Weeb Underling
Trying to attach numbers to this makes it non-functional. Because:Lot of posters seem confused about what Indie, AA, and AAA games are. It's not an exact formula but something like this:
Indie = Independent developer(s), smaller budget from anywhere of $50-000-$5 million. Usually need help to publish, little to no advertising unless again they get help/exposure.
AA games are usually green lit or backed by publishers with a ton of money to expand their library of offerings, $5-40 million budget, need to sell like 1-2 million to break even. Get moderate advertising.
AAA are supposed to be blockbuster movies in videogame form north of $100 million budget, take 3+ years just to get made nowadays. High risk/High Reward for publisher. Massive advertising campaigns. Need to sell 4-5 million+, micro transactions, season passes, loot boxes, everything!
This isn't an exact science but that's the general gist of it.
1) not every AAA is in the same budget bracket,
2) because these numbers have changed and will change over time and
3) because even 2 games developed over the same period of time at the same "pedigree" in 2 different countries will have very different budgets. Remedy puts out AAA games like Alan Wake 2 at less than your 100 million - 78M USD to be exact. Control's budget was less than 34M, and Control 2's budget will be barely over 52M.
So I define AAA is near to the height of what the game industry is able and willing to produce in terms of production values and expertise to a game's given genre at the time. Mario Odyssey, Astro Bot and Psychonauts 2 (probably) are absolutely AAA titles, while Yooka Laylee and Penny's Big Breakaway are not. Returnal and (probably) Hades are AAA roguelikes - Vampire Survivors is not.
Indie games or quasi-indies that get published by the big guys are anything beneath that.
So I even disagree with Yoshida that the AA market has ever existed. It's just that Japan Studio was making unappealing games from the moment the PS3 launched.
Space Marine 2 isn't AA. It was just developed in St. Petersburg, Russia.AA space marines 2 did great.