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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So beta 2 of Ubuntu 12.10 is out to use. I'm currently using it obviously since I jumped in with beta 1 and then it turns into a rolling release till launch.

I can't believe it's almost October though. That means I'll have to get ready again to make the next 12.10 topic for GAF. If you want certain info included, have suggestions, or can think of a snappy thread title post away!!


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
The OP should just include steps for installing Gnome 3.6. :D

Ubuntu 12.10 |OT| QQ more, Linux haters~
So I was messing around with my grub.cfg file to clean it up and...


Windows 8
Linux Mint



I have Ubuntu's GRUB running. If I give the contents of that to someone, and the unmodified one from another OS, could someone help me figure out what I did? I just tried to edit out the "extra" entries from each OS, and it worked for a majority, but Ubuntu and JoliOS just say "no such media, you need to load the kernel first" or something.

Anybody willing to help, and is there any way to edit the grub.cfg from a different OS?


So I was messing around with my grub.cfg file to clean it up and...


Windows 8
Linux Mint



I have Ubuntu's GRUB running. If I give the contents of that to someone, and the unmodified one from another OS, could someone help me figure out what I did? I just tried to edit out the "extra" entries from each OS, and it worked for a majority, but Ubuntu and JoliOS just say "no such media, you need to load the kernel first" or something.

Anybody willing to help, and is there any way to edit the grub.cfg from a different OS?
Did you make a backup? :p

Editing from another distro is as easy as mounting the partition on which the /boot/ folder lies with write permissions. Or wait, is this GRUB2? I'm not confident about that system yet, maybe you'll have to chroot into the system and run update-grub or something then as well.
Did you make a backup? :p

Editing from another distro is as easy as mounting the partition on which the /boot/ folder lies with write permissions. Or wait, is this GRUB2? I'm not confident about that system yet, maybe you'll have to chroot into the system and run update-grub or something then as well.

I may just re-install ubuntu and try again. I'm not sure what most of this is yet. Haha.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
They won't update it for 12.04, that's just not how it usually works. You might be able to get it through a PPA though if you don't want to upgrade to 12.10.

Ah no, I will be upgrading, though I hear Linux isn't good with that.


So I was messing around with my grub.cfg file to clean it up and...


Windows 8
Linux Mint



I have Ubuntu's GRUB running. If I give the contents of that to someone, and the unmodified one from another OS, could someone help me figure out what I did? I just tried to edit out the "extra" entries from each OS, and it worked for a majority, but Ubuntu and JoliOS just say "no such media, you need to load the kernel first" or something.

Anybody willing to help, and is there any way to edit the grub.cfg from a different OS?

So you didn't do:
cp grub.cfg grub.cfg.bak
...first huh? I'm sure you can find a default grub cfg on Github.


I may just re-install ubuntu and try again. I'm not sure what most of this is yet. Haha.
Messing around with the bootloader is always risky business. I'd try to do a simple system rescue before reinstalling, if I understand things correctly, Ubuntu has a special GRUB2 tool (update-grub) that will search through your hard drives for other OS's or distributions - hopefully it will reset any changes that you have made on your own. How to run it if you can't boot into Ubuntu? Do it from another distro by changing your root to the mounted Ubuntu partition.

1) From a working Linux installation (your Mint install perhaps?), mount your Ubuntu partition in some folder and change your root to it (chroot). https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Chroot
2) Once that is done, run update-grub. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2


Unconfirmed Member
So beta 2 of Ubuntu 12.10 is out to use. I'm currently using it obviously since I jumped in with beta 1 and then it turns into a rolling release till launch.

I can't believe it's almost October though. That means I'll have to get ready again to make the next 12.10 topic for GAF. If you want certain info included, have suggestions, or can think of a snappy thread title post away!!

Can't wait to upgrade from 12.04.

I always get scared doing a fresh install/upgrading to the new versions. For some reason I always get really anxious with installing on the proper partition/creating a partition.

I hope it all goes smoothly this time though!


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Can't wait to upgrade from 12.04.

I always get scared doing a fresh install/upgrading to the new versions. For some reason I always get really anxious with installing on the proper partition/creating a partition.

I hope it all goes smoothly this time though!

You sound like me. Then again I have general anxiety disorder so it's par for the course in my life. I still get really nervous each time that I'm going to mess something up terribad though! LOL


So, what shell does everyone use?

I've been using zsh (interactively) for about a year or so now, and I really like it. My scripts are still in bash, though.

