So uh, does anyone else think Orianna is broken as hell?
Broken? No, she has a healthy kit unlike say, Gragas. Overtuned though. She could use either a hit to her passive to make her early game harder or go the other way and slightly shave some AP ratios to reduce late game damage. Wouldn't mind seeing the armour or MR bonus removed from her shield beforehand though. Seems like extraneous power to an already useful skill.
Meh, Ori takes a lot of skill and coordination to play. They just need to go on a crackdown on the braindead powerful champions like Wukong and Leona.
Oh shit, Karma support was played competitively. I wanted to keep her a secret. I was trying her during this free week, with the new spellthief changes, and she feels really good. Now she'll be nerfed![]()
i legitimately cant remember what junglers were meta back in s3
like, elise and jarvan and...?
i legitimately cant remember what junglers were meta back in s3
like, elise and jarvan and...?
edit: zac i guess was in there. lee as always.
Aatrox for a while, Xin Zhao. Vi was still played, just not as much. A lot of people tried to make Nunu work, albeit usually without much success.
Technically Amumu was meta during the very early part of the season (Curse of the Sad Bullet Time/Cleaver Fever period), but that didn't last particularly long.
Zac was pick or ban, though he was also frequently taken top.
I should try semi-carry build J4. Tank jungle J4 really sucked when I played him a while ago. Horrendous clears. :/
I really really really like karma. She can be used for every role except adc.
Karma jungle is amazing for dragon control and the ganks are bound to force a flash. She can kite with red+q slows and her counterganks are beastly.
Only weakness in it is you're very vulnerable while doing buffs. But once you get your spirit item, the game gets so fun and you lose little to no hp farming.
Dont try it without cdr blue runes though.
Yeah he's pretty horrible if you don't rush lizard + brutalizer or something.
If you're going to spend that much money on hardware, just spend it on better PC components. Way too many problems with the X-bone to justify buying one right now, even if it's to play with friends.PC or Xbox One? Reason I ask is bc I'm thinking about buying an xbox one and want Titanfall, but I dunno if it's worth spending the $500 for it.
I'm surprised that very few have yet to give Karma a more serious whirl in the competitive scene, with a lot of them hopping on the lane Lulu bandwagon for the poke damage + utility combo. Karma would also be a solid pick-up against Sivir, since her Mantra'd shield is good for disengaging / chasing.I really really really like karma. She can be used for every role except adc.
Karma jungle is amazing for dragon control and the ganks are bound to force a flash. She can kite with red+q slows and her counterganks are beastly.
Only weakness in it is you're very vulnerable while doing buffs. But once you get your spirit item, the game gets so fun and you lose little to no hp farming.
Dont try it without cdr blue runes though.
Nautilus, Hecarim, Amumu, Jarvan IV, Nunu, Xin Zhao, Volibear, Zac, Aatrox and Nocturne come to mind alongside those that are still being played nowadays.i legitimately cant remember what junglers were meta back in s3.
I was actually thinking of Lizard->Tiamat. I tried Cleaver rush before but it didn't help much with clears.
Congratsnow it's your turn stone ocean. :3
just remember if you're burned out on bot lane, the xerath freelo train will welcome you aboard.
now it's your turn stone ocean. :3
just remember if you're burned out on bot lane, the xerath freelo train will welcome you aboard.
now it's your turn stone ocean. :3
just remember if you're burned out on bot lane, the xerath freelo train will welcome you aboard.
they'd have to buff her base stats if they ever go along with removing her armor/mr. like she's got some of the weakest base stats in the game, if sona's a caster minion she's a melee minion, and she also has a low aa range and lowest movement speed in the game (tho her w kind of remedies this).Broken? No, she has a healthy kit unlike say, Gragas. Overtuned though. She could use either a hit to her passive to make her early game harder or go the other way and slightly shave some AP ratios to reduce late game damage. Wouldn't mind seeing the armour or MR bonus removed from her shield beforehand though. Seems like extraneous power to an already useful skill.
now it's your turn stone ocean. :3
just remember if you're burned out on bot lane, the xerath freelo train will welcome you aboard.
i really wish they nerfed yasuu tho, i really don't understand what that guy's weakpoint is :/
yea i just personally don't know how to deal with him. haven't been playing much since 4.3 thoYasuo doesn't seem all that strong to me this latest patch, at least not on his own. Pair him up with a wukong and he's a pain in the ass but yeah, not had much trouble with him lately.
patch 4.4 is inc today btw
yea i just personally don't know how to deal with him. haven't been playing much since 4.3 tho
True for basically every harass him to pop dat shield
n wait 1.5s n boom harass him
w/e u do dont do what kiunch do
mostly ori, syndra and lebonk right nowDunno what champs you play, but in general play safe early in lane, harass him when you can, then just focus the shit out of him when he ults into teamfights.
weird, feels like it'll be a small patch since i can't think many things in itpatch 4.4 is inc today btw
mostly ori, syndra and lebonk right now
mostly ori, syndra and lebonk right now
weird, feels like it'll be a small patch since i can't think many things in it
like maybe kassa rework?
new heimer too
I'm surprised that very few have yet to give Karma a more serious whirl in the competitive scene, with a lot of them hopping on the lane Lulu bandwagon for the poke damage + utility combo. Karma would also be a solid pick-up against Sivir, since her Mantra'd shield is good for disengaging / chasing.
Nautilus, Hecarim, Amumu, Jarvan IV, Nunu, Xin Zhao, Volibear, Zac, Aatrox and Nocturne come to mind alongside those that are still being played nowadays.
Zyra.. mm.. forgot about her. I had a really high winrate on her S2? into S3 as support.
Elise nerfs make me sad but I understand. We'll see how bad they are. She's stupid strong in the right hands.
Grats, but why u no wukong![I MG][/IMG]
now it's your turn stone ocean. :3
just remember if you're burned out on bot lane, the xerath freelo train will welcome you aboard.
the leesin hate is strong with gaf
style pointsWhat was the flash for?
ty. also it's really cool that s@20's making this like pbe state thingie.stolen from reddit
Kassadin Rework & VFX probably in this patch,
Heimerdinger VU,
Summoner spell VFX, SFX,
Minion / Monster Aggro VFX,
Support Annie changes (base dmgs + ratio, Q cd halving on kill, range change reverted)
Diana passive up 0,8 from 0,6 ap ratio,
Ton of Elise changes,
Little Ezreal, Fizz, TF Buffs,
Lich bane nerfs,
Kog maw changes,
Nautilus buffs ( Titan's Wrath ( W ) cooldown lowered to 18 at all ranks from 22/21/20/19/18 ,
Titan's Wrath ( W ) shield increased to 15% of his bonus health from 10% of his bonus health )
Sivir nerfs,
Tristana got her Q costs no mana,
Udyr bear stance stun now every 5 seconds instead of 6,
Vi got some changes on her Q & R,
Varus skin
list of current pbe shizzle:
yeah, spellthief isn't so great on sona either since q is unreliable as hell.the OPness of spellthief means zyra, morg, karma (even lulu if she wuznt better mid) r back 4 supports. i wudnt be surprised if we saw sum kennen support 2
sona pls go get some meat on bones n come back with 30 more hp