I climb by turning the enemy laner into a feeder :^)
How do you do that without the level 5 Mastery emote?
I climb by turning the enemy laner into a feeder :^)
Damn I believe you.People feed like that in all elos, bro.
Yes, the knockback is the biggest issue. Just like Nidalee lost her root, he shouldn't have this type of tool considering how fast his clears speed up afterwards.So, what makes his clear so especially healthy is probably how easy it is to kite camps right? What if the knockback on his auto was less or even just gone. He could still kite the camps, but not nearly as effectively (I think) and he would take more damage in early clears.
Edit: Completely unrelated but please god stop showing that Battlegrounds commercial with the stupid dog. Or, just all of those battlegrounds commercials. I am so sick of it already. The same 3 commercials play like every god damn commercial break on every channel.
Also who does Janna pair really well with.
I like her but I am afraid to play her in rank
Honestly, it's either that or his Q damage needs to be gutted, maybe both. That shit shouldn't deal more damage than his bloody ult.Yeah so I just checked because I couldn't remember 100%, but Graves doesn't knockback anything other than minions. I know it would hurt his clear a fair amount, but it seems like messing with the knockback passive would take him down a peg in the jungle without necessarily making him worse against champs. That would probably be a good place to start in my opinion.
Janna works well with pretty much any ADC. Aggressive ones like the free AD, passive ones like the peel and shield.Also who does Janna pair really well with.
I like her but I am afraid to play her in rank
We can definitely do inhouses tonight, but there's like a 20% chance I won't be able to make it.
Nope, just a typo sorry. It's at the regular time, 7PM EST, 4 PM PST.Is inhouse hours later than normal just because you wouldn't be able to make it earlier?
Get solo'd by my support lulu again scrubI haven't played in like a week so if anyone loses to me they're adopted.
Oh shit I am going to try and make Inhouse. I need practice
And holy shit why is graves so strong. Had a game yesterday where the graves on my team went 16/3 and closed the game out in 20.
He deals damage, has a good clear, and his passive gives him a bunch of tankiness relatively for free.
Graves really needs some risk in his clears. Even Quinn needed to take some damage.
Graves needs to not be a jungler.
Graves needs to be deleted
Also, Dobe I finished Horizon last night and loved the ending. Especially the post credits scene answeredhow could a sequel be set up
Yes it is![]()
If you're online in an hour and a half you can join in on inhouses and probably add a few people then.
Got my Plat!
Wooh happy for you.Here is my promo run( the bad game was the lucian mid/ jungle yasuo)"
Got my Plat! Now I meme those below me especially gator.
Mained Ivern when he came out, had 80% win rate, this is ez.
Stopped playing him, was bored.
Tried him after nerfs, gaud......
We have a neo gaf club?
Get dunked on GatorHere is my promo run( the bad game was the lucian mid/ jungle yasuo)"
Got my Plat! Now I meme those below me especially gator.
Bruh that game is a custom lol
who let ghost and newt bot together
why would you do that
needed a better adc.
you went 0/9
you ran at us multiple times by yourself and solo ulted.