Not the point I was making at all. You asked why the shield goes to 14 seconds when used on self, I gave you the reason. If it didn't you could self shield and 7 seconds later disengage. I'd be even more obnoxious to deal with than now.
yeah lee sin players are the vaynes of the jungle, but when the pro scene is up in arms over the nerf in general, somethings off.
renekton early game rebalance for late game massive wtf (800 hp dominus @ lvl 16)
just nerf him straight up!
it's so not what i wanted
and 1350
like ugh
This is simply false. Ward hopping does not halve the cooldown. Only jumping to an allied champion halves the cooldown. They're also removing the self-shield if he jumps to a ward or minion. So it's now the shittiest version of a Jax Q you could imagine. It's a 14 second, ally targeted jump that only gives you a shield if you cast it on yourself or allied champion. Casting it on a minion or ward means you've used a 14 second cooldown jump with 0 utility or shield. A 14 second cooldown is too long for just shielding yourself. It's a fucking ridiculous change.
In all seriousness though, this is their poorest attempt at balancing a champion in a long, long time. The uproar backs that up.
Where are you guys reading rengar changes??
edit: nvm
Why would they get rid of the MS buff after pressing his ult. It's like the perfect ganking tool.
No. The uproar is because a huge amount of players don't feel like having to relearn their champion, and yeah it's justifiable to extent.
We've seen enough instances of champions being reworked, the community getting up in arms because its bad and whoops, nope, turns out the rework is quite OP (Katarina, Kayle, Shen, Olaf, Eve). In every single case, the amount of bitching was proportional to the amount of people who played that champ and not the content of the changes, so when you have the 2nd most played champ in the game get a rework, this is exactly what you'd expect would happen.
I'll always come back for you Tristana
How do you like me now, Tristana?
You are missing out on a valuable opportunity to buy Triforce.In other news Skarner feels goodafter you buy Iceborn Guantlet streaming our in house
so fucking bad
i'm so pissed that after all this waiting we get one of the most boring skins after red lissandra
so fucking bad
i'm so pissed that after all this waiting we get one of the most boring skins after red lissandra
because its not poros or dodgeballs or pillows or dragon balls or any of the fun stuff people had come up with and actually would've liked for syndraits pretty boring thematically, but how can you compare that to purple zac/red issandra
the animation on the expiring orbs is cool
I'm unfriending Kane.
Type2 getting ddos'd by Kane.
what an exciting inhouse
Death to the naysayers that say Riot is lazy!
Rumble/Varus/Fizz/Rengar/Syndra skins, new Malph art, Heimy VU (and more to come), SR VU (VU), etc.
Also, rumble skin is so fucking lame but awesome at the same time.
yup, that's my exact line of thinking
godspeed you fuckerssss
You saw nothing.
Wah wah wah League of Lategame
Renek gets buffed early and nerfed mid-late
I swear I read "" instead of "to...from" >_>wrong way around, brother
does that mean gamma fed two deaths in like 3 minutes, i think that's what that means
Gotta try that new Rengar. Hopefully the rework makes him better in the jungle.