i am 300 ip away from fiora... or quinn....or jayce
in 300 ip, one of them will be mine (unless rito announce a new champ before then)

as if there was another option.

RIP Sylvannas?
all sisters in my book. :3
i am 300 ip away from fiora... or quinn....or jayce
in 300 ip, one of them will be mine (unless rito announce a new champ before then)
RIP Sylvannas?
Jayce is poo poo though.
Jayce is poo poo though.
I thought Essence Reaver would be good on him, but it feels so wasted.I think they should just create a mid-game mana-on-hit item then have it be a component to other big items.
yes, i did watch that game.
you got your two kills early only because garen towerdived you twice. you weren't really winning lane on personal merit. even then you traded deaths and then went on to die roughly as much as the rest of your team.
I feel like I should dedicate a week or so to really learning Jayce.
He seems like exactly my kind of champion, but that skill cap...
so whats the lowest lp gain per game you can get? finally won a game after a terrible losing streak, +14 lp :/
I was getting 7 at one point. That was brutal. I had to win 4 times per loss to stay even. Going 3-1 would equal a net loss in LP.
thats just making excuses dude. yeah sure you won lane but you never converted that won lane into any tangible advantages. when me and newt play bot, we almost always transition that into dragon control and mid-roaming. its the same problem i had when i played shyvana which was that i never roamed when i was winning lane so id just sit there being useless until teamfighting, where my team wouldnt win because the other guys werent strong enough. like you can have a team full of thumbless, fingerless turds and if you'd snowballed enough of an advantage, you'd still be able to win.That's definitely a revisionist telling. Until the end phase when we were just fighting in our base the whole time, the only time I died was when they sent 3 up top once and 4 another time. I was 2-0-0 against Garen, but our team was down 2 kills to 22. Yes, 2 to 22. I was way up in CS, and still finished the game ahead (though I was constantly forced back by their jungler).
I never traded a death, that's some straight bull. I was 2-2-1 when our ADC rage quit and then I died a few more times basically waiting for the game to end.
I don't know how you can say I wasn't winning lane, especially not on my own merit. I was up two kills, had Garen losing CS under his tower the whole time, and they failed to gank me multiple times until they finally just started sending most the team at once. After that, I saw Fizz two times, both times he came up and fed a kill to Garen...
Yasuo can ult off of nautilus's hook. I did not know that. Neat.
But yeah, had a much better experience on naut than I did on zac.
Also, I have 1350 IP, and the two champs I wanted next were both 1350. Should I get amumu or malph?
thats just making excuses dude. yeah sure you won lane but you never converted that won lane into any tangible advantages. when me and newt play bot, we almost always transition that into dragon control and mid-roaming. its the same problem i had when i played shyvana which was that i never roamed when i was winning lane so id just sit there being useless until teamfighting, where my team wouldnt win because the other guys werent strong enough. like you can have a team full of thumbless, fingerless turds and if you'd snowballed enough of an advantage, you'd still be able to win.
I want to learn Jayce. He seems incredibly fun to play.
I feel like I should dedicate a week or so to really learning Jayce.
He seems like exactly my kind of champion, but that skill cap...
dead serious honest question
why does he give a shit what people think
League of Legends |OT7|: I love that we can bust each others' balls here and it actually ends up being positive
ok we r done here, i hope im the #1 poster dis time
League of Legends |OT7|: I love that we can bust each others' balls here and it actually ends up being positive
ok we r done here, i hope im the #1 poster dis time
dont bust my balls bro
i posted so many times
so many times not saying anything at all
Sona changes are up
Could be pretty strong. Hymn of Valor grants bonus damage for the next attack of all allied champions inside, probably including her.