She's a popular community made champion that was used regularly in competitive play through the whole season, why is she a bad choice?As I said, Elise is just a bad choice for a victorious skin. Who knows which important member of Riot designed her / has her as his waifu for this to happen.
Janna victorious looks like a legendary skin in comparison.
gold IV? ain't nodoge got time for that
From the reddit post it does sound very "captain's mode" esque. One person starts a game and sees people queuing up for the roles he's looking for. Would be kinda fun with a duo queue.
I like that it's a separate mode, though splintering the community a little more I think LoL is big enough to handle it. Eventually it could just replace blind pick since that's what people use blind pick for anyways.
Team builder is blind normals only for the moment.
Also, Victorious Elise:
.skin would be really good if human elise face stayed on in spider mode tho
what does this even mean
Sultan GP
Ugh.. I like codplank so much though...
I just feel like the actual feel of Elise doesn't work well with the Victorious skin theme. Like... she's supposed to be very natural and organic in her movements. Those armor platings and stuff doesn't fit that theme. It's just... weird. I would've much rather had some other champion that fits the bill.
Everyone knows how to spell your name but we screw it up on purpose because we're hilarious.
I agree completely - I haven't used the default once since I got SF - but prettyyyy~
Irelia secret OP?
So what are the rumors about the next champ? Hoping for something that's not ADC.
So what are the rumors about the next champ? Hoping for something that's not ADC.
What's to stop people from picking a different champion? Say I just want to play a support, but I don't know which support until I see the enemy composition. What stops me from queueing as support then picking marksman anyway? If my selection gets limited to supports, what happens if every single support I have is picked/banned?
nothing other than that certainlyT is making it
he also has the tendency to make OP champions with new mechanics. he also has made everything but a marksman (or a support... since zyra came out as a mage)
maybe we will get 3 adc in a row.
Don't think there are any rumors, but it should be a support or mid.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he made Thresh?
Good. I hope it's a support. I want Ao Shin to be an AP top or a mage. He looks like such a cool champ thematically.
Silver 1 promos, oooooh boy my heart can't take it, I've never come this far, please don't be wax wings please don't be wax wings please don't be wax wings
What's to stop people from picking a different champion? Say I just want to play a support, but I don't know which support until I see the enemy composition. What stops me from queueing as support then picking marksman anyway? If my selection gets limited to supports, what happens if every single support I have is picked/banned?
o yeah he made thresh. thats a support
Designed champions Edit
Darius, the Hand of Noxus
Thresh, the Chain Warden[2]
Zed, the Master of Shadows (partly with Samizul)
Zyra, Rise of the Thorns (partly with Coronach and Morello)
guess itll be another adc guys, sorry back your bags up
anyone have a cold pack? my back hurts. kat murdering everyone.![]()
Eh, Renekton has a fair amount of room for making plays in lane. I guess it depends on your definition of "making plays" I suppose.
Alright LeagueGAF. Tell me which should I choose for my party? Goodra or Garchomp?