I feel ancient around you guys talking about pokemon and shit...
How old are all of you?
What is the connection like to LAN tho?
I'm about 37% win rate of contested Baron smites years old.
Well, assuming your win rate is 50% on Baron Smites, then you're 18 and a half... Im almost twice your age.
edit: eeeerrghhh ferk double post
He's a perfectly good top...Why do Lee players go top? Stay in the jungle pls.
He's a perfectly good top...
I need to play with GAF'ers. The people matchmaking is pairing me with because I didn't play SR in ages is getting ridiculous.
So kiwikid has to go through try outs to keep his jobaka Dignitas looking for a new top laner
Patoy is the only one that fits that billAre they looking for a new mid and ADC, too, or have they inherited the onus of "blame the guy who isn't actually fucking up" from CLG now that Hotshot's hung it up?
Playing Xerath on PBE right now. This can't possibly go live. Passive gives me 15% of my max mana or 45% if I hit a champion.
Yeah but his spells also cost like a billion mana
Also I'm pretty sure it's only 4%. Or at least that's what it was when I played him.
eu gaf > na gaf?
Plat V at last, surprised it only took me one promo series, after taking 3 for Gold 1, but I'm happy. Soon le bip, soon.
eu gaf > na gaf?
also jax vs aatrox is literally the worst lane ever.
Yeah, Jax just eats him for dinner.
Brb banning jax whenever im first pick
Playing Xerath on PBE right now. This can't possibly go live. Passive gives me 15% of my max mana or 45% if I hit a champion.
Sweet, no need to start dorans ring anymore.
tbh, Aatrox is better jungler than top right now.Lucian is SOOOOO FUNNN
also jax vs aatrox is literally the worst lane ever.
tbh, Aatrox is better jungler than top right now.
Who is actually good versus Nasus top lane?
Not including Teemo.
Jax can do some shit. Rumble should be able to do something as well. Perhaps kennen.Who is actually good versus Nasus top lane?
Not including Teemo.
Who is actually good versus Nasus top lane?
Not including Teemo.
Ebay. Codes go for around 40 bucksMan... is there any way to get PAX Sivir? That skin looks so cool and I'm sad that I never had the chance to actually acquire it.
Who is actually good versus Nasus top lane?
Not including Teemo.
Isn't the Nasus x Jax match up the other way around? At least from my limited top knowledge it seemed that way
Max Wither and pop goes Jax
Let me tell you about assholes who run hp regen Nasus...Anybody with early kill pressure. Like, Nasus can sustain well because he has a lot of early game Lifesteal but ... it's still just Lifesteal.