it was a joke @_@I play pretty often.
It's just a good luck streak.
I'll probably lose my next game now.
if you got an early game lead, going damage is a good way to snowball - but if its an even game, you'd be more useful tanky so you can get your utility out without dyingSo I've been playing J4 lately in the jungle. Is it more useful for me to go tanky than as a damage dealer?
it was a joke @_@
Yeah, I'm NA. Main ADC and Janna mostly.
PM me your username and we'll duo sometime!
I mean, why are people straight fighting someone like Volibear.
Anyone watching worlds know what chair they are sitting on
Hey guys. I'm back. lol.
wb, fellow cavHey guys. I'm back. lol.
Congr- hey, wait a minute!
Does anyone know how long it takes to break an elo clamp if it's possible in tier 1? I've won like 8/9 ranked games but am still only getting 4 LP per game and I'm getting concerned about even getting to 100 LP before the end of October.![]()
Poor Vulcun, they were doing so well vs. Ozone.
aww hell naw we dont talk about worlds in here
ask in here:
also, to everybody: keep spoilers out of this thread. spoilers are ok in the worlds thread.
What was your LP win amount at the end of silver 2 though? It immediately lowered by 10+ LP for me upon going from silver 2 to 1, MMR depends how far your mmr is
i got 18-22 lp per win in s1
What was your LP win amount at the end of silver 2 though? It immediately lowered by 10+ LP for me upon going from silver 2 to 1, MMR aside.
corki...well after placement i think i was in silver 2? i was getting 25ish LP
i had random thought.
we need a flying mounted champion
urf...Corki rides a plane, doesn't count. Needs to be an animal with personality and makes noises N stuff
Corki rides a plane, doesn't count. Needs to be an animal with personality and makes noises N stuff
theyre trying to make everybody watch worlds obviously.Anyone have crazy lag spikes? I fucking disconnected during Baron and they took it.
Love hate relationship with Riot.
Anyone have crazy lag spikes? I fucking disconnected during Baron and they took it.
now i remember why you ban shen
so your teammates dont pick him
now i remember why you ban shen
so your teammates dont pick him
And Amumu.
oh oh
imagine a yordle riding a giant MOTH
holy shit
and the moth has a dust based ability. yordle might shoot some magic bolts and curses
i like this idea : )
dust allows the ability to create an area control debuffing champion!
Solo Q bans are always because you don't trust your teammates to either use the champs or fight against them.
Poor Vulcun, they were doing so well vs. Ozone.
Hey guys, Any thresh players out there? would like some advice.
I main thresh support and I just got back into bronze 1.
I wanted to know if I should move from my current build as generally I go the following:
My opening is pretty solid I think with:
faerie charm, vision ward, 2x sight wards, 2 health pots
From there I build sight stone, phil stone.
Depending on how well we are doing in lane ruby sightstone/emblem
I then go locket of iron solari and then reverie
I then grab ionion boots for cooldown
At this point I will be building my 4th item but I never finish it. I generally go sunfire cape or spirit visage depending on what is the most damage I am taking.
Throughout the game I generally get as many vision/sight wards as I can.
I never really deter from this build. I was wondering if there is a better way to build thresh? Sometimes I will go mobility boots if I am roaming more and the kills are easy.
My style of play is aggressive, I hear a lot of people using their E as the initial attack to get the damage from the passive where I generally open with my Q then go E.
My rune page is armour pen x 9, magic resist x 9, flat armour x 9 and 3 gold quints
My masteries are 1/12/17
lolking page:
I find that disabling Shadows altogether really eases on FPS in teamfights. And it might have something to do with you using fullscreen, just play borderless, there's no real reason not to. As far as I'm aware.No but I've been getting awful FPS drops into the 10s and 20s for several minutes and only in combat. I'm not sure why since I can reach 200fps on benchmark on everything high. The funny thing is that it went away when I put the game to fullscreen so maybe it has something to do with that.
I didn't mean straight out swapping them, sorry for being vague. I meant grabbing them both. Along with one ward and health potion. You should do this against lanes where you know you're going to get pushed back. For example, if you're laning with Vayne against Caitlyn or Varus. Or against Sona, you should try that opening. It helps you sustain her poke, and since you're mostly on the tower you don't really need that many wards
Also here's how my runepage for thresh/blitz looks like.![]()
If you can replace physical with Armor you will be golden for any tanky support.I didn't mean straight out swapping them, sorry for being vague. I meant grabbing them both. Along with one ward and health potion. You should do this against lanes where you know you're going to get pushed back. For example, if you're laning with Vayne against Caitlyn or Varus. Or against Sona, you should try that opening. It helps you sustain her poke, and since you're mostly on the tower you don't really need that many wards
Also here's how my runepage for thresh/blitz looks like.![]()
If you can replace physical with Armor you will be golden for any tanky support.
Yes, I know. I have another runepage with exactly that. I just use that runepage for Thresh, Blitz and Leona because Thresh has really mean autoattacks and Blitz and Leona have auto attack cancels, and those really boost your damage.