She has like no ass whatsoever
It looks like it was painted by Rob Liefeld

She has like no ass whatsoever
AOE effects gain reduced effects from spell vamp/slow.Re: Ahri, what does this mean exactly?
"Now counts as an AoE damage source for the purposes of Spell Vamp and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter"
Does it remove the multi-hit slow or something?
Rylai gives 15% slow and not 35%Area of effect (AoE) spells only apply 33% of the listed spell vamp.
All the main 4 are getting hit. Fizz, Zed and Kass are up for nerfs in 3.13 as well.Are there other big assassins being nerfed in 3.13 or is it only Ahri for now? Generally when they post a patch change summary thread with explanations in GD that's about all that's going to be there.
I remember back from summer split, reading of a change you could do to the config file(i think) that would bring back the spectate matches on the client instead of their announcements. Anyone knows what is the change I have to make?
All the main 4 are getting hit. Fizz, Zed and Kass are up for nerfs in 3.13 as well.
They made his wave clear weaker but didn't touch his ability to actually erase people.How bad were the last nerfs to Zed? I remember I started playing him after his last nerf so I don't remember how OP he was before that. I wonder how he'll fair after his next nerf because he's the only assassin I like playing.
AOE effects gain reduced effects from spell vamp/slow.
Rylai gives 15% slow and not 35%
I rarely dodge. As much as i'd rather play with a different group, I still learned a bunch from my lane matchup and playing from behind when the other lanes fed a little. I like to put trust in my teammates that if they pick something, they will know how to use it. I know that isnt always the case, but I like to be hopeful.
when is fizz getting an aquaman costume
Hmmm, Pokemon comes out tonight and yet, I don't have a DS.
I know there was lots of "lols" at the 2ds but it's a bit cheaper. Probably not worth it compared to the 3ds. Also, just saw the new Zelda....FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Why did I just buy a RP card yesterday guise?
No more AS aura on ult, steroid only lasts 3 attacks and has a sizeable cooldown unless maxed.Not sure how they read that way honestly.
It looks like a potato.It looks like it was painted by Rob Liefeld
Sivir's updated models can be seen here. Spectacular and PAX sure do look nice. Also, dat dunk.
Sivir nerfs.
I don't like any of those Sivir changes but then again I don't play Sivir anyway so meh....
are these posts real?I'm not so sure about those Sivir changes. They sound like a net nerf overall.
are these posts real?
I just don't understand how those changes will play out in the end.are these posts real?
If you do not play Sivir why would you suddenly expect her to fit your "playstyle"?Hey! I never said they were bad! I just don't like them. It's not my type of playstyle.
Sivir's mana costs have been massively reduced across the board, allowing her to indulge more in ability usage that helps compensate for her low range. That is all there is to this. It is not just the spell shield. It is not just the ultimate. Even her W now essentially gets three AOE strikes for the price of one.I just don't understand how those changes will play out in the end.
The cooldown timer activates after she throws out the third auto.0 mana cost on her spellshield looks pretty huge. If I understand this right, the passive on ult effectively increases rate at which she pumps out AoE damage after activating ricochet. Is ricochet no longer active after she's thrown the 3rd AA, or is it still considered active until the last bounce has made contact?
Uh, pretty sure it's the same.Oh, I just read Ricochet's tooltip properly, it doesn't have a limit of bounces?
I just don't understand how those changes will play out in the end.
The spellshield change is swell though.
I just don't understand how those changes will play out in the end.
If you do not play Sivir why would you suddenly expect her to fit your "playstyle"?
Champions shouldn't be redesigned to be something they are not. These changes are a good way to keep Sivir as Sivir.Maybe the rework could've changed her kit a bit so it would appeal to me. You never know.
Champions shouldn't be redesigned to be something they are not. These changes are a good way to keep Sivir as Sivir.
Champions shouldn't be redesigned to be something they are not. These changes are a good way to keep Sivir as Sivir.
Were we even expecting any big Sivir tweaks? I figured she'd at best get like ... the E change. Maybe her ult to no longer have the "WAIT, LET ME STOP AND SHOUT" cast. This is a bit more than I expected.
Also, we can't ignore that she got +.1 free AD per level!...!
Darn, PBE has a custom game requirement at the moment.
Is it me..or does Xerath's R look really underwhelming
the artillery looks like it's shot from a water gun. I hope that's not the final particle.
Champions shouldn't be redesigned to be something they are not. These changes are a good way to keep Sivir as Sivir.
Just some notes: W has no +Damage on it and, as far as I can tell, it actually doesn't have a bounce limit.
Edit: Holy shit her Q is so loud whyyyy