As an Ps4 owner, what makes me really excited about the next gen, is what the first party studios are working on.
So i collected all infos, rumours and datas to discuss it here. Most of them are rumours, so take them with a grain of salt.
Second Party Studios/Sony Collaboration
So i collected all infos, rumours and datas to discuss it here. Most of them are rumours, so take them with a grain of salt.

Studio: Naughty Dog
History: Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter, Uncharted, The Last of Us
Playstation 4 Projects:
Confirmed: Uncharted 4 - Release 2015
Rumour: With the huge success of the Last of Us, a sequel is for many people as good as certain. Creative Director Neil Druckman expressed his interest for a sequel in 2014 and said there is a 50/50 Chance. Also at December 2014 a Linkedin Profile appeared on the internet, where former Naughty Dog Artist Micheal Knowland revelead, that he was working on the last of us 2!
Studio: Sony Santa Monica
History: Kinetica, God of War, many Collaborations
Playstation 4 Projects:
Confirmed: God of War.
On the PSX Event Cory Barlog accidently revelead that SSM is working on another God of War Game.
Barlog rejoined Santa Monica on August 2013 - where he started to create a team for his project.
Studio: Polyphony Digital
History: Motor toon, Omega Boost, Gran Turismo
Playstation 4 Projects
Confirmed: Gran Turismo 7
Shortly after GT6 Yamauichi announced, that PD is already working on Gran Turismo 7. According to Yamauchi the game should come out between 2015 - 2016

Studio: Guerilla Games
History: Shelshock Nam 67, Killzone
Ps4 History: Killzone Shadow Fall (2013)
Playstation 4 Projects
Rumour: Horizon
- GG said in an interview in 2013, that they are working on a new ip next to killzone.
- GG working since 2010 on that new IP (after Killzone 3)
- in 2013 Shinobi said GG is working on a RPG Game with Robodinos and a redhaired protagonist
- in 2014 artworks leaked, that are allegedly from this new RPG
- Shinobi602 gave some more infos (Third Person, huge world, many tribes, big landscapes, single player friendly, co-op, possible 2016 release)
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=895571 (just search for Shinobi602 posts in this thread)
Studio: Sucker Punch
History: Rocket, Sly Cooper, Infamous
Ps4 History: Infamous Second Son (2014)
Playstation 4 Projects
Rumour: According to career Adds, Sucker Punch is working on a new Open World Game which will use physically based lighting
Studio: Guerilla Cambridge (previously SCE Cambridge - now sister Studio of Guerilla Games)
History: MediEvil, Killzone Mercenary, Primal, Ghosthunter, LBP PSP, 24: The Game
Playstation 4 Projects
-GG Cambridge is working on an unnancouned Ps4 Project independent from Guerilla Games.
- According to job offers, they are working on a high profile multimillion selling franchise
After delivering with KZ:Mercenary. could they possibly take over the Killzone Franchise?

Studio: Sony Bend
History: Syphon Filter, Uncharted Golden Abyss
Playstation 4 Projects:
Rumour: According to Shinobi602 Sony Bend is working on Open World Horror Game
According to Sony Bend Dev Reese, their project will blow people away
Studio: Sony San Diego
History: Modnation Racers, NBA, High Velocity, MLB
Ps4 History: MLB: The Show 2014
Playstation 4 Projects:
Confirmed: MLB The Show: 15 - Release 2015
Kill Strain - Release 2015
Studio: Media Molecule
History: Little Big Planet, Tearaway
Playstation 4 Projects
Confirmed: Tearaway Unfolded - Release 2015
Rumour: Since Little Big Planet 2 (2010) Medie Molecule is working on a new IP for the Ps4.
in February 2013 they showed a techdemo

Studio: Evolution Studios
History: Motorstorm, WRC
Ps4 History: Driveclub (2014)
Playstation 4 Projects
Rumour: ?
Studio: Sony Japan
History: ICO, Shadow of the Collosus, Ape Escape, Rain, Patapon, Gravity Rush, Loco Roco
Ps4 History: Knack
Playstation 4 Projects:
Confirmed: The Last Guardian (Release: Keep Dreaming)
-Sony Japan is the biggest Studio of the WWS, so therefore they are working on several projects.
- In 2013 Allan Becker (former head of santa monica) became the new head of Sony japan, who wants to turn this studio into a big succesfull one
- Here is an interestinv Interview about his aims and the chaos that took place at sony japan
- According to Verendus Sony Japan is working on a big budget Japano RPG that could compete with Final Fantasy. Verendus said, its a very risky project and Sony Japans last attemtpt, to try something like this.
- Could Gravity Rush 2 come to Ps4 instead of the Vita? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=144383656&postcount=1
Studio: Sony London
History: This is football, Singstar, Getaway, Eye Toy, PS Home,
Ps4 History: Singstar
Playstation 4 Projects:
Rumour: According to an Advert, Sony London was hiring an vehicle & Environment Artist for their Ps4 Project
Could it be the Return of Getaway?

Studio: Pixelopus
History: newly formed Studio from SCE
Ps4 History: Entwined (2014)
Playstation 4 Projects
Studio: XDev Studios
History: helping out other Studios to bring Games on Playstation platforms (Publish, Marketing, Development)
Ps4 History: Resogun
Future Games: Rime, Until Dawn, Tearaway Unfolded, Shadow of the Beast,
Studio: North West Studio
History: New Studio formed by Sony to develop Morpheus Games
Playstation 4 Projects:
Confirmed: Morpheus Game(s)
Second Party Studios/Sony Collaboration

Studio: Ready at Dawn | Game: The Order 1886 | Release: 2015
Studio: Quantic Dream | Game: ??? | Release:
Studio: Supermassive Games | Game: Until Dawn | Release: 2015
Studio: Fun Bits Interactive | Game: Fat Princess Adventure | Release: 2015
Studio: Clap Hanz | Game: Everybodys Gold/Hot Shots Golf | Release: 2015
Studio: The Chinese Room | Game: Everybodys gone to the Rapture | Release:
Studio: Wild Sheep Studios | Game: WILD | Release:
Studio: Tequila Works | Game: Rime | Release: 2015
Studio: Funomena | Game: Wattam | Release:
Studio: Housemarque | Game: Alienation, Superstardust Ultra| Release: 2015
Studio: The Bartlet Jones Supernatural D.A | Game: Drawn to Death| Release: 2015
Studio: Q-Games | Game: The Tomorrow Children | Release: 2015
Studio: Arrowhead Studios| Game: Helldivers| Release: 2015
Studio: Giant Sparrow| Game: What Remains of Edith Finch| Release:
Studio: Fromsoftware | Game: Bloodborne | Release: 2015
Studio: Capcom | Game: Deep Down | Release: