Voyager was a great idea ruined by an incompetent production team. The characters were never consistent either, and most of them were ignored. The writers only focused on three characters leaving much of the cast as supporting cast members. The ship could magically replicate an endless supply of shuttlecraft.
Janeway was a terrible character. The entire series is based upon Janeway making a decision that proves she has no business commanding a ship. There is almost zero continuity in episodes, and no real danger to Voyager.
Poor Chakotay only had a half dozen focus episodes during the entire series run.
Kim was a joke, and I love SFDebris pointing out how he'll have to call the kid who brought him his drink in the pilot "Sir" when he gets back home. Tuvok was just another Vulcan, noting special or interesting about him.
Torres and Paris had a bad love story tacked on at the end that made little sense.
And Neelix was the Jar Jar of Star Trek.
Tom Paris. By the first episode, he was supposed to be rogue like Han Solo, but become nothing in special.
He wasn't supposed to be Han Solo, he was supposed to be a TNG character played by the same actor. They changed the name and only so slightly tweaked the backstory so as to screw the writers of that TNG episode out of royalties.
Why does every Star Trek series need a Spock ripoff?
To be fair, TNG and DS9 only had a "Spock" character in that they had alien character who got to look in upon humanity. And I think in both cases that was really the only trait they shared. Data wasn't much like Spock, though I would say he was closer to Spok that DS9's Odo.