Ghost is Bad
Apparently silver players despite playing hard counters like garen or renekton or shen can't deal with a riven that actually autoattacks between qs.
"You counterpick me, I counterplay you."because "hard counters" are almost a nonfactor in silver elo. the better/smarter player wins lane, that's all.
Connected to game 5 minutes late as Volibear top. Enemy Jayce was level 5 when I got to lane. I crushed him![]()
what rank was this?
I plan on playing a ton of zac this weekend, I played him in an ARAM for the first time in months and forgot how much I like his personality and stuff. His kit is whatever, but he's fun to play just because he's got such a fun attitude.
Ferga said:Can't wait to bring naut and maokai back into my play list
what rank was this?
Dimb, I'm so sorry.yordle power.
i got stuck in this dumb master yi's vigilantes league though.
Just like me.I was wrong.The lulu was a diamond two smurf
Riot balance gents. Guess we can give up on Thresh ever being brought into line too while we're at it.
you mean awww her voice riteugh her voice
yea, i don't get thisRiot balance gents. Guess we can give up on Thresh ever being brought into line too while we're at it.
Riot balance gents. Guess we can give up on Thresh ever being brought into line too while we're at it.
Riot balance gents. Guess we can give up on Thresh ever being brought into line too while we're at it.
Careful because it can use ignite and hourglass now.i saw a huge pool the other day
Just wanted to complain.
Played with Fuzzery, and poor him- we got steamrolled two ARAMs in a row because I have no idea how to play most of the champs.
Riot balance gents. Guess we can give up on Thresh ever being brought into line too while we're at it.
Lol, the amount of fucks I give about winning ARAMs/Normals is less than zero. For ranked, I give maybe half a fuck. I suppose that's the best mentality to have though. If you're always unsatisfied with your play then you'll always be improving. ARAM is great for trying out stuff!
In other news, I just trolled neko into another loss due to lagging/dcing. Mission accomplished!
AT&T can SMD
if you ain't trolling me with your dc's, you're trolling me with your support ziggs and not recalling when you should![]()
He's the same as always. There have only been minor changes to him.It's too bad malphite is so boring (right now? Has he always been?) since that skin is so nice.
Riot so troll... 97 lp
last time i was at 97 lp i was magically put into promos in champ select
Riot so troll... 97 lp
God fucking blessguys
that hit on ziggs q is real
90% of my missed bombs wouldve hit pre patch
there are times when it lands literally right in front of someone but bounces over them instead of hit them
Thanks Riot.guys
that hit on ziggs q is real
90% of my missed bombs wouldve hit pre patch
there are times when it lands literally right in front of someone but bounces over them instead of hit them
Aatrox always looks dumb.That Aatrox skin looks kind of dumb. Malphite is literally an EVA.
Current-day Lee Sin has "raw power" now?Riot balance gents. Guess we can give up on Thresh ever being brought into line too while we're at it.