Hmm I should try Blue Ez again, though he really wants a fair amount of gold before he gets rolling. I guess final build will be:
- Ionian / Zerk
- Muramana
- Reaver
- Last Whisper
- Cleaver
- IE/BT/Scimitar
i dunno, some people's idea of fun is making the pussiest adc even pussier![]()
Blue Ezreal has nothing on anyone.Blue Ezreal has nothing on Twitch.
IBG is incredibly important - for the CDR and for the kiting it allows.
Blue EZ:
- ionian
- muramana
- reaver
- ibg
- lw
- ??? (defensive, botrk or IE)
Yeah I don't understand blue Ezreal. He can't actually be an AD carry without any AD, right? What does he do exactly?
he doesn't do anything, he's just very annoying and can be randomly super strong in blind pick if you blindly counterpick yourself like it happened to us.Yeah I don't understand blue Ezreal. He can't actually be an AD carry without any AD, right? What does he do exactly?
Kites really great. He does get a good amount of AD. His Q goes down to like 1.4s if you hit it, which means your other ability cooldowns also gets super low; Arcane Shift probably goes down to 3-4 secs if you keep hitting your Qs.Yeah I don't understand blue Ezreal. He can't actually be an AD carry without any AD, right? What does he do exactly?
Blue Ezreal has nothing on anyone.
I like regular Ez me ezreal overall is pretty bad and blue ezreal is worse. haven't tried him myself but that's the feeling i'm getting
yea i actually like regular ezreal since he's actually pretty decent if you play him like a manI like regular Ez tho.
yeah a lot of ppl skip his w
but at one point bak in the day people would put a couple of points in his w because it was free trading during lane, so i feel like riot doesn't really want to make it good beyond it's siege utility
Forget ezreal. It's all about trist. Went from 0-3 in lane to 16-8 by end game to carry it for my team. Late game trist is a monster. Time to ride her into plat
If they want to run an ADC with that build I think they mostly just play Kog.i think kor is prtty into trinity->botrk ez, i remember loco talking about it once when he was streaming during quantic, i dont remember how qt built him
3 wins in a row with her. Once you get IE/PD, you are a monster.
It's not all that bad. Like you still get 80 AD. Better than rushing that Essence Reaver piece of trash.Some people still rush BT.
*4noones realised gaf won the last 6 or 7 ranked team games with me top but it's k
What do you build on Xin Zhao? SotEL and then full tank? When I was trying him out I built FF and it felt better...but theoretically it's the wrong item to build if you want to gank very early, right?
I'm having that classic problem where I played him in free week, enjoyed him, bought him, and then had only lousy games with him after that :/
What do you build on Xin Zhao? SotEL and then full tank? When I was trying him out I built FF and it felt better...but theoretically it's the wrong item to build if you want to gank very early, right?
I'm having that classic problem where I played him in free week, enjoyed him, bought him, and then had only lousy games with him after that :/
Hm I went bork/statik. Feel like the statik passive with her e passive can be ridiculous. Is ie/pd better?
Private.Okay, so here's a ranked game I played tonight as TF. Silver II. Gonna warn you that the first 10 minutes are absolutely brutal, I play like complete garbage, but the game actually ends up really good for me. Would love some feedback, positive or negative, if anyone has the time to take a look.
Things I already know: my CSing is horrible, I need to stop throwing cards into wind walls, other things that I noticed then forgot because it's late.
I tried ad anivia, just for fun.
It was funny but it didn't worked in the end, damn you Yi. I did more damage than our Yasou, so it's okay.
QT goes Trinity > Botrki think ezreal is prtty good and his itemization wasn't hit hard by the patch
qtpie has used him in lcs and i bet he's used in korea sumtimes
i think kor is prtty into trinity->botrk ez, i remember loco talking about it once when he was streaming during quantic, i dont remember how qt built him
Hold Tab, mute every single person in your team that gives you the slightest amount of shit and carry on
I really enjoy League. This is the first season I've been ranked in, and I managed to get Silver through promotional games. I've been holding onto Silver 3 for a while now after some ups and downs.
But my enjoyment of this game is seriously hampered by the people that I'm forced to play with. I have never experienced so many horrible personalities in such a short amount of time. What does this game do to the kids that play it? The worst of it is I suspect many of these people are not children at all...
In the last game I played my support died early and decided to blame me. You want to put them right but I've learned (the hard way) to just ignore it. So he wandered off into top lane and took a kill from there basically throwing the game out the window while I struggled on my own in bot lane. In the end I was blamed for "feeding".
I laughed. (and cried a little on the inside).
How do you get away from this? Or more importantly, how do you guys deal with it?
Not playing ever again would fix everything but it would be a real shame to have to go that far.
There won't be a single change that'll ever make that skin look good, even if it is a mild improvement from what it was before. The only compliment I can give it is "at least it's not the stripper cop skin."![]()
apparently they changed up cait skin a bit
i'm guessing it's very wip as it looks like transparency on her hat is broken and everything looks like shit
i'm a fan of the changes tho, leg thingie and sleeve thingies look cool
my main problem with the skin is that it's like gray which makes it kind of boring to look at
like nidalee's is a shiny green, it looks awesome
But my enjoyment of this game is seriously hampered by the people that I'm forced to play with. I have never experienced so many horrible personalities in such a short amount of time. What does this game do to the kids that play it? The worst of it is I suspect many of these people are not children at all...
In the last game I played my support died early and decided to blame me. You want to put them right but I've learned (the hard way) to just ignore it. So he wandered off into top lane and took a kill from there basically throwing the game out the window while I struggled on my own in bot lane. In the end I was blamed for "feeding".
Not playing ever again would fix everything but it would be a real shame to have to go that far.