what's it from
seems like something my brother's girlfriend would enjoy
Alright, I used ProBuilds. And with that, the first draft of the OT base text is done.
The problem with short radius auras is that Sona is super squishy, and positioning becomes much harder.
i googled spice and wolf and now i have to delete my browser history so thanks
I don't want the radius to be too big myself. Seems like it a very good way to actually add some fun to Sona. Zipping around the fight to give allies their buffs sounds way more fun to me than "press button give bonuses".
Any rate, looking forward to trying out the changes and adding Sona to my support roster. Which is great seeing as how it's now my second favorite role.
snuggle zones are weird cos basically it means you should like be pressing your boobs against your carries all the time which is strange for me since you should always be fishing for the perfect ult chance too tho i guess that's what the e effect is forThe problem with short radius auras is that Sona is super squishy, and positioning becomes much harder.
it's on crunchyroll so imma check it outIt's from the contents page of Spice & Wolf Volume 9 (the light novel, not the manga). Holo on a narwhal. The anime is awesome but it only got two seasons, aka til the end of Volume 5. There are 17 volumes![]()
sweetThat's old news. Keep up man!
I got hentai when I googled it
's on crunchyroll so imma check it out
wasn't gonna say it was my style since at a glance it's all cutesy and shit but read the myanimelist thingie and now i'm interested
got an eta?
As long as it can keep up with this OT, then I'll give it my seal if approval.
jp, I know you said you won't go balls out.
Gonna try ranked again...
wish me luck =_=
keep calm and ban morgana
Spice and Wolf isn't lewd at all :/ Maybe you saw some dodgy fan art.
morgana is just boring to play against and good morganas usually shit on meI hate her. As support and as mid. More when she's in a lane I'm not, since I don't trust my team to handle her.
I just played again her, she's the one I have the most trouble because she push really hard after 3-4. I got like 20 cs advantage at lvl 3, and at lvl 6 we were even. ):
Once I got blue and Fiendish Codex I got cs advantage again.
In the end we won. No one is going to stop my freelo. Another win for Ahri. 74.4% winrate with her. I want to reach 80%. (I need to win 12 games with her without losing, lol).
I have a better winrate with Ahri, than one of my friends who just play "op" champions to climb the ladder because with these "he can carry any team". Morgana, Kayle, Jax. lol.
she's not the easiest to play but she is pretty amazing for sureGuys, I'm going to buy Nami. I have a terrible win rate with supports, but I figure that if I'm going to be forced into it from time to time, I might as well roll with the best. Too many Lulu losses to keep dipping into that well.
wait did something happen to scy
My avatar isn't lewd either but hey, the internet is a scary place.
Guys, I'm going to buy Nami. I have a terrible win rate with supports, but I figure that if I'm going to be forced into it from time to time, I might as well roll with the best. Too many Lulu losses to keep dipping into that well.
keep calm and ban morgana
she's not the easiest to play but she is pretty amazing for sure
Her skillcap is high but once you get good with her she can handle about any matchup and pair up with any carry.
And Morgana is my feel bad drug. I know she's broken if I can play like I do w her with basically no exp but seriously, spread some of that hate to Braum/Thresh/Leona types so they don't ruin bot lane after she is nerfbatted.
well like if you're aiming for just having a backup easy champion in another role i wouldn't necessarily recommend namiI like harder or more micro intensive champs. It's my old StarCraft 2 blood surfacing. It's probably why I generally think that the mid lane is the most fun. Lots of dodges and skill shots.
i don't get why people still hate thresh so much
like he's gotten like 8 nerfs already and is generally an original and cool champion with pretty weak laning and lots of cool spells but certainly a pretty manageable kit by now
like seriously thresh makes all bot lanes more fun
He hurt his wrist ages ago and couldn't play and just hasn't gone back to LoL yet.
true, true.
Guys, I'm going to buy Nami. I have a terrible win rate with supports, but I figure that if I'm going to be forced into it from time to time, I might as well roll with the best. Too many Lulu losses to keep dipping into that well.
I don't want the radius to be too big myself. Seems like it a very good way to actually add some fun to Sona. Zipping around the fight to give allies their buffs sounds way more fun to me than "press button give bonuses".
Any rate, looking forward to trying out the changes and adding Sona to my support roster. Which is great seeing as how it's now my second favorite role.
keep calm and ban morgana
Morgana is the best, though.
yea i get what you meanMy issue with Thresh is almost entirely his lantern. It's a total get out of jail free card on a really short CD or a +1 teammate out of ward range and there's basically nothing you can do about it (tho i guess the latter isn't that bad). There are quite a few ults in the game with less power/utility than that lantern, throw in the rest and yea.
Besides that i have no problem with him.
Note to self, don't do BoTRK Jinx versus Draven.
Just no
since he got a ton of nerfs aimed at his laningwait what
since when was thresh a weak laner
i dunno why people waste bans on jaxJax
Every game. I played a game 2 days ago where my team didn't ban Yi and the enemy Yi got two Pentakills.
I ban Yi.
This is also my list.Jax
Every game. I played a game 2 days ago where my team didn't ban Yi and the enemy Yi got two Pentakills.
I ban Yi.
Didn't notice today but the korean BBQ marinade my brother usually gets is from the same company that owned the Frost/Flame teams in South Korea, CJ.
If I saw someone walking around wearing this I don't know how I would feel.that's a cool looking shirt
That is an amazingly ugly shirt.![]()
that's a cool looking shirt
holy shit![]()