I really like it's completion, which I feel is better than others.

Anyone else use zsh or some other alternative shell?

this is my rc file

autoload -U compinit

# correction
setopt correctall

# prompt
autoload -U promptinit
prompt zefram
# The following lines were added by compinstall

zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete  _approximate
zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 3 numeric
zstyle ':completion:*' prompt '>'
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%BSorry, no matches for %d%b'
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/zoku88/.zshrc'

autoload -Uz compinit
# End of lines added by compinstall
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line # End
bindkey "\e[5~" beginning-of-history # PageUp
bindkey "\e[6~" end-of-history # PageDown
bindkey "\e[2~" quoted-insert # Ins
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char # Del
bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line # End
# for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/Debian xterm
bindkey "\eOH" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\eOF" end-of-line
# # for freebsd console
bindkey "\e[H" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\e[F" end-of-line
#added bindings for crtl A and ctrl E
bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^E" end-of-line

# Aliases

alias ls='ls --color=auto'

export PATH=/sbin:$PATH


So, what shell does everyone use?

I've been using zsh (interactively) for about a year or so now, and I really like it. My scripts are still in bash, though.

I really like it's completion, which I feel is better than others.

Anyone else use zsh or some other alternative shell?
I've always used bash and when it's missing somewhere (FreeBSD) or not the default shell (some Unix servers at Uni) I switch and/or set it as default. I've honestly never thought about switching to another shell completely. Also because OS X uses bash by default as well and I don't think it will be easy to change it there, so it's best for me to keep using bash.

I'm curious though, why do you prefer zsh? What's different about its completion?


I've always used bash and when it's missing somewhere (FreeBSD) or not the default shell (some Unix servers at Uni) I switch and/or set it as default. I've honestly never thought about switching to another shell completely. Also because OS X uses bash by default as well and I don't think it will be easy to change it there, so it's best for me to keep using bash.

I'm curious though, why do you prefer zsh? What's different about its completion?

I haven't really used bash for quite a while, so it's hard for me to say (not counting live CDs, it's been a year.)

Out of memory, I don't think bash does command argument completion though, right?

like, if you type 'ls -' and push tab, nothing happens?

Someone actually made a completion video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2WXc3qAg8A

EDIT: One of my friends has it set up to complete hosts as well. Though, from what I've read, that isn't actually a safe thing to do.


I haven't really used bash for quite a while, so it's hard for me to say (not counting live CDs, it's been a year.)

Out of memory, I don't think bash does command argument completion though, right?

like, if you type 'ls -' and push tab, nothing happens?

Someone actually made a completion video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2WXc3qAg8A

EDIT: One of my friends has it set up to complete hosts as well. Though, from what I've read, that isn't actually a safe thing to do.
I must say, I'm kind of impressed by zsh now. I think I'll actually look into it and maybe try using it for a while. That cycling through completion options looked really nice.


I haven't really used bash for quite a while, so it's hard for me to say (not counting live CDs, it's been a year.)

Out of memory, I don't think bash does command argument completion though, right?

like, if you type 'ls -' and push tab, nothing happens?

Someone actually made a completion video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2WXc3qAg8A

EDIT: One of my friends has it set up to complete hosts as well. Though, from what I've read, that isn't actually a safe thing to do.

Bash does auto completion like that if you install the bash-completion package.


Unconfirmed Member
You sound like me. Then again I have general anxiety disorder so it's par for the course in my life. I still get really nervous each time that I'm going to mess something up terribad though! LOL

lol I also have anxiety issues! So it fits me as well :p.


So, what shell does everyone use?

I've been using zsh (interactively) for about a year or so now, and I really like it. My scripts are still in bash, though.

I really like it's completion, which I feel is better than others.

Anyone else use zsh or some other alternative shell?

this is my rc file

autoload -U compinit

# correction
setopt correctall

# prompt
autoload -U promptinit
prompt zefram
# The following lines were added by compinstall

zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete  _approximate
zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 3 numeric
zstyle ':completion:*' prompt '>'
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%BSorry, no matches for %d%b'
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/zoku88/.zshrc'

autoload -Uz compinit
# End of lines added by compinstall
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line # End
bindkey "\e[5~" beginning-of-history # PageUp
bindkey "\e[6~" end-of-history # PageDown
bindkey "\e[2~" quoted-insert # Ins
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char # Del
bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line # End
# for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/Debian xterm
bindkey "\eOH" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\eOF" end-of-line
# # for freebsd console
bindkey "\e[H" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\e[F" end-of-line
#added bindings for crtl A and ctrl E
bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^E" end-of-line

# Aliases

alias ls='ls --color=auto'

export PATH=/sbin:$PATH

I use zsh at work. Of course this are old zsh so no completition for me :( Also I have to use esc + k for the shell history.

