The wife and I have one bag left on Assembly Square. We're only 11 days in, but this might allready be the set of 2017. Not only is the build amazing, it looks amazing too, and it is packed with detail, nice techniques, etc.
The ground floors are easily the best parts, as the upper ones are a bit less detailed then the bakery, flowershop and café (though the dentist office is great, and the Lego-fan flat is in Bag 6, so that might hold some suprises still). Bag 5 also has some repetition, as you build two floors of the left building, which are almost identical on the outside...
Coming together, the thing is possitively big too. The buildings themselves have a small footprint, but together it's an amazing result. I have it positioned between the brownstone building of pet shop and the bank, and the square really pops.
Also, this is small, but I appreciate them placing some studded tiles on the square and sidewalk so much. It's way more convenient to place minifigs that way...