I probably wouldn't read this thread if you didn't post here.
support zyra building offensively is pretty normal.Had a support zyra buy 8 wards instead of a sightstone. And built all AP. And called support. I dont even
How is Nami? I feel like if you can actually hit bubbles consistently she'd be great but it seems like every hero i ever get interested in I get told they are mediocre, are their any GOOD champion supports?
Patch 4.9 forecast - Lucian nerfs are coming guys!
Patch 4.10 forecast - Lucian nerfs are coming guys!
Patch 4.11 forecast - Lucian nerfs are coming guys!
Patch 4.12 forecast - Lucian nerfs are coming guys!
Riot can you just nerf the little shit already?
I feel like I should just stick to ADC in solo q. 7 games of Cait, all wins, winning lane every time. 4 games of Tristana, 3 wins 1 leave at level 1 (the thresh troll).
Sure, but it's been months and all they got to show is a W ratio nerf while Lucian still dictates bot lane. They weren't too shy in "giving weaknesses" to Draven, Jinx, Sivir, etc when they became problematic.Nerfing Lucian is not easy. They have to clearly define what strengths he should have and what should be his weak areas.
Do they keep his mobility and lower his burst? Do they keep his burst and lower his mobility? Do they keep his burst AND mobility, but lower his range?
There are any number of ways they could add weaknesses to his kit but they have to make sure they choose the right ones and internally test all that before it hits PBE.
It's not as simple as "nerf the little shit already".
Sure, but it's been months and all they got to show is a W ratio nerf while Lucian still dictates bot lane. They weren't too shy in "giving weaknesses" to Draven, Jinx, Sivir, etc when they became problematic.
Give him a real nerf if his rework is going to take a while. Don't just let him do as he wants until worlds before they can finally do something about him.
First focus on the defensive stuff you'll use on pretty much every single champion and role, namely magic resist blues, flat HP yellows, flat armor yellows and flat attack damage reds and quintessences.Hooray, finally hit Level 20!Now to work on figuring out runes; which ones are best for ADC? (I should mention my current ADC line-up is Ashe, Sivir, Jinx, and either Tristana or Graves. I'm deciding between those two right now)
If there was a Peggle Deluxe 1.01 OT I would just post there instead.
Damn, essence is gonna be bf instead of pickaxe huh. Now that's something to pull people into buying it.
support zyra building offensively is pretty normal.
How is Nami? I feel like if you can actually hit bubbles consistently she'd be great but it seems like every hero i ever get interested in I get told they are mediocre, are their any GOOD champion supports?
He got an QoL buff and a small buff to his passive. It's mostly people wanting to try out tank junglers again since Ancient Golem got reworked, too soon to talk about their viability.Seeing Nautilus being played a lot in solo q recently, is he viable again ?
of course, i didnt see the need to comment on the obvious.Yeah, but they should still pick up sightstone. Dude bought 8 wards, that's quite a bit above the break even point for Sightstone's gold value.
the zyra pain train has no breaks.There's a Zyra supp player in Challenger that basically never buys a single ward and goes full AP.
How the hell he got to Challenger MMR is beyond me.
of course, i didnt see the need to comment on the obvious.
I probably wouldn't read this thread if you didn't post here.Dang Schmatt
support zyra building offensively is pretty normal.
such a blasphemy is unforgivable.Yeah, but starting coin
or summonsQuite true. I just made a note of it to other GAF'ers that are still learning the game.
such a blasphemy is unforgivable.
Had a support zyra buy 8 wards instead of a sightstone. And built all AP. And called support. I dont even
There's a Zyra supp player in Challenger that basically never buys a single ward and goes full AP.
How the hell he got to Challenger MMR is beyond me.
Lmao.Someone gonna blame Janna if they lose.
?? I heard about this, but why?did they announce tsm lustboy yet
did they announce tsm lustboy yet