Stone Ocean
Vlad should probably be ok in the current meta, though not sure on if on top.
Anyone been playing Vlad at all lately? Decided to give him a go tonight after not playing him for a long time. It went pretty well vs darius. I thought I was going to have trouble early on, but darius didn't try to zone me until it was too late.
Eh, playing against Yasuo this weekend It felt like Vlad shits on him pretty free.
Windwall doesn't block Transfusion, you can just spam shit on him after a few levels and he won't have the sustain to keep up, specially if you rush Wota. As long as you use pool properly he is never going to hit you with his ultimate on his own. You might not kill him but you can force him to back quite easily.
Eh, playing against Yasuo this weekend It felt like Vlad shits on him pretty free.
Windwall doesn't block Transfusion, you can just spam shit on him after a few levels and he won't have the sustain to keep up, specially if you rush Wota. As long as you use pool properly he is never going to hit you with his ultimate on his own. You might not kill him but you can force him to back quite easily.
you mad cause you cant get some seige creepsfarming under doto towers r even dumbr
this is true its based off sounds collected in the atmospherei herd you enter a seed before doto games for doto turrets to base their randoms of
wut r u gonna do when he dashes at u at lvl 1, autos u a bit n den dashes away EH
n then repeat at lvl 2 with his q
n then ur fukd
Lol, I don't die. Seriously though, it just happens even when i've not pressed the lock button - dying or disconnect is needed to reset it.
I don't really see the pick/ban phase being that big of an issue. Team builder's limitation is that it ties you to a champion rather than a role. If the captain could ban things out and a normal drafting phase occurred with players knowing what specific role they are aiming for it wouldn't really be all that different.I'm kinda enjoying team builder, it's letting me practice a lot in the roles I feel i need practice in.
Hope Riot can find a way to make it work with a banlist so it can go into a ranked format someday.
i installed league yesterday. it's still there.
OK so how's this build sound for Shyvana?
Nashor's Tooth
Hextech Gun thingy
What's a good boots for her?
I like her W ability, so I'm thinking spell vamp+magic penetration+attack speed is one way to go.
Once I've got her cooldown maxed, I'll prob. go into upping her defense.
EDIT: So like here's s sample build I made up:
Hextech gun
Guinsoog's Rageblade
Optional armor
Guardian angel
Understatement.Hey, congratulations and welcome to the community! Don't worry, everyone's super friendly. Watch out for soda cop, though, can get pretty crabby sometimes.
I'm kinda enjoying team builder, it's letting me practice a lot in the roles I feel i need practice in.
Hope Riot can find a way to make it work with a banlist so it can go into a ranked format someday.
i thought your syndra was builder is just
you kinda feel like trying out a champ in blind pick
but now you aren't gonna get boxed out by someone quicker than you
Any rate, just finished my 5 game jungle Trundle set. Did quite well outside of this one game where I just fucked up, like non-stop. Its a 3/7/7 score and it doesn't do that catastrophe justice. He's better at ganking vs. some champions than I would have expected, but I imagine lots of that is from players at my scrubby level not knowing how to deal with pillar. The nice part was that I was fed a nice stream of Nasus tops, Rammus jungles, and other such champions that Trundle is a great pick against.
Going to be hard pairing down my jungle picks to 4-5 champions, and I can see Trundle not making the the cut just because I still feel he may be situational.
I don't really see the pick/ban phase being that big of an issue. Team builder's limitation is that it ties you to a champion rather than a role. If the captain could ban things out and a normal drafting phase occurred with players knowing what specific role they are aiming for it wouldn't really be all that different.
My personal idea, select position, role and 3-5 champion pool for that role instead of picking. Captain picks the members. Once the members are all together and their 3-5 champ pool finalized the team is matched up. Pick/Ban phase goes on as normal. Players must select from among the remaining champions in their pool. In the event one player is totally banned out he can then go into all his available champions to pick. Because this is a strong counter pick advantage, one player on the opposing team may sub one champion from all his unlocked champs as well. This would significantly increase the time to get into a game, but I don't see an issue of Riot keeps Ranked as-is as well as this mode.
Better in the sense that she is more crazy?Jinx feels like a better, improved version of Lux, she is crazy.
I have a growing suspicion that kassadin VU is really soon.I wonder who's next after the Donger for a VU. I think they were aiming at one per month? I don't know if that was a VU or just something to do with champion reworks, but I heard something along the lines of "one per month".
Nice one!This is really stupid but I'm kind of proud of myself for figuring out the Gragas/Heimer matchup by myself today. I just needed to stop placing my turrets near my minion wave so he had to choose between CSing with barrel or destroying my turrets.
Yeah, it's obvious, but I usually have to have someone tell me these things.
team builder is just
you kinda feel like trying out a champ in blind pick
but now you aren't gonna get boxed out by someone quicker than you
I have a growing suspicion that kassadin VU is really soon. !
Mordekaiser rework hinted at
Sion rework reconfirmed
"i think the next relaunch everyone will love and the one after will be a surprise
Worked on the glorious Heimerdonger VU!
Void fizz wrapping up (Soon to be finished then?)
Currently there are 4 relaunches being worked on
"poppy will happen" (Eventually)
Taric VU is in the works, but they are very cautious because they don't want to mess him up
DudeBro has a crappy laptop keyboard
Says he thinks Skarner and Cho'Gath both need VUs really bad (Truth)
not such luck this timelast time you posted seemingly unfair lolnexus u won
She have better chances to survive an close encounter, Her stun deals more damage, more aggresive and her Ult is more useful than a red dot sniper luxBetter in the sense that she is more crazy?
why does skarner need a vu?
twitch is getting smarter
i didnt know that
but skarner is also afraid of bugs.I am ANCIENT, you are nothing more than an INSECT to me!
purple is definitely rare in the league of legends
Anyone been playing Vlad at all lately? Decided to give him a go tonight after not playing him for a long time. It went pretty well vs darius. I thought I was going to have trouble early on, but darius didn't try to zone me until it was too late.