most smurfs are just silver players trying to pretend as if they're better than they really are I there anything more nauseating than "smurfs" patting each other on the back all game because they're doing better than players who are supposedly 2-3 leagues beneath them
especially when the non-"smurfs" on the team do more than them
Most smurfs are just silver players trying to pretend as if they're better than they really are I think.
Promos time. I can feel my ego swelling already.
how are you getting renek so much
he's picked/banned pretty frequently in my games
naisuDunno, he's OP OP atm. Fortunately bad players pick him up and drag his win rate down :^)
Today we're going to be randomly selecting normal games to test our new Advanced Bot AI. You can expect these state-of-the-art bots to be ultra-realistic, and—due to advanced machine-learning techniques—capable of developing their own distinct personalities and playing styles. Please play your best against the bots, since they will be learning about play patterns in real-time.
AFK penalties will still apply, so please don't ragequit. You'll receive an exclusive icon for finishing one of these games before April 2, 2017, at 11:59 PDT. (Icons can take a few weeks to appear in your account.)
Please keep in mind that Advanced Bots are still in alpha testing and may act unpredictably. We appreciate your patience as we iron out the bugs. If you're interested in learning more about our bots, please refer to our dev blog here.
Promos time. I can feel my ego swelling already.
I think I am the only one from here playing LAN apart of Kitsune.
isn't zeekeelon from lan
Nah, we LAS.
o what's the diff
o what's the diff