What order do you use in that case? BOTRK after 1 dorans? I figured it would not be enough AD without IE components, and if you tried to use attack speed with the rocket launcher Q, you would run out of mana too quickly.I'm loving BoTRK Jinx.
Cass where she discover the treasure of the desertitll be elise
What order do you use in that case? BOTRK after 1 dorans? I figured it would not be enough AD without IE components, and if you tried to use attack speed with the rocket launcher Q, you would run out of mana too quickly.
I'm loving BoTRK Jinx.
I guess I am confused about what you mean by the build path -- the BOTRK parts are cheap, so that's nice, but none of them overlap with Infinity Edge build parts. Or do you mean BOTRK parts can overlap with other items like Bloodthirster?botrk is great on her because of it's build path
build bf -> ie if you have the money your first back
it depends on your comp, how your lane is doing, and what you want to be doing in the near future
similar to luci building ie/atspd crit vs. botrk youmuu
I guess I am confused about what you mean by the build path -- the BOTRK parts are cheap, so that's nice, but none of them overlap with Infinity Edge build parts. Or do you mean BOTRK parts can overlap with other items like Bloodthirster?
just tried it on an inhouse, pretty cool
it was prolly overkill with the as items but, u know, fun
Holy shit fuck this game. Ranked is luck. Didn't matter how many times I roamed bot, this stupid Ez/Lux kept on feeding and feeding. Literally everyone was feeding except me. I watched Ez stay in lane, 2v1, with no mana. I don't know what the fuck he was smoking, but I want some.
Holy shit fuck this game. Ranked is luck. Didn't matter how many times I roamed bot, this stupid Ez/Lux kept on feeding and feeding. Literally everyone was feeding except me. I watched Ez stay in lane, 2v1, with no mana. I don't know what the fuck he was smoking, but I want some.
Thresh isn't ban worthy js
not reallyHe's sure a better ban than Renekton... Which our moron FP banned.
One thing that can help is not calling people "morons" -- the chat you posted appears to show you being rude, with another player also suggesting you were yelling at the team ingame.He's sure a better ban than Renekton... Which our moron FP banned.
not really
he's playing top and didn't want to fight renek, it's a legit ban, if your team lost it's cos your team messed up somehow
i'd probably put my money on your ezreal and lux couple playing really bad, nothing to do with thresh
thresh barely has 30% kill participation :I
If you're a top laner who doesn't know how to lane vs renekton then you need to practice the matchup.
this is your opinion dude, other people might disagree and they're not idiots because of thatThresh is 10x more annoying than Renekton.
for what it's worth i see renekton bans fairly often in high gold-low plat, a lot of top laners just don't wanna get shit on and not having to deal with renek allows them to pick weaker laners that might do other cool stuff in lategame or teamfights or whateverIf you're a top laner who doesn't know how to lane vs renekton then you need to practice the matchup.
Why would you wish a champion you like would get a shitty skin that will get her to be played by all kinds of shitters just because
thresh barely has 30% kill participation :I
Sigh, Trist gaining popularity in LCS now. Cue the nerf hammers. People will QQ after realizing Trist's abilities has really high numbers, and the strength of E in lane.
Thank you based Ahri. 29 wins, 11 defeats; 72.5% winrate with her. Freelo.
Thank you based Ahri. 29 wins, 11 defeats; 72.5% winrate with her. Freelo.
You need dat IE.Only so much I could do. Both the others lanes fed
Yea I should have picked up an IE or a LW.You need dat IE.
that would be bridge to terabithia, a movie about a little boy and a little girl going to a forest and being friends and having make believe adventures cos their real lives are sorta bad but not really
zooey plays like a music teacher or something and goes around playing guitar and looking adorable up until a weird ass scene in which she takes the boy on a date for some reason then she's sad in another scene then she never shows up again
i'm not a big fan but she's cute as fuck in it
I still need to try it. Was hesitant because of how important her level 6 spike is, but I guess the BoTRK spike will be more important in the long run.I'm loving BoTRK Jinx.
Let me just say I hate Ryze and Ryze players now.
Self-loathing confirmed.
Indeed. I like that this is the first time since the release of youmuu (same time of release as garen) that it is regarded as legit good on a large number of champions.Youmuu is too good.