I'd like to be on a team. Any other teams with some space?
If you guys make a team, we should start scriming.
...and we have a Teemo top. This is so unbelievable.
oh god, 1 cs teemo gives first blood.
Just bought Kogmaw,
gimme tip/tricks. also build order/skill order.
That Yasuo Triforce. Jesus Christ that hurts to see.
How do you normally do against a Yasuo top?
Well, Yasuo intentionally fed. He said as much in chat. Gave up 3 kills and kept saying, "lol, have fun with a fed Garen" a few times. I was 5-0, ended up 11-10 after the massive drop off.
The best part? The "tribunal" won't do anything to someone like him. What a colossal dick.
I'm 2-2. Have to win this next one.
I didn't know this, so I guess I was right about the tribunal not doing much. D: Has Riot said anything about why (working on an improved system and they don't want people punished by the tribunal or something)?The tribunal has been closed for months. so yeah, they wont.
last i heard, it's supposed to come back as an improved version.I didn't know this, so I guess I was right about the tribunal not doing much. D: Has Riot said anything about why (working on an improved system and they don't want people punished by the tribunal or something)?
If this was NA ranked 5s, this would all be Fallen's fault.![]()
i swear people are drophacking my team or whatever cos three games in a row we got disconnects and crashes and whatnot
a fucking hour of waiting the again 1 (not very good) diamond and 4 useless shits just dance around like idiots trying to take our base while worst vayne ever just gets one shot by me every single time
three games in a row
today's not my day
people are fucking assholes
most heartbreaking loss ever
i fucking hate losing with syndra
If anything goes wrong in ranked, it's automatically Fallen's fault.i don't know what that means
Congrats!We got eager, probably myself most of all and almost threw, but still...
That game was a mess though. We had a triple DC for a while and they had a double. They couldn't capitalize on the numbers advantage, so we snowballed.
Objectives are usually worth more than kills or CS. You just gotta get your team to group.Question for the lol players.
I seem to win most of my lanes, but during the mid to late game I always seem to lose CS and my effectiveness dies off. In my last game I was Ryze top, I dominated the Garen getting 3 kills and then roamed mid and the enemy jungle and picked up 3 more kills.
The problem I had was I couldn't be everywhere at once. My team still got picked off out of position and by the time I reached the fight it was always too late.
It's usually about 30mins in that I look at my CS and realise I'm about 30 behind everyone else.
So I think my question has to be, is it better to stay top and push the advantage you have or roam and try to assist the rest of the team?
Coming mid game, you have to both get CS and help your team. If your lane is pushed towards you or a big creep wave is building, go get it unless your team is about to fight for an objective (this is also why you should have teleport). Push up the lane so that an enemy has to either miss a lot of farm or go take it. When you did push up the lane, go roam and help your team take an objective, it should be easy if you forced the enemy to respond to your push.Question for the lol players.
I seem to win most of my lanes, but during the mid to late game I always seem to lose CS and my effectiveness dies off. In my last game I was Ryze top, I dominated the Garen getting 3 kills and then roamed mid and the enemy jungle and picked up 3 more kills.
The problem I had was I couldn't be everywhere at once. My team still got picked off out of position and by the time I reached the fight it was always too late.
It's usually about 30mins in that I look at my CS and realise I'm about 30 behind everyone else.
So I think my question has to be, is it better to stay top and push the advantage you have or roam and try to assist the rest of the team?
We got eager, probably myself most of all and almost threw, but still...
That game was a mess though. We had a triple DC for a while and they had a double. They couldn't capitalize on the numbers advantage, so we snowballed.
For maximum fun, make sure you support a Lucian at least once.I tried out Braum today as part of the new free champion rotation and he is a really fun champ to play.
Once the next rotation comes I'll probably end up buying Braum, definitely my favorite support.
I don't play ranked BTW, I know Braum is almost 100% ban rate.