They only thing different that I found is that in shell scripts any value of 08 is taken as hex x08 so most of my scripts don't work as is.

I think is even intended as it was introduced by a pathc by HP. Seriously HP, fuck you.


Bash does auto completion like that if you install the bash-completion package.
Huh, didn't know. There was something I felt was really different. Perhaps it was spelling correction (like, what happens when you try to do tab complete, but had some typos.)

Or maybe it was just in my head...

This could also be in my head, but I've sometimes noticed that when I make a mistake, and try to autocomplete a directory that isn't on the same level, like for example, if I try to push tab on $HOME/moz instead of $HOME/Documents/moz, it will actually show Documents as the first recommendation to complete (after which, I can type moz and auto complete on that to get to mozilla-central.)

That could be a coincidence, though.
I use zsh at work. Of course this are old zsh so no completition for me :( Also I have to use esc + k for the shell history.

They only thing different that I found is that in shell scripts any value of 08 is taken as hex x08 so most of my scripts don't work as is.

I think is even intended as it was introduced by a pathc by HP. Seriously HP, fuck you.

Lol, that is quite odd. XD

Do you actually make shell scripts in zsh, though? I actually only use zsh interactively. I pretty much still use bash for scripting.


Huh, didn't know. There was something I felt was really different. Perhaps it was spelling correction (like, what happens when you try to do tab complete, but had some typos.)

Or maybe it was just in my head...

Lol, that is quite odd. XD

Do you actually make shell scripts in zsh, though? I actually only use zsh interactively. I pretty much still use bash for scripting.

Yeah, basically the same as bash, only different thing is I believe you cannot do math directly but have to rely on external programs.

We also do scripts on sh, the original one xD


Yeah, basically the same as bash, only different thing is I believe you cannot do math directly but have to rely on external programs.

We also do scripts on sh, the original one xD

If you're replying to my first statement, then wow, it's really been too long since I've used bash interactively, lol. XD

Actually, I have a really hard time at work, because we use tcsh.

It really messes me up. I wonder how many times I've come home from work and typed in 'setenv ...' >_<
So I re-installed Ubuntu and went and edited the grub.cfg file again (just removing the entries that were rescues, apart from Ubuntu's, and renaming them) and it worked. Not sure what I messed up last time, because I did the same thing this time. Might have just removed a } or something on accident last time.

So at startup, I now have:

Ubuntu (recovery)
Windows 8
Pear OS
Joli OS
Ultimate OS

Thanks for the help, guys. Was a pretty fun learning experience. All of them run nicely, and I still have some space to spare for my windows partition to expand a bit.

Wish Chromium OS wasn't such a pain in the ass to install to something other than a flash drive.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Not really a shell but I always use...


To go along with the stock bash that Ubuntu has installed....

ChromeOS has that weird crosh shell that is sort of functional. I never use that on my CR-48 though.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
That looks like a tiling Window manager just for a terminal

It is... I said it wasn't a shell. I never really have need to do anything crazy on my desktop at home though which is why I just roll with the preinstalled bash. Best I could contribute :p


It is... I said it wasn't a shell. I never really have need to do anything crazy on my desktop at home though which is why I just roll with the preinstalled bash. Best I could contribute :p
Oh no, I didn't mean to sound ... judgmental (right word?)

I was just describing what I thought I was seeing (I was viewing the screenshots on my phone).

Looks interesting for those use traditional desktops who want to easily mutitask lots of terminal jobs.


Unconfirmed Member
Evolution of Ubuntu (2004-2012)

My friend just linked me this video on Facebook. It's pretty interesting. Everything prior to 11.04 looks really weird to me, since I only started using Ubuntu with that release.

Still - can't believe what it was with 4.10 and what it has become now. I can't imagine not having the dash and HUD considering how much I use both now. I know a lot of people hate Unity but I've come to love it with more use.


Evolution of Ubuntu (2004-2012)

My friend just linked me this video on Facebook. It's pretty interesting. Everything prior to 11.04 looks really weird to me, since I only started using Ubuntu with that release.

