Stone Ocean
When I started playing Tryndamere was still considered like legit good and not gimmicky.
Those were not fun times.
Those were not fun times.
By one skin per champ you mean one skin missing because it was limited at the time, right?
The sun sets and darkness creeps in, candlelight flickers and fires burn out. The Harrowing is nearly upon us. Whether exploring an old tomb or getting decked out to deck some criminals, terrifying and surprising storytelling comes alive with new skins for Zyra and Vi. Haunted Zyra and Officer Vi headline a cast that includes all of the former Harrowing skins. As announced last Thursday, skins that were previously categorized as Limited Edition are now legacy and will also be retrieved from the vault.
Here's the list of all of the legacy skins that'll be available this Harrowing:
Mundo Mundo
Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
Kitty Cat Katarina
Zombie Ryze
Nosferatu Vladimir
FrankenTibbers Annie
Definitely Not Blitzcrank
Bewitching Nidalee
Haunting Nocturne
Headless Hecarim
Haunted Maokai
Underworld Twisted Fate
Headmistress Fiora
Pirate Ryze
Zombie Brand
But the Harrowing is more than just dressing up and terrifying your foes, we're also bringing back all five Harrowing ward skins and unveiling five new summoner icons to earn throughout the event. And it wouldn't be the Harrowing without another mystery or two. This year, it's the debut of mystery gifting. When you give a mystery gift, your purchase unlocks a random skin for a champion your friend owns. All skins in the store plus a selection of legacy skins are fair game, so your friend could end up with a legendary or even ultimate skin!
The Harrowing launches in an upcoming patch, so check back with for more information about the event and we'll see you on the battlefields!
mystery gift is either awesome or the biggest money sink riot has ever conceived.
i wonder what it'll cost. i dont think anyone would pay 975 for a random skin.
Win.The way that it works is that you pick a friend, pay 490 RP, and then we look at the Champions they own and pick a skin for them at random that they don't own.
Got laid off today, cheer me up lolgaf
Got laid off today, cheer me up lolgaf
You have more time to play LoL!Got laid off today, cheer me up lolgaf
Fizz is going to be nerfedGot laid off today, cheer me up lolgaf
Lame. Poor syndra and rengar are left in the dust![]()
cause the problem isn't the item. tryndamere is just broken as a champion.
Because Shiv isn't the problem. You could just make him build Zephyr and he'd be just as much of a cunt.
His kit is cancerous.
By one skin per champ you mean one skin missing because it was limited at the time, right?
You're one division away from Plat.
you probably wont starve to death!
You have more time to play LoL!
Fizz is going to be nerfed
His teamfight isn't bad.Are they just going to have to rework him entirely? Because I really dont see how they can nerf his splitpushing when his teamfighting is already bad.
New Zyra skin? Fucking A, Dex.
What? We're talking Trynda, not Teemo lolAre they just going to have to rework him entirely? Because I really dont see how they can nerf his splitpushing when his teamfighting is already bad.
What? We're talking Trynda, not Teemo lol
A fed Trynda is a fucking monster. He's gonna jump at your squishies and there's not much you can do to stop him, he's basically an assassin.
Haunted Zyra? I'll take it
It still doesn't fit the champion at all.this is actually quite good. her human form is bad tho.
One does have to wonder why they chose those 3.The "Victorious" line skins belong on more heroically themed champions. Putting on something like Elise - a giant black widow spider who lures prey who find themselves in the Shadow Isles in orde to eat them - is not heroic in the least.
I guess the bigger problem is that these "hero" champions are mostly well served in the skins department already, not that it stopped Riot from making Victorious Janna or J4.
League of Legends skins? Having to fit the theme of the champion?
Got laid off today, cheer me up lolgaf
Haunting Zyra
Eh. Dunno about it yet.
Got laid off last week and started my awesome unpaid student teaching this week.Got laid off today, cheer me up lolgaf
Cooldown: 120/100/80Zed - [R] - Death Mark
Zed becomes untargetable and spawns a Living Shadow at his location.
He then dashes to the target and marks them for death.After 3 seconds,the mark will trigger,dealing physical damage equal to plus 20/35/50% of all magic and physical damage dealt to the target by Zed and his shadows while the mark was active.
Reactivating Death Mark during this time will cause Zed to switch positions with the Living Shadow created by Death Mark.
Riftwalk ( R ) tooltip now reads: "Kassadin teleports to a nearby location dealing 70/100/130 (+0.6) magic damage to surrounding enemy units. Each cast of Riftwalk adds a stack of Mana Leak for 8/8/8 seconds, causing subsequent Riftwalks to cost an additional 100.0/100.0/100.0 Mana per stack. Each enemy Champion hit by Riftwalk adds a stack of Void Surge for 8/8/8 seconds, causing subsequent Riftwalks to deal an additional 35/50/65 (+) magic damage per stack."