I would agree but they didn't seem to be asking about them.Yeah, I dunno. As much as no player should ever have to make a decision like this, I would probably skip someone like Galio in favour of runes. There are a lot of runes to buy.
I am not sure I have ever found an ADC I feel like I'm doing LESS damage with than Miss Fortune. It is a weird feeling. I feel like even the autoattacks are weak and oddly timed.God I hate laning vs MF/Morgana
Bind and click to damage = 10000000000000000000000000000 to 0 in .5 seconds
Its been a while since I played super pop ahri, but hey I survived!.
damn how do you guys do thisI have all the champions and useful runes () and still there are runes left. I mean they're the bad runes, but it's hard to figure this information out sometimes. Anyway, I wish I could gift using my vast IP reserves.not to brag or anything!!!!
What a nerd.I have all the champions and useful runes () and still there are runes left. I mean they're the bad runes, but it's hard to figure this information out sometimes. Anyway, I wish I could gift using my vast IP reserves.not to brag or anything!!!!
We probably have a similar number of matchmade games, but I've played a ton of custom games too and I think they used to give more IP. I also played a bot wotd almost every day for two years, so even on the days when I wasn't playing, I still got my 150 (+ 30 or whatever for the bot game) and it takes like 15 minutes.damn how do you guys do this
i have almost 2k normal games and a couple hundred ranked and arams and i must be at half the roster and missing a bunch of runes and runepages
sure, i don't want to have all the champions but still
Hey, you're in the same boat as me.What a nerd.
Play an adc or high mobility AD champion (Lee, KZ, Yasuo), build glass cannon assassin, get Sword of the Occult, rush down towers. You should be dominating them but even if you're not, just push and hit the tower. Bots are totally inept, they have no defence against that.I wish I were in that tier. My bot games take 20-25 minutes to win, lol.
I like Tristana as a champion, but I perhaps ignorantly think that she sort of needs a warning sign in one particular case. If a Tristana uses a jump offensively to enter any fight ahead of anyone else on her team, instead of saving it for followup or escape, I feel like there should be a giant red "DID YOU USE JUMP OFFENSIVELY AS AD TRISTANA? YOU PROBABLY MESSED UP" sign. There was a Tristana that kept seeming to do that. I admired their spirit but with no results and so much death it was heartbreaking.![]()
I like GalioI don't really think Morde or Urgot or Galio are worth getting. I guess Morde and Urgot can be fun, but no one will tell you to get Galio - he's not good or fun.
Cho'Gath and Voli are good (not competitive, but good). Whenever I make a new account, Cho'Gath is one of the first ones I buy. Partly because of his cost but also I just feel like I have a lot of options with him. Like you can go top, mid or jungle and you can build him very tanky, or high damage, or a mix.
how to blow most of your 21k IP real quick: buy 9 HP seals and 9 cooldown glyphs.
and with that, down to 7k ip. like woah.
Darnit we can't have CRS and Acrid posting back to back, those avatars are overwhelming.
That's funny.Sorry Acrid, CRS has the better XWX.
Yeah actually Galio is not that unfun. He's annoying to lane though.I like Galio
oops i meant to edit
This is always uneven. You need to make me breakfast once.make me breakfast schmatt
That's funny.
what do you have, i got like 5 pages and 99% of the times i go ap quints, mpen reds, hp/lvl yellows and ap/lvl bluesI think I need a third page of runes for mid laners.
I remember when I first unlocked him I was pretty drunk (on skype with a group of 5) and went mid with him. I ended up carrying the game because they had teemo mid and was laughing the entire time haha. I haven't played him in SR in a long time though, but he's great in ARAM.Yeah actually Galio is not that unfun. He's annoying to lane though.
This is always uneven. You need to make me breakfast once.
CRS has that face whre XWX is looking at the snack area at lcs when he's waiting. You got the face when he wins after a win.
Lost game five of promos...again. *sigh*
wow so many of my favorites thereNope.
if you mute everyone it's instantly better
I really need to get better with Morde, like I have an idea what his laning should be like but when going against their mid, I die =_=Voli is sleeper IMO and Morde is tons of fun.
Congrats Seig. I could tell that you were good when me and Rex matched you a while ago and you managed you prevent the worst team possible from losing for like 10 minutes.
Also, for those of you wondering, Kayle is still really good.
I need to write a song about LW third or something
Don't go Shiv after Ghostblade. You pick GB as an alternative to PD and Shiv. So yeah go with the build you posted
Also start Dorans if you don't want to die to aggressive lanes. If you need Cutlass faster, practice your farming. Sword start sucks even more now that lifesteal is harder to get
Lulu is an assassin.
You forget you're argueing against someone who genuinely thought that Warwick was overpowered not too long ago. Those knee-jerk reactions are his thing.DN, play 5 Nidalee games top today and then report back to us with your opinions, including score boards etc.
After you play her for those 5 games, I can guarantee you will quickly realise she has very real weaknesses.
If you can legitimately convince me that she has virtually no weaknesses whatsoever and that she's practically a free win and unfair, I'll figure out a way to mystery gift you a skin next week when I get paid.
Xerath is also very fun and underrated in Dominion; Vel'koz and him are my favorite poke AP's on said map. You should give him a whirl if you haven't already.I recently got back into League. I'm not the best, but damn, I really love playing as Vel'Koz! Fun abilities, cool design. It's a shame my favorite game type is Dominion. It still seems riddled with bots. I wonder if they'll ever find a way to prevent botting so heavily.
Trinity on Eve is like "Are you ultra fed and just want to straight disrespect the enemy team?"
Otherwise I really don't recommend it.
Eve is easily the third best jungler in the game from bronze to competitive play.I used to jungle a lot before starting to play ranked and getting flamed into oblivion for everything most games (given at least one lane lost the matchup).
However I am thinking of picking up Eve. Is she fun? Is she viable in Silver Division? (which by the way I see almost every enemy team pink ward the fuck out of river even without any stealth champions)
what do you have, i got like 5 pages and 99% of the times i go ap quints, mpen reds, hp/lvl yellows and ap/lvl blues
You forget you're argueing against someone who genuinely thought that Warwick was overpowered not too long ago. Those knee-jerk reactions are his thing.
Much appreciated. I still consider myself a beginner in the vastness of this game, so there are many Champs I haven't touched before---such as Xerath. I'm looking at some things on him now though, and he does look like a good time. I'll definitely try him out.Xerath is also very fun and underrated in Dominion; Vel'koz and him are my favorite poke AP's on said map. You should give him a whirl if you haven't already.
You forget you're argueing against someone who genuinely thought that Warwick was overpowered not too long ago. Those knee-jerk reactions are his thing.