Still - can't believe what it was with 4.10 and what it has become now. I can't imagine not having the dash and HUD considering how much I use both now. I know a lot of people hate Unity but I've come to love it with more use.

That remembers me, I tried to do a sequential upgrade from 4.10 to the latest one and record it to see if it worked.

Gotta get to it.

I still have the 4.10 cds and the 5.04 ones, even the PPC version!
Guys please excuse me for my ignorance, but I see a lot of comments on bash and scripting. Can you in rough explain to me what is it meant by scripting? What is it that you do? I never used terminal for more than just copy and rm and pasting in already written code from Ubuntu forums :)

But this sounds as I've been doing it wrong


Guys please excuse me for my ignorance, but I see a lot of comments on bash and scripting. Can you in rough explain to me what is it meant by scripting? What is it that you do? I never used terminal for more than just copy and rm and pasting in already written code from Ubuntu forums :)

But this sounds as I've been doing it wrong
A script can execute a bunch of commands at the same time. I'm bad at it, but have made some simple ones to for example rename all files of a certain type in a directory to something else.

Regarding that, I'm a bash user but have thought about trying out zsh some times. It just seems a bit silly since I don't do that many advanced things in the shells, starting to do more and more though.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm not a script-fu expert, but a bash script is basically just a file with several bash commands. Makes it easier than typing them all in manually every time.


Just installed Ubuntu, having another go with linux. Wasn't that sure of how to do the partition but I went with this setup

/ 30GB
swap 4Gb
/home 220GB

I wasn't that sure of the other mount points, but at least with this setup, upgrading should be easier I think?

Anyway, any Twitter clients you guys recommend? I have been trying the one that comes default with Ubunutu, Gwibber, but I really don't like it.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Just installed Ubuntu, having another go with linux. Wasn't that sure of how to do the partition but I went with this setup

/ 30GB
swap 4Gb
/home 220GB

I wasn't that sure of the other mount points, but at least with this setup, upgrading should be easier I think?

Anyway, any Twitter clients you guys recommend? I have been trying the one that comes default with Ubunutu, Gwibber, but I really don't like it.

TweetDeck for Chrome.


Just installed Ubuntu, having another go with linux. Wasn't that sure of how to do the partition but I went with this setup

/ 30GB
swap 4Gb
/home 220GB

I wasn't that sure of the other mount points, but at least with this setup, upgrading should be easier I think?

Anyway, any Twitter clients you guys recommend? I have been trying the one that comes default with Ubunutu, Gwibber, but I really don't like it.

Try hotot. That's what I use, anyway.

Btw, love your avatar. From one of my favorite manga.

EDIT: I also used to use one called Turpial.

EDIT2: If you need an example of a script, there's this handy one: http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/contributed/elio_pizzottelli

and a description:



Unconfirmed Member
Just installed Ubuntu, having another go with linux. Wasn't that sure of how to do the partition but I went with this setup

/ 30GB
swap 4Gb
/home 220GB

I wasn't that sure of the other mount points, but at least with this setup, upgrading should be easier I think?

Anyway, any Twitter clients you guys recommend? I have been trying the one that comes default with Ubunutu, Gwibber, but I really don't like it.

I made my own version of a web app in gedit and saved it as a .desktop. I just created a .hidden folder under my home directory for the files.
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/chromium-browser --app=http://www.EXAMPLE.com/

That's the code I used.

However, if you just want an app -- TweetDeck and HootSuite are both good for chromium. Hotot is also pretty good.


Guys please excuse me for my ignorance, but I see a lot of comments on bash and scripting. Can you in rough explain to me what is it meant by scripting? What is it that you do? I never used terminal for more than just copy and rm and pasting in already written code from Ubuntu forums :)

But this sounds as I've been doing it wrong

As mentioned, bash scripts are just bash commands with some added stuff for flow control and looping and such to make it more of an actual scripting language.

Here's a bash script I've written which runs when I log in to bash (i.e. I add it to ~/.bashrc) that prints out a cowsay or ponysay with random cows/ponies using fortune as the text. I'll try to explain what it does to give you an idea what you can do with bash scripting:

if [ -f /usr/bin/fortune ] && [ -f /usr/bin/cowsay ] && [ -f /usr/bin/ponysay ]; then
  out=$(shuf -n 1 -e cowsay cowthink ponysay ponythink)

  case ${out} in
    cowsay | cowthink )
      fortune -a | fmt -76 -s | ${out} -$(shuf -n 1 -e b d g p s t w y) -f $(shuf -n 1 -e $( ${out} -l | tail -n +2) ) -n
    ponysay | ponythink )
      fortune -a | fmt -76 -s | ${out} -b $(shuf -n 1 -e $( ${out} -B ) )



It's pretty simple really, but it needs some explanation. It first checks if /usr/bin/fortune, /usr/bin/cowsay and /usr/bin/ponysay exists. If they all do, it continues with the indentated code between the "if" and "fi" statements. It saves either "cowsay", "cowthink", "ponysay or "ponythink" into the variable "out" using "shuf" to select one of the four randomly. Then it checks what the variable contains with the "case ${out} in" statement, and if it's cowsay or cowthink it runs this command, where "${out}" is either cowsay or cowthink:
fortune -a | fmt -76 -s | ${out} -$(shuf -n 1 -e b d g p s t w y) -f $(shuf -n 1 -e $( ${out} -l | tail -n +2) ) -n

If "${out}" instead contains "ponysay" or "ponythink", it runs this command:
fortune -a | fmt -76 -s | ${out} -b $(shuf -n 1 -e $( ${out} -B ) )

These two commands are actually several commands "piped" together using the "|" character. What that does is that it takes the output of one command and feeds it into the input of the next command. So first it runs "fortune -a", which prints out a random quote that is then fed into "fmt -76 -s" to format it to 76 columns. Then it is fed to cowsay/cowthink/ponysay/ponythink which prints it out. This last command has a bunch of "shuf" commands choose randomly between several options to get a random pony/cow every time you run it. This one in particular is interesting:

cowsay -f $(shuf -n 1 -e $( cowsay -l | tail -n +2) )
"cowsay -f" lets you type in which cow style you want to use. And cowsay -l prints out all the available cow styles. So what I've done here is giving cowsay -f the output of cowsay -l using shuf to select only one of the options randomly (the "tail" command tells it to begin from the second row of the output). That's what happens if you use the $() characters, it runs the command inside the parenthesis and returns the output of the command, rather then the command itself.

Sorry if this is a little confusing. I'm not good at explaining things when I'm tired. :p
This is just one example of what can be done with bash scripting. If you want to learn more about shell scripting I recommend this tutorial:


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Waiting for stable~

Although I dunno if I want to upgrade normal Ubuntu and Gnome Shell or just switch to a fresh install of the Gnome Remix.
Hi guys,

I just installed latest Ubuntu daily and everything is working ok except that now when I browse Gaf the font is quite small on my 1080 screen. If I increase fonts with Ctrl+mouse wheel up they get increased just for that page. If I increase them across the board than they look wrong on some pages...

Any ideas on what I can do to make it better?


Waiting for stable~

Although I dunno if I want to upgrade normal Ubuntu and Gnome Shell or just switch to a fresh install of the Gnome Remix.​



Hi guys,

I just installed latest Ubuntu daily and everything is working ok except that now when I browse Gaf the font is quite small on my 1080 screen. If I increase fonts with Ctrl+mouse wheel up they get increased just for that page. If I increase them across the board than they look wrong on some pages...

Any ideas on what I can do to make it better?

Which browser?

This is what I use on Windows. I don't think there's any reason it wouldn't work on Ubuntu.


Thanks people for the twitter recommendations. I tried Hotot, but unless I was using it wrong it had no way to track conversations or have columns for different lists so it was too limiting. TweetDeck seemed to have those features so I will probably stick with it although I do wish if it had an ability to translate tweets.

Btw, love your avatar. From one of my favorite manga.

Punpun is pretty awesome. Too bad that it's ending probably by next year.


Thanks people for the twitter recommendations. I tried Hotot, but unless I was using it wrong it had no way to track conversations or have columns for different lists so it was too limiting. TweetDeck seemed to have those features so I will probably stick with it although I do wish if it had an ability to translate tweets.
About Hotot, it actually does have those abilities.

For the list thing, you push the + button on the interface and then you get an option to add a column for many things (one including lists).

For the conversation thing, do you mean a column for just conversations? Or do you mean, can you click on a tweet and see previous tweets in that same conversation. Because it does the latter, but not the former.

This is for version, though. Not sure what version was in your repos. Could be outdated.
Punpun is pretty awesome. Too bad that it's ending probably by next year.
Oh.. :